Last updated 2 years ago
Determining official project assets and how to integrate is a challenge. Finding the correct verified APIs, processes, and contacts is hard. is a cross-chain project contact, API, and integration directory engine that validates official assets of projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Cross-Chain Connector|Search Engine. is a cross-chain project contact, API, and integration directory engine that validates official assets of projects.
Cardano-based community network of 25+ professionals focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain and AI. 20+ funded proposals with strong partnerships within the Catalyst ecosystem. A trusted source for both African-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.
Our proposed solution is to build a massive search engine of blockchain related projects with a focus on recording project key contacts, contact information, APIs, Githubs, Integration links, and more. will make it easy to find projects being built across many chains, evaluate them, and make the necessary technical or human contacts to partner via a project's official channels.
Facilitating cross-chain collaboration starts with identifying which projects are available that are worthwhile collaboration partners; and then subsequently making it easy to connect and review official project sources presented in a clear format.
The elements of the Cross-Chain Connector and Search Engine will include, but not me limited to the following:
For the administration side of the application, we will enable chains and project owners alike to determine which information of theirs they would like committed to the blockchain as a means of providing an authoritative resource set for partners and developers alike.
Please see attached overview presentation:
Blockchain is hard. Cardano is harder. Integrating between different blockchains is hardest. Figuring out where to go, who to contact, and what resources are reliable in your integration and partnership journey is a near impossibility.
In order for adoption to grow, developers and business users alike need reliable information on which projects are out there, who is behind them, and which of their sources are authoritative from the perspective of the project owners.
Ultimately this authoritative list should be, at the option of the project owner, committed to the blockchain in the event that the project owner would like to stake an indefinite ownership to a particular virtual asset associated with a project.
This demonstration of commitment also enables prospective and partner developers a higher degree of confidence in committing resources to a particular set of API or integration procedures
Cross-chain collaboration is key to gaining and expanding market-share for Cardano and creating value for Ada holders. The reality is, Web3 application development is moving beyond the silo of blockchain specific thinking to business solution thinking.
By facilitating the ability to integrate with and seek integration for on-going projects, it allows the ecosystem of ideas to flourish with minimal duplication. If there exists a successful application that is operating on a specific chain, the developers goal will increasingly become how to integrate with that existing application or how to be the first to introduce that existing application to a new community in a new way.
In this way, the concept of cross-chain collaboration is not just at a foundational level; rather it will be driven by business and use cases that demand it. will be that mechanism that streamlines the process for:
As this is a Cardano based project that would be funded by Cardano, the visibility of Cardano related projects can be granted premium billing and, of course, the verification process will involve writing project resources to Cardano, regardless of the chain or decentralized ledger provenance of the project.
This provides Cardano with an innate strategic advantage and visibility.
From an Africa and Emerging Economy Startup perspective, the platform will provide a one stop shop for developers, providers of capital, potential clients, and enthusiasts alike to research projects and perhaps make a determination to engage. This builds value for the developer and prospective investors. through its design will enable organizations in Africa that seek partners and collaborators to expand. Through our association with Wada, we are able to give a platform for native grown African projects to be "listed" along with international projects enabling them to be made visible to the broader Web3 community.
This project aligns with the Fund8 strategic goals in the following ways:
Key Project Metrics:
To facilitate measurement, tools that record these metrics will be built into the platform as a form of cross-chain dashboard. Many of these metrics will involve self-reporting.
The technical aspect of the project is low risk. We will be using the Joget-Cardano plugin that is currently in development that was funded as a result of our successful Fund 7 proposal "Accelerating Enterprise Adoption" This is a great advantage to us and enables to build and deploy Cardano leveraging enterprise web applications quickly and easily.
Total Project Duration 6 Months
1 Months Post Funding (Planning, Outreach, Specification Design)
2 Months (Technology Implementation)
2 Months. (Populate & Promote)
1 Month. (Initiate Sustainability)
Budget: 50 000 USD
20 000 USD: Build - Design, Technical Implementation, Deployment
30 000 USD: Deploy - Populating, Outreach & Awareness, Sustainability
10 000 USD Populating
15 000 USD Promotion
5 000 USD Sustainability
>>>Has a combined 25+ years' experience in Project Management and Engagement (West Africa, Canada) Healthcare (UK, Canada) and brings a wealth of experience and passion to this project. Mercy is responsible for WADA coordination, and building partnerships.
Operational Measures of Progress:
Strategic Measures of Progress:
Success for this project looks like this:
Linked proposals:
Accelerating Enterprise Adoption of Cardano with Joget:
Our proposal will be able to expedite development because we will leverage the Joget-Cardano plugin to build a developer / Project owner admin portal that enables the validation and commitment of project resources to the Cardano blockchain.
The Joget-Cardano plugin enables us to build out and maintain this functionality quickly, easily, and economically.
WadaDex|Facilitating Capital Access :
Our Cross-Chain Connector|Search Engine project once built will serve as first contact and one of the many ways that projects are screened and fed into WadaDex to access capital investment.
Our Proposal falls within these Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG goals:
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
9.3 Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.a Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
9.a.1 Total official international support (official development assistance plus other official flows) to infrastructure
9.3.1 Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added
9.5.1 Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
9.5.2 Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Cardano-based community network of 25+ professionals focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain and AI. 20+ funded proposals with strong partnerships within the Catalyst ecosystem. A trusted source for both African-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.