Last updated 2 years ago
Lack of a cross-chain Cardano education program, equipping + empowering youth + women with 21st century skill sets + unlocking creativity.
Connect youth + women with structured pathways to engage within the Cardano Community, find roles + collaborate creatively across chains.
This is the total amount allocated to Youth+Women Cardano NFT4Good Party.
Connect youth + women with structured pathways to engage within the Cardano Community, find roles + collaborate creatively across chains.
Global, creative, diverse, decentralized, multidisciplinary team. Fund 5,6,7 winners. 200+ active Cardano community members and impact changemakers from public, private and third sectors. Youth Block, Cardashift, SustainableADA, UN, Ngos, Commonwealth and NFT artists.
Why is it important?
There are 1.8 billion young people aged 10-24 in the world—the largest youth population ever. Of these, 600 million are adolescent girls and young women.
“The digital skills gap is one of the major deficits that many developing, least developed and small state economies are challenged with. The most affected from these digital divide are women across and within countries. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap report, it will take another 267.6 years to close the gender gap for women’s economic participation. The pandemic has worsened this as economies have contracted and unemployment has risen. The worst impacted are the women who are employed in the non-digital sectors in micro small and medium (MSME) enterprises such as in tourism, textiles, handicrafts, processed food and agriculture sector. Furthermore, most of the women are employed in MSME sectors of the economy that were unorganized or informal in nature. As such the lack of capacity, knowledge on IT skills and digitalisation have affected these segments of society. As such there is a need to empower women through leveraging digital infrastructure to address digital divide through training and capacity building. E-commerce and digital marketing are tools which can be useful for bridging this gap as during COVID-19 period most businesses transacted using these platforms.” - The Commonwealth
The poll by Binance 2021 (data collected in October 2020 across 178 countries) indicated that women are only 5% of the total number of crypto users worldwide.
Youth and women digital natives, and those seeking to connect to the digital economy today are going to be the users of blockchain and crypto tomorrow. However, youth and women aren’t included nor involved, at scale, in Project Catalyst; the world’s largest DAO, and experiment in on-chain governance and innovation, let alone in the entire crypto and blockchain ecosystem. This can be addressed, leading to participation from youth and women in cross chain collaborations, and bridging within Cardano communities and all levels of Catalyst.
Youth and women are the future tech advocates. The next generation of blockchain advocates, and upcoming blockchain natives.
“At the beginning of their journey in the cryptosphere, most women would like to have more educational materials (72.8%).”
In 2019, women accounted for about 8% of all crypto users -
— Research from Financial Conduct Authority (the UK, data compiled at the end of 2019) showed that 21% of UK crypto users were women.
— In the same year in the United States, women accounted for about 26% of crypto users, according to the crypto exchange Gemini.
At the same time, more and more companies claim that the number of women among their users is growing.
— CoinMarketCap: During the first quarter of 2020, the number of female users grew by 43.24% over the previous quarter.
— Cardify: In January 2021, women made 15% of cryptocurrency deposits, up from 5.6% a year earlier.
— Robinhood: In 2021, the number of female crypto traders increased by 7 times.
However, very little attention is paid to why women come to the crypto sphere and what is important for them in cryptocurrencies (no stereotyping). Some information can be found in the article describing the study Grayscale Investments (2019), but the original text of the report is no longer available.
The largest number of women crypto users who took part in the survey are individuals aged from 25 to 34, with a slightly broader basis from 18 to 44.
(Image - Age of Respondents)
According to the survey results, the appearance of an “inspirer” or informant from a personal environment (a friend, a husband, a colleague, etc.) most often brings women into crypto. This is true for every third respondent (36.7%).
(Image - Main Events That Motivated Them to Engage With Crypto)
The importance of personal networks influencing gender imbalance is often underestimated by men, but women admit how important it is for them. In sociology, this is called homophily – a tendency to communicate with people like yourself.
“Men often ask me why more women aren’t interested in Bitcoin and digital assets. I tend to ask them this question in response: who first told you about Bitcoin, and, in your daily life, who do you find yourself discussing crypto with? Answers often reveal that men tend to raise this subject matter with other men, far more than they do with women, and I believe that this tendency makes a significant difference to the gender balance at community meetups, in online forums, and to the shape of the industry as a whole.”
– Chloe White, National Blockchain Roadmap Lead
What could help women befriend the cryptosphere?
According to the narration of focus group participants, the following actions will help to attract more women to the crypto sphere. (For BDC Consulting recommendations, see the conclusions.)
1. Create training courses and educational materials tailored to the women’s needs:
“I think it is related to education. Education on the specific subject, not general education. I think if they open their ears and eyes to listen and see how easy it can be because it’s not quantum physics. It is difficult, it is complicated, it is something new but it is doable’. (Greece)
Love them or hate them, NFTS are appearing more and more in mainstream media and are here to stay for the foreseeable future. But currently we are just at the tip of the iceberg in unlocking its potential to revolutionize global systems and daily realities. Take the example of Veritree, Cardano Trees and the Cardano Forest. The mix of Cardano’s blockchain, NFTs, and real world impact and solutions for tackling climate change.
With crypto and blockchains coming under the spotlight based on their technical makeups, impact on the environment, and ability to radically transform the financial situations for millions of lives, it is paramount that the Cardano community step up as leaders, role models and collaborators in the mission to solve wicked problems, using blockchain and its related tech, for good. Cross-chain collaboration is essential for this to happen at scale.
Creatives who work making and selling NFTs across chains are positioned to be potentially suitable role models in engaging with youth and women, external to chains and across chains. Through creative means, intermingled with complex technology, what can be underneath complex, can appear simple. With tried and tested project based learning approaches, our programme will give participants access to develop the soft and hard skills, and community connections to flourish and be guides for those who will follow in their footsteps.
NFTs and those who work with them for a living provide a facilitated entry point for women and youth to enter the cryptosphere, cross chain digital economy, and a world of new concepts and unimaginable opportunities.
We propose to gather together the Cardano impact community, blockchain for good stakeholders, and nft4good creatives. To collaborate and co-design an educational programme with and for women and youth.
(This content will be summarized into Tik Tok videos by facilitators, mentors, and participants. Classes will be live streamed and recorded in Twitch, as there is a huge untapped market of youth that are active in Twitch and Tik Tok as shown in market studies with statistics:
Twitch -
Tik Tok -
Bringing together our diverse global community of creatives, technical professionals, open source practitioners, to bridge the digital divide in knowledge, awareness and collaboration across chains.
The key to a sustainable, prosperous and equitable world for all requires all hands on deck. Key to this is education and open source solutions, with strong partnerships and collaboration. The future is multi-chain. A measure of progress and success will be how included women and youth are, at all levels in the blockchain for good space. The Cardano community has the chance to be a leader in this regard.
Why is the problem solvable?
Educational resources do exist but are not tailored to youth and women, at scale, with cross chain collaboration to avoid duplication and working in silos to solve common problems i.e climate change.
The blockchain conversation is not inclusive of youth and women at large - widening the dialogue around it is key, and needs to happen at a wider scale.
What would the world look like if our team solved it?
The world would have a dedicated open-source platform that provides direct access to interact with the Cardano ecosystem, and discuss emerging technologies/models of community governance across blockchains, under common themes, with forums, hubs and interconnected networks of collective intelligence. Empowered and equipped leaders have risen up, through grassroots decentralized and organized movements of positive change, to be role models for youth and women locally and globally.
Some statistics for context:
How big is the potential target audience?
Looking at the distribution of internet users worldwide as of 2019, by youth age 18-24 was 18% of the total internet users globally. This means that 4.1 billion of our global population are connected. 738 million youth make up our potential market.
French people under 35 years old's perspectives on cryptocurrencies 2019.
People under 35 years old's perspectives on cryptocurrencies in France in June 2019: “Overall, French people under 35 years old had a positive opinion on cryptocurrencies: 43 percent of them believed that cryptocurrencies were a good thing, while 31 percent of them believed they were a bad thing. Among those seeing cryptocurrencies as positive, 33 percent viewed them as a good thing and ten percent considered them as a really good thing.” -
This is pre-pandemic. With Binance seeking to headquarter in France, and the creation of an innovation hub in France with the granting of 100m EUROS, the trends indicate that youth will most definitely play a pivotal role in shaping the future of blockchain and crypto usage. Cardano and the Catalyst community has an opportunity to position itself as a leading choice for youth who are increasingly aware and concerned with being actively involved in activities and projects that have a positive environmental and social impactful. -
43% of men ages 18 to 29 say they have, according to a survey of over 10,000 U.S. adults from Pew Research carried out in 2021. -
Cryptocurrency is most popular with young adults: 31% of people ages 18 to 29 have used it, compared to 21% of people ages 30 to 49, 8% of people ages 50 to 64 and 3% of people age 65 or over.
Our solution:
We lower the barriers of entry into the blockchain for impact space, onboarding youth and women into the Cardano Catalyst Community, from across chains.
This will happen with our team continuing their activities in community building and network growth for a common vision and mission to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for instance, and bring about a more equitable world for all.
With an educational, innovative leadership programme, gathering youth and women in physical and digital spaces designed by them, for them, the network can grow and collective intelligence will magnify. Thus, enabling youth and women to connect meaningfully, from outside the blockchain world,and across chains, with blockchain professionals, and access professional guidance and expert mentorship, through social dialogue, new opportunities are created, with synergies that catalyze collaborative positive feedback loops.
The magnitude for positive impact in the blockchain for good space, of which the Cardano community and Project Catalyst plays a pivotal role, depends on meaningful participation from not just proposers, advisors, mentors and voters who are both eager and capable to fulfill their roles and understand their responsibilities, but from all of us, so that includes those who currently sit on the fringes or are outside the bubble that is crypto and blockchain.
We plan to onboard these youth + women members into our Youth Block community, which connects this proposal with our Youth Block.
Youth Block Open Source Education - F8: Open Source Development Ecosystem
Onboarding Under-represented Youth - F8: New Member Onboarding
(Attached to the proposal is the Youth Block Deck)
Youth and women globally should be involved in the shaping of this space and designing the technology. Their voices must be listened to in the ongoing conversation of the future of blockchain for good, and Cardano.
Key Metrics to measure:
Mainnet and testnet transaction volume growth
Number of proposals including participants from other blockchain communities
Number of technical implementations connecting Cardano to other blockchains
Ideas from other chains implemented by Catalyst
Projects and dApps from other chains implemented on Cardano
Catalyst-created solutions adopted by other chains/communities
Number of events / workshops / sessions arranged with other communities
Number of permanent initiatives with cross-chain teams (members from different blockchain communities together)
Additional KPIs for key events/meetings/teams proposing in Catalyst
Other approaches exist and have been tried, to name a few:
Unite2030, Surge
Crypto Kids camp (
Blockchain Kids (
However, our competitive advantages are :
How will we ensure sustainability beyond Catalyst initial funding if successfully funded?
If successfully funded via Catalyst, we will continue our research within our network of mission driven stake pool operators, and scope the possibility to generate rewards every epoch (5 days) 5-6% of total stake each year (, and create a learn to earn model.
This is all strongly feasible given our team’s network and partnerships within the French education system, public and private sectors. We are active Cardano community members and leaders. We have been successfully funded and delivered on our proposals across Funds 5,6,7. We are building bridges with cross chain and non-blockchain ecosystems, (Ethereum, Tezos, Polkadot, Solana, UN agencies, The Commonwealth and more).
Phase 1:
1-3 months (TBC, potentially begin June/ July preparation for a soft launch in September 2022) to design the courses and programme of sessions (mix of online and physical events/workshops/focus group discussion meetings made up of multichain attendees and non blockchain fluent stakeholders), schedule and secure the appropriate partners and stakeholders, mentors and professionals.
Once the awareness raising and promotion of the initiative campaign has reached its target number of interested sign up attendees (can have a landing page shared across all team network, partner and supporting stakeholder socials) eg 100,000 signed up -
We will take a cohort through a Fund moving from ‘noobs’, ‘no coiners’, ‘lurkers’ to becoming active cross chain participants in Catalyst by Fund 11, and taking on roles as mentors, proposers, advisors, voters and more!
Cohort 1: Pioneers *18 youth and women aged 18 upwards (Byron)
Fund TBC finishes with the selected youth and women voting in Catalyst!
Phase 2:
3 - 6 months during Fund TBC cohort are active members in cross chain initiatives until their graduation day!
Pioneers become Shelley
Phase 3:
6 - 9 months Fund TBC - youth and women are ambassadors, and embedded in the Cardano Impact Network. Circle Youth Representative. Circle Women Representative. External partners onboarded with youth and women coordination and facilitation.
Cohort 1 Pioneers are now Goguen. They bring a youth and woman pioneer under their wing as a mentor now!
Phase 4:
9 - 10 months Basho
Phase 5:
10 - 12 months Voltaire
By Voltaire, the initial cohort of 18 pioneers will have been part of the community for 12 months. They would have been mentors for the past 6 months.
Asia - 7
Africa - 4
Europe - 2
N. America - 2
S. America - 2
Oceania - 1
Programme project management 12 months = 18,000 USD
Course design = 8,000 USD
Monitoring and evaluation, research of the case study of programme participants, focus group sessions and interviews, surveys = 9,000 USD
Deliverable: Open source case study research (for publishing, and open access) building upon research carried out focused on women.
This Cross Chain Youth+Women Cardano NFT4Good Party proposal, will include an unprecedented action research initiative unseen in the blockchain space.
Cardano is known for being the first blockchain designed from the ground up with peer-reviewed research. Please support this to continue and share the learnings and possible frameworks for others to follow suit, and add what is uniquely theirs as appropriate for the context of implementation.
Marketing & Comms= 3000 USD
(Programme delivery (webinars, in person travel costs, course and programme resource materials, miscellaneous - 11, 000 USD)
Total budget = 49,000 USD
When you consider this is less than 12.5% of the total pot of $400,000, and that the average undergraduate course at university for a youth in the developing world, or to study in a 1 year Master degree course, or a higher learning educational institute specialized short course on blockchain and crypto, in the industrialized nations, coming from a developed country as an ‘international student’ as being too expensive for the majority of the global population, we believe this to be a modest investment for a community seeking to allocate a portion of the Cardano Treasury to invest in our future, our youth and women, so their potential can be unleashed.
Trishala Adwaine Suresh -
Impact Lead at SmartChain, Impact Assessment Lead Cardashift, Active Cardano Community Member, Project Catalyst Proposer since Fund 7, Co-founder of YouthBlock and Debug Lab, a podcast series.
Augusta Community Manager (Wada) - I am a Community Manager and Web 3 advocate. I studied Quantity Survey in Federal Polytechnic Owerri. I am very passionate about art, technology, community, tourism, and women's rights. I am currently building communities for African women to get into the blockchain and the art industry.
Oshomah Abubakar -
“I'm an artist. I studied computer science and currently work as the brand design lead for Flutterwave, one of the biggest Fintech companies in Africa. I'm a Blockchain enthusiast and write about the future of Blockchain technology. I currently lead the hub for Blockchain development in Nigeria for Wada and I constantly teach people how to participate in the Cardano network. I lead efforts with Afrixx NFT. A project that focuses on bringing African history to the Blockchain.”
Cole Bartlett
UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate, a recent graduate in Economics & Sustainability, Founder of Sustainable ADA, Contributor for Positive Blockchains, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, & Social Entrepreneur, Ecoquest Education Foundation - Sustainability Research, B Impact Clinic part of UNH's Changemaker Collaborative - Kikori, Sustainability Splash Program Organizer, Bronze UNH Sustainability Award Winner.
Razali Samsudin
Educator, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor, Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA, Contributor for Positive Blockchain & Catalyst School Core Member. (C4C) community includes over 200 members and growing. C4C is organising weekly meetups and monthly events and collaborating with multiple impact communities (i.e., companies (i.e. Veritree, Cardashift) and the Cardano companies (IOG, Emurgo, Cardano Foundation). team is focusing on educational services, research and communication of impact projects on the Cardano blockchain, spreading the word of the work and impact of the Cardano ecosystem .
Supported by:
We are in talks with several partners and allies such as The Commonwealth, UNESCAP, One Million Mentors, Accelerate 2030, Catalyst School, Wada, Beanchain Coffee and the Blockchain Learning Center to name a few. With a common vision and mission to share resources for greater impact in delivery at scale, avoiding duplication and working in silos.
The Commonwealth - Dr Radika Kumar (Adviser Infrastructure Policy (Digital), Commonwealth Secretariat) -
Dr Rajan Ratna - Deputy Head and Senior Economic Affairs Officer at United Nations ESCAP South and South-West Asia Office
Global Policy House -
Michelle Chivunga Founder -
Catalyst School - Catalyst School is a place created to enhance the impact of Catalyst as a whole by improving the contribution of all its different players and roles. We onboard new members and help improving their skills along the way, in any way they decide to engage with Catalyst: as a Proposer, a Community Advisor, a Veteran Community Advisor or without any specific role within the process. In order for Catalyst to flourish and reach its full potential, all these roles need to give their best contribution within the process.
What is Catalyst School -
One Million Mentors (1MM) is a unique, community-based mentoring project with one simple aim: to connect one million young people with one million life-changing opportunities. This is even more important right now given the impact of COVID-19 on young people.
We back the talents of young people to improve their career chances, while at the same time strengthening local communities. 1MM was founded on the belief that through personal, one-to-one mentoring, more young people can grow the knowledge, networks, skills and confidence they need to succeed.
By giving them online access to a trained mentor every young person in the country can have the chance to reach their potential. Together we are meeting the challenge and creating social change, on a national scale.
Alveena Malik, CEO One Million Mentors
Chief Executive and Co Founder of One Million Mentors/ Non Executive Director at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Accelerate2030 is the world’s largest program supporting entrepreneurs from developing and emerging markets to scale their solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We leverage the strengths and reach of the global Impact Hub network, United Nations organisations, corporates, investors and expert partners to scale entrepreneurial innovations while contributing to a shift towards a more sustainable economy.
Wada equip local developers and entrepreneurs to build decentralized applications and businesses of the future.
Beanchain Coffee
We want to be the best place to sit down and have a cup of coffee in Arizona. Having a calm place to relax, talk, and study is important to all of us. Our mental health relies on being able to grow and learn with each other and from each other. This coffee shop will be built with love, fairness, and a shared sense of purpose.
Blockchain Learning Center
We believe that blockchain technology is bringing some amazing opportunities to people and if used correctly could give some power back to those that have been disadvantaged for so long. It's empowering co-ops and worker directed enterprises. It's challenging old industries that have held power for centuries. Allowing people to generate income with what little they have and find new and creative ways to change the world around them.
In the blockchain learning center we'll host a self guided experience with the intent of teaching anyone the basics of the blockchain in a very relaxing and inviting environment. For those that have a greater curiosity we'll also be hosting classes that can take you from novice to expert in the blockchain space.
Cardano 4 Climate Education Group:
Cardano AIM - Cardano AIM (Assembly Inspiring Masses), an active Catalyst Community member and currently designs and builds tools that support the community. These include the popular voter-tool (, the Community Advisor Tools (CA and vCA-tools) ( & as well as the community landing page (, the SDG Proposer Tool (, and the SDG Search Tool (
PositiveBlockchain is a non-profit association exploring the potential of blockchain technologies for social and environmental impact through its open database, knowledge platform and global community. The mission of the association is to build the web of knowledge and support collaboration for technology and social impact enthusiasts looking to leverage blockchain technologies for the U.N. SDGs. Our database currently lists more than 1200 projects and startups using blockchain technologies for social impact. Projects are either crowd-sourced or identified and qualified by PositiveBlockchain or its alliance partners comprising associations, universities or blockchain foundations. PositiveBlockchain is a contributor-based non-profit association registered in Paris and active globally. (C4C) community includes over 200 members and is growing. C4C is organizing weekly meetups and monthly events and collaborating with multiple impact communities (i.e. climate neutral, companies (i.e. Veritree, Cardashift) and the Cardano companies (IOG, Emurgo, Cardano Foundation). team is focusing on educational services, research and communication of impact projects on the Cardano blockchain, spreading the word of the work and impact of the Cardano ecosystem .
Cardashift -
Cardashift is a community-run launchpad that raises funds, builds and accelerates startups that are solving social and environmental issues. Cardashift supports this proposal via their Impact assessment team consisting of Vincent Katchavenda (co-founder of Cardashift), Anais Bouchet and Yannis Baala ( Impact Project Managers).
Vincent Katchavenda -
Anais Bouchet -
Yannis Baala -
Petr Smělík - Documentary Filmmaker, 16 years of TV & Film experience (
All the information will be open source, and shared with the community.
We will have dedicated google folders where we will put together all the presentations, leads database and progress reports. We will also open dedicated discord and telegram channels for communication and information gathering and sharing. The meetings will be recorded and shared as long as the collaborative party agrees. There will be a monthly summary, accessible for all, explaining the work done and deliverables and KPIs achieved during the month. Through this process it will be possible to progress in alignment the proposal.
Transferring ADA to voting wallets that will be used by youth members will be done, with each transfer having fulfilled the necessary guideline steps and will be publicly viewable.
Youth and women can be and are an essential part of this journey if Catalyst is to reach its full potential and truly move the needle. (Ambassador network)
Reaching the KPIs will be a key success indicator. In addition, a key element of success will be the number of youth members engaging as active members of Catalyst, and going on to propose and take on roles in Catalyst, and become youth leaders in the Cardano community and the blockchain for impact space.
It will be an important use case for other blockchains, educational collaborative efforts and various stakeholders to learn from our programme for success. We aim to learn during and from the process, and start developing it into a replicable model that could be self-sustained and adapted accordingly depending on the context.
This is a new proposal. However, the proposing team have a track record of proposing proposals that connect with impact, education and sustainability. Examples of previously funded proposals are:
Add SDG ratings to proposals - AIM F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
Research in Applying Frameworks-AIM, F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
Global Sustainable Stories/Usecases F6: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM F6: DLT Entrepreneurship Toolbox
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM F7: Open Source Developer Ecosystem
Examples of affiliated proposals are:
Youth Block Open Source Education - F8: Open Source Development Ecosystem
Onboarding Under-represented Youth - F8: New Member Onboarding
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG subgoals:
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
Global, creative, diverse, decentralized, multidisciplinary team. Fund 5,6,7 winners. 200+ active Cardano community members and impact changemakers from public, private and third sectors. Youth Block, Cardashift, SustainableADA, UN, Ngos, Commonwealth and NFT artists.