Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano, Ethereum, and Solana are suffering from a talent crisis and lack of cross chain collaboration.
The Marketplace solves the problem by providing a collaborative forum for talent and projects to list their qualifications and vacancies.
This is the total amount allocated to Crypto Talent Marketplace.
The Marketplace solves the problem by providing a collaborative forum for talent and projects to list their qualifications and vacancies.
Project Founder - Alexandra Ofelia (Nighthawke)
9 years Project Management and (SaaS) Software as a Service Consulting
Project Founder - Timothy Vang (Vicc)
11 years Project Management and Events Coordination for the U.S. Department of Defense
Crypto Talent Marketplace solves the problem by providing a collaborative forum for talent to list their relevant job skills and projects to list their job vacancies in one or more blockchains.
The Marketplace will attract talent and projects from one or more blockchains, further adding to innovation for each. KPIs will be based on change in users, ie, talent and project posts.
The identified challenge is evolving the site from 2.0 to 3.0 Web and wallet integration for payment processing. The resolution to ensure on time and on budget delivery is working with reputable and able front and back end developers with proven track records in blockchain development.
>3 Months
Q2 - Fully functional Web 2.0 website launched with user login, account setup, and post management (add, delete, modify, renew) built in
Q2 - 10 Weekly Job Posts (Talent)
Q2 - 10 Weekly Job Posts (Projects)
>6 Months
Q3 - Fully functional Web 3.0 website with Nami, CC, MetaMask, and Phantom wallets integrated for payment processing
Q3 - 20 Weekly Job Posts (Talent)
Q3 - 20 Weekly Job Posts (Projects)
>12 Months
Q1 - 30 Weekly Job Posts (Talent)
Q1 - 30 Weekly Job Posts (Projects)
$12,500 - Website Development (Developer, Domain, Hosting, Product Design, Graphics)
$1,500 - Website Feasibility and Design Consultancy Fee
$6,000 - Contracted Hires for Website Content Building (Talent for Hire and Job Posts)
$3,000 - NFTs Gifted to Promotion Ambassadors (Cardano, Ethereum, Solana NFTs)
Nighthawke has extensive experience as a Project Manager and Consultant within Fortune 500 SaaS / FinTech organizations. She has completed multiple executive leadership programs in America and England. She is currently serving as a leadership consultant at a FinTech startup readying for IPO in 2023.
Nighthawke is the first and female CNFT Chief Project Advisor in the CNFT space. She serves as Project Advisor to Wood Lords, Vudu Brigada, and several other highly regarded CNFT projects on a contractual basis. She has published interviews on YouTube and Apple Podcasts.
Nighthawke is host of Selling Your NFTs twitter spaces. She founded the CNFT space’s first ever Discord Guild, encompassing several highly regarded projects in a collaborative network. And she is currently building the crypto space’s first ever multi blockchain project and talent marketplace.
Vicc serves as an Active Duty military member in the United States Air Force. He has extensive experience with project management by coordinating bilateral events with the Japanese and American Embassy during his tour in Japan. Additionally, his experience as a Community Support Coordinator has allowed him to establish relations between the Department of Defense, U.S. Ambassadors, and local Japanese cities by coordinating over 70 community events and festivals in the local Japanese community.
Vicc founded the NFT auction house - The Hidden Order. His discord regularly hosts live auctions and is home to 1,000+ community members.
Vicc is host of CNFT Taco Tuesdays twitter spaces, bringing the Cardano community together for community engagement, project exposure, and NFT auctions.
Vicc’s project - Cardano NFT Art Festival - was recently approved for Project Catalyst funding.
>3 Months
Q2 - Fully functional Web 2.0 website launched with user login, account setup, and post management (add, delete, modify, renew) built in
Q2 - 10 Weekly Job Posts (Talent)
Q2 - 10 Weekly Job Posts (Projects)
>6 Months
Q3 - Fully functional Web 3.0 website with Nami, CC, MetaMask, and Phantom wallets integrated for payment processing
Q3 - 20 Weekly Job Posts (Talent)
Q3 - 20 Weekly Job Posts (Projects)
>12 Months
Q1 - 30 Weekly Job Posts (Talent)
Q1 - 30 Weekly Job Posts (Projects)
We plan to execute three core foundation pieces to grow Crypto Talent Marketplace into the premier project and talent marketplace across Cardano, Ethereum, and Solana. In addition to achieving our aforementioned KPIs upon Q2 and Q3 of 2022, and Q1 of 2023, the following foundation pieces are how we define project success during the scope of the project's funding period.
First, we are currently building our first iterative Web 2.0 website with plans to transition it to Web 3.0 full functionality within six months from launch. Nighthawke has designed the website concept.. Vicc is working with front end and back end developers to build Web 2.0 site iteration.
Second, we are currently promoting the marketplace across our collective blockchain networks, projects, and social media channels. We are currently building a promotional rewards schedule, whereby NFTs will be gifted to participating talent from Cardano, Ethereum, and Solana blockchains who post their talent profiles for hire on the marketplace. By rewarding participation with NFTs, we’re growing total blockchain participation.
Third, we are collecting early adopter commitments from project teams, sponsors, and talent who plan on posting talent for hire. These early adopters will be amongst the first cohort of talent for hire and sponsor advertisements that our website traffic will view and contact.
This is a new project proposal and no iteration has ever been submitted to any funding group, including Project Catalyst.
Project Founder - Alexandra Ofelia (Nighthawke)
9 years Project Management and (SaaS) Software as a Service Consulting
Project Founder - Timothy Vang (Vicc)
11 years Project Management and Events Coordination for the U.S. Department of Defense