Last updated 3 years ago
By growing the PA Blockchain Coalition, we will connect different chains and allow the collaboration necessary to spark innovation.
This is the total amount allocated to Growing the US Blockchain Community.
By growing the PA Blockchain Coalition, we will connect different chains and allow the collaboration necessary to spark innovation.
President of PA Blockchain Coalition, member of National State Blockchain Association. Decades of political advocacy and coalition-building expertise.
Cardano, like other chains, struggles to integrate with other industry experts who could help them grow in the United States. The PA Blockchain Coalition (PBC) is set up to tackle that problem. PBC is a nonprofit organization comprised of blockchain allies, users, and providers in a variety of industries working together to create a wider acceptance of this important technology. Cardano’s investment in PBC would allow the Coalition to grow with the goal of creating a national chain with state chapters that would expand Cardano’s influence on the U.S. blockchain industry.
This is a solution that can be enacted in the next six months, per the campaign brief. It will allow Cardano to support a growing coalition that brings together different chains under one roof to collaborate on industry initiatives, while also consulting experts in fields impacted by blockchain technology. This can range from finance, insurance, education, government affairs, and beyond. Our solution will break down silos in the industry and allow the communication necessary to further develop U.S. blockchain technology.
Utilizing this funding will allow our Coalition to be present for industry conferences and recruit other states to join us in our effort to expand the reach of blockchain groups like Cardano, growing our base to eventually reach our goal of a national chain with state chapters.
COVID’s impact will continue to change the landscape of how chains and state chapters communicate. With the help of our web developer and marketing team we will aim to create a platform that will be sustainable no matter the conditions.
The PA Blockchain Coalition has already gone through the creation process, and we are now exploring growth opportunities to support new initiatives and increase our membership. With this in mind:
- 1 month: complete web design and implement social media and marketing schedule to increase member engagement across all platforms.
- 2 months: begin an aggressive membership drive to increase our numbers. This will include marketing, social media, attending conferences, and on the back end formulating the rest of our 2022 programming that members can participate in.
- 3 months: continue membership drive and create an educational platform and community collaboration portal, use this time to work on 2022 initiatives on the back end for future launch.
- 4 months: launch our educational platform and community collaboration portal. Allow Cardano staff to join as members who can engage with the portal and bring Cardano experts in as panelists for our educational platform. Continue to build an advisory board with industry experts. Coalition to reach 500 members.
- 5 months: begin membership newsletter to allow different states to share their initiatives and keep our membership base informed of updates in the blockchain field, including the work Cardano is doing.
- 6 months: Membership reaches 1,000 individuals, recruiting at least three new states. We will continue to add more states past this 6-month horizon.
2,500 - web development to support proposed initiatives
10,000 - marketing and branding materials for membership and sponsorship drive
20,000 - events budget, including educational platform
2,500 - additional expenses associated with membership and sponsorship drive, including travel, research, and staffing
Dominic Folino - President of the PA Blockchain Coalition with decades of experience in non-profit management, coalition-building and advocacy education. His industry knowledge will be invaluable to grow the coalition's sponsorship and advisory base.
John Burns - web development and graphic design specialist who will facilitate the member and sponsorship functions we will include on the website. Industry expert in this field.
Caroline Ehrenfeld - internal support to prepare drive documents and facilitate membership drive process. Has been working with the Coalition since its creation to develop strategy and implement action items.
PR/Marketing team to be hired to help create the marketing strategy that directs our membership drive.
The coalition will use definable metrics that will need to be met each 30-60 and 90 days. We will use our educational curriculum to partner with other state organization to drive united initiatives. In addition we will set forth aggressive but achievable goals that will include; industry events attended, legislators educated and membership growth. If a metric is not met within the given period, an action plan will be put in place to achieve the metric moving forward.
Defining Success:
- An ongoing educational series featuring various industry topics. After the first 90 days, we would like to see a minimum attendance of 50 members.
- The growth of our coalition to 1,000 individual members by implementing an aggressive membership drive campaign.
- A regional partnership formed with a minimum of 3 states by connecting through industry events and developing the coalition into a nationally-recognized brand.
- Implementation of a well-know communication channel that can be used by each chapter and industry experts that will produce collaboration and innovation across chains.
This is a new and unfunded proposal
President of PA Blockchain Coalition, member of National State Blockchain Association. Decades of political advocacy and coalition-building expertise.