Last updated a year ago
There is no discussion of the rules required for dRep. Japanese mass ADA holders cannot understand English-speaking dRep's talk
I propose a draft of the rules required for dRep and introduce all dRep in Japanese.
This is the total amount allocated to dRep's Code of Ethics+Bridges Asia.
I propose a draft of the rules required for dRep and introduce all dRep in Japanese.
Catalyst proponent from FUND2, SPO, ambassador, community chat moderator
The dRep could not be more important to Cardano given the following
(1) The participation rate of Catalyst voting is less than 20%.
(2) Statistics show that 30% of Catalyst voters randomly vote without reading the proposals.
(3) It is difficult for Catalyst users who are not necessarily skilled in technology and English to judge nearly 1,000 proposals.
(4) Potential relevance to Decentralized Consortium Funding and roadmap approval voting through 2025.
For dReps to function better, it is important that (1) rules are defined that allow dReps to act appropriately and (2) large ADA holders understand the individuality of each dRep.
Therefore, we will do the following.
(1) Draft dRep Code of Ethics on a community basis
(2) Introduce all dRep (1st term) in Japanese
④Decentralized Consortium Fundingや2025年までのロードマップ承認投票にも関連する可能性があること
dRepがより機能するためには、①dRepが適切に行動できるルールを定義し、②大型ADA保有者がdRep の各々の個性を理解していることが重要です。
We believe the following KPIs are directly addressed
General onboarding:
Innovation process:
Based on the above, we will set the following KPIs
At least 50 feedbacks on dRep rule setting (50 people are actively involved)
The number of people who randomly delegate/vote without thinking is less than 10% (to be ascertained by survey).
It is difficult to measure the number of dRep increase, but we will raise the discussion so that the number of dRep will be at least 30.
General onboarding:
Innovation process:
・dRep 増加数の計測は難しいが、dRep数が少なくとも30人以上になるように、議論を提起していく
There is a risk of delay in the start of dRep.
(1) Draft dRep ethics rules on a community basis
⇨This work will be done even if the start of the project is delayed.
②Introduce all dRep (1st term students) in Japanese
⇨Wait up to 3 months after funding, if not started after 3 months, recruit d Rep candidates and proceed with a survey on what they would like to do after becoming a d Rep.
⇨資金提供後3ヶ月まで待ち、3ヶ月経っても開始されない場合はd Rep候補を募集し、d Repになった後にどうしたいかなどのアンケートをとって進める。
1) Draft dRep ethics rules on a community basis.
Step1:Within 2 months, I will make a draft.
Step2:Then, within 1 month, I will disseminate and collect feedback through various chats until I get more than 30 people's feedback.
Step 3: Then, within a month, I will create and publish an improved version.
Step 4: Then, within one month, disseminate and collect feedback in various chats until you have obtained feedback from at least 15 people.
Step 5: Then, within one month, create and publish an improved version.
Step 6: Then, within one month, disseminate and collect feedback in various chats until you get at least 5 people's feedback.
Step7:Then, within one month, create and publish the improved version.
(2) All dRep members (1st term) in Japanese
Case 1: When the first batch of dRep students is assembled within 3 months of funding, make Japanese introductions for all of them. Contact each dRep and ask questions. Publish an introductory article.
Case 2: If the first term of dRep students have not been gathered within 3 months after the funding, we will recruit dRep candidates and proceed with a questionnaire about what they would like to do after becoming dRep, etc. If more than 10 candidates are gathered, we will publish an introductory article.
Case1:資金提供後3ヶ月以内にdRep 1期生が集まった場合、全員の日本語紹介文を作る。各々のdRep と連絡をとり、質問をする。紹介記事を公開する。
Case2:資金提供後3ヶ月以内にdRep 1期生が集まっていない状況である場合、d Rep候補を募集し、d Repになった後にどうしたいかなどのアンケートをとって進める。10人以上これが集まったら紹介記事と公開する。
(1) Draft dRep ethics rules on a community basis
Drafting: $1,000 = 2 months x $500
3 times feedback collection and improvement: $1800 = 6 months x $300
(2) All dRep (1st term students) in Japanese: $1000 = 50 (expected) x $10
(1) dRep倫理規程のコミュニティ単位での作成
(2) 日本語による全dRep(1期生):1000ドル=50人(予定)×10ドル
YUTA:Catalyst proponent from FUND2, SPO, ambassador, community chat moderator, CPA
The CPA has a code of ethics.
I studied this for several years and practiced for several years.
the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants published by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) and the rules of ethics established by the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
国際会計士倫理基準審議会(The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants: IESBA)が公表している倫理規程(Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants)及び日本公認会計士協会の定める倫理規則
As for progress, both (1) and (2) will be shared with the community as we go along, so this progress will be easy to track. Announcements will be made through the following Twitter accounts. It will also be reported when reporting to the IOG.
Regarding outcomes, we will ask at the end of the project whether the KPIs mentioned above were achieved.
As a numerical value, success is the achievement of the above KPIs.
Large AD A holders properly understand d Reps.
The rules to be followed are also clear for dReps.
大型AD Aホルダーが適切にd Repsを理解しています。
Not relevant to previous proposals./過去の提案と関連性はありません。
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Catalyst proponent from FUND2, SPO, ambassador, community chat moderator