Last updated 3 years ago
Retail bottle water has a very low or non existent mineral content, not hydrating the body of kids and workers in Africa, leading to fatigue
The solution is 'SAY YES' spring water with a high mineral content that hydrates & replenishes a child & workers
This is the total amount allocated to Spring water solutions for Africa.
The solution is 'SAY YES' spring water with a high mineral content that hydrates & replenishes a child & workers
Drinking water with high nutrients keeps me hydrated and focused on the tasks at hand. I use my cognitive ability to generate and income and see what happens to me and my kids when we are not giving the body the correct minerals. it leads to fatigue and lower overall energy.
Adequate and clean water solutions that enables optimal functioning in the body
Every district has a councillor and community representative. These individuals will drive the need at schools, hospitals, catering facilities, hospitals and also elderly homes as well as mines and engineering hubs
The risk is that people opt for the cheapest possible sources of water (Osmosis, low mineral content, bulk buying from multinationals) and don't consider the impact of not buying PET recycled plastics, or drinking pure spring water that feeds their bodies and is good for them and the environment. To mitigate this we may have to be more niche and select airports and lounges as clients where the market is more aware and prepared to pay for quality.
There are already established clients in this business, but scaling and awareness is needed as well as more meetings with buyers at big corporates or pharmacies. The product is very popular once it is on the shelf as most people purchase it because they are thirsty and the bottle is quite abstract but well designed
To move the product is very expensive and due to high petrol prices, the idea is to purchase an electric panel van or truck to move the product around, thus not being reliant on dirty fuel, that will also enhance the brand as it is sustainable and green
Digital architect Anushka
COO of SayYes Jacques Otto: Runs the day to day operations as well as owner of the plot where the springs are at
Marna Otto - my sister - Wife of Jacques -her idea and bottle concept
Myself - Sales and marketing of SAY Yes
Owen - Warehouse and logisitics manager
This will need to be established as the best way is to measure the volumes being moved on a weekly basis and look at monthly numbers either scaling up or remaining the same
When local communities order and we see the product at sports days, refrigerators etc
Brand new concept and packaging - But the content is as old as humanity
Drinking water with high nutrients keeps me hydrated and focused on the tasks at hand. I use my cognitive ability to generate and income and see what happens to me and my kids when we are not giving the body the correct minerals. it leads to fatigue and lower overall energy.