Last updated a year ago
Creators and merchants alike face a high tech barrier to adding utility to native tokens, and much code is reinvented by each project.
Create a state machine and API service that integrates B2B ecommerce solutions into NFT project websites without coding skills.
This is the total amount allocated to A Scalable Service For NFT Utility.
Create a state machine and API service that integrates B2B ecommerce solutions into NFT project websites without coding skills.
I am a Plutus Pioneer student with about 12 years of experience in e-commerce and web analytics. I am self-taught in Javascript and Python.
Naptcha as a scalable B2B service will drive adoption to Cardano from the online business community at-large, who need secure and trackable ways to provide additional value and convenience over competitors. The primary use-cases / abilities planned for Naptcha are:
- Token gating: The simplest and most impactful for most businesses, the ability to block access to specific pages and content dependent on token ownership.
- Logins: no username/password, so no need to employ annoying captchas. Brute forcing, password storage attacks and other classic attack vectors are no longer an issue. A login token can represent an arbitrary "privilege" level, or anonymous account with historical data, but it is not intended to be a new version of KYC or comparable to Atala Prism for individual identity.
- Returned datasets: use a token to store denser game initialization data that could not fit on metadata.
- eCommerce: tokens can cause other reactions to a CMS, such as applying a discount code to a session cookie.
Naptcha works as a scalable B2B solution that can attract non-crypto business users directly to Cardano. ECommerce users are always looking for an edge, and this is a faster, easier and more secure way for users to log in. The short list of Naptcha v1's reactive abilities and conditions, especially when combined in creative ways, can cover the functionality needs of the majority of CNFT-based projects.
I will want to consult with a Shopify Apps developer and a WooCommerce Extension Marketplace developer, to guarantee that I am able to deliver a secure and useful add-on that plays well with the architecture of those content management systems. Thankfully, Naptcha v1 is useful as a scalable business without use of an on-chain validator (smart contract). The second challenge is deciding on a tech stack for the side chain (state machine) for speed and security. At this time I would like to use Amazon AWS Amplify and HiveMQ, but I have added costs into this proposal to contract an Amazon AWS Cloud Architect licensed professional for assistance with the launch.
---- First Month
Discord / Wallet Linker Bot
Automatically assign roles based on token ownership
Hardcoded service, no interface
---- First 3 Months
-- MongoDB databases
-- Token Gating Prototype
The Naptcha UI will move from Discord-first logins to token-first logins.
Paying for access means re-loading your account to keep the token active (not re-minting new tokens).
-- On-Page Script v1:
Block rendering for page content as exclusive to token holders
Option for URL redirection.
---- In Six Months
--Enterprise architecture
Scalable, redundant state machine system from prior MongoDB
-- Full-Service UI
- Triggers
AssetID or PolicyID of a token validated with on-page script
- Reactions
Return “OK” (render blocker)
Return data (URL redirects)
Return data (account login for Shopify/WP/custom CMS)
-- Code generation
Each gate key comes with an associated script, the universal script with a unique identifier.
The unique identifier is not related to security; it is to differentiate between potentially multiple token gates used on multiple pages on a site.
Users are charged for gate keys on a projected cost basis from a rolling payment account.
-- WooCommerce Extensions Marketplace App
-- Shopify Plugin
Line item cost estimates from a high level.
Development Staff
Lead Developer (6 mo.) $24,000
Shopify Apps Developer Partner $8,000
Server Architecture - $3,000
Other Hard Costs
AWS Cloud Architect Consultant $5,000
Total requested: $40,000 USD for the first deliverable product within six months of funding.
Myself (Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS, marketing, analytics, data automation)
Shopify Apps Developer: A highly specialized partner that has published an app to the Shopify plugin store in the past.
AWS Cloud Architect Consultant: An agency or individual to ensure that the hosting, CDN and other cloud architecture aspects are secure and scalable.
---- Project Management: Asana
Milestones and top-level tasks (deliverables) will be publicly visible.
Milestones are transposed to Asana according to the deadlines in this proposal, and completed tasks contain attached proofs of work. The public can be notified of overdue project milestones.
---- Discord Community
Code update show-and-tells on Voice channel
Modded discussions on prototype feedback
The primary metric for success will be
- All milestone deliverables completed on time as described
- Number of paid users
- Average subscription length
- Average gate key executions per month per account (business user activity)
This proposal has not been funded by prior Catalyst rounds.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
I am a Plutus Pioneer student with about 12 years of experience in e-commerce and web analytics. I am self-taught in Javascript and Python.