Last updated 2 years ago
Storing images with metadata for AI training data on the blockchain is not as simple as it sounds, this can be difficult for various reasons
Our solution is to improve our communication mechanism in order to collect and store additional metadata in public/private servers.
This is the total amount allocated to Artificial Intelligence/ML API DApp.
Our solution is to improve our communication mechanism in order to collect and store additional metadata in public/private servers.
Founded in 2008, Our Company has accumulated more than 10 years of experience in building, develops and promotes interactive robots. It is a company, specialized in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, creator of the open-source personal and "Social robot".
This proposal is a continuation of our previous project Funded 100% in FUND5, in which we created a proof-of-concept piece of software to upload encrypted messages/images to the Cardano blockchain.
Now we want to propose the creation of servers for a given network of operating units (robots) that will be in charge of coordinate message sending/receiving operations that may be certified via the Cardano Blockchain.
The server is intended to run a Cardano node and be in continuous communication with the Cardano blockchain. If an unit (robot) needs to certify and send a message to an external entity, the server will create the message, upload it to the Cardano blockchain, store a additional metadata in a private/public database and finally sent information about the transaction to the target entity. Contrary, if the server recieves a message, it will categorize the message and store it in the give database with the proper metadata. Storing information about the sent and receiving messages will ease search for old messages and categorize them.
With this mechanism, users will be able to easily certify, catalog and sent critical information to external units. As the units (robots) are equipped with the needed tools to directly interact with human operators, this approach eases the flux of critical information between different users (or entities).
As we are including a database to the message send/certify/receive solution, we can easily track and classify all the information that circulates in a given network. Also, as multiple databases (private and public) may be created, the scope of the information flux is flexible, and thus can be easily modulated depending on the needs of the operator.
Challenge: Sending messages (large text or images) may be expensive in terms of currency. Possible Solution: Hybrid Model: Heavy information stored in a public database, certification upload to the Cardano Blockchain.
Challenge: Synchronization between multiple nodes (robots) may be problematic. Possible Solution: Create a queue system to manage the message receiving/sending.
Challenge: Adaptation to Raspberry Pi 4. Possible Solution: Optimize and test all the system for a Raspberry Pi.
Challenge: Public databases are not stable over time. Possible Solution: Use DOI to always assure the access to critical items.
Challenge: Deploy the same configuration over different units. Possible Solution: Use of Nix and .nix files.
3 Month | WP1 - Develop the Database System Create a solid Database using PostgreSQL + Source Code
3 Month | WP2 - Develop the server/unit network Develop the code to run the server/unit network communication + API/SDK
2 Month | WP3 - Deployment of a Server/Unit network. Deploy the first Server Unit network to.
1 Month | WP3 - Communication Testing. Test the communication between two networks
2 Weeks | WP4 - Database Management Test the behavior of the database. Optional: Include DOI
M1 - Working PostgreSQL Database working with the selected data. M2 - Deploy a test network of 3-5 units and a server. M3 - Successful communication between two networks. Mo - Working DOI to tag the databases. M4 - Operative Message System.
D1 - Source code of the Database D2 - Source code for the server/unit communication. D3 - Source code (allegedly .nix files) for the RPI4 unit deployment.
Output: Two fully communicated server/unit networks.
What are we going to spend the money on?
We want to create a new team of engineers and developers within our company that specialized in working with Blockchain as well as build a new RACK of 4 new servers for sending vision, speech and recognition data and patterns of "proof" to the Cardano network.
With the rest of the money we will send updated robots to some universities that can help us improve the API of our SDK, some of them will be in Africa.
Putting a Price on a Vision
In order to bring their vision into reality our project is seeking a budget of $85,000. This will oversee phase one of their proposal, which will be divided as follows.
Five team members
USD 25 hourly rate
18hs avg per week per person
Estimated Total of 32 weeks
$25 x 18 hs/week x 5 people x 32 weeks of total work.
They would like to emphasise that the above does not mean all members will be working 18 hours a week, for the entire 32 weeks. It's merely an estimate of the overall linear team effort required. Tasks will be prioritized and distributed according to skills, as needed. The budget and deliverables for each task will be estimated and agreed upon by the team. This is in line with the same principles our project aspires to uphold. We need to build and test "real" robots to send to universities or researchers too.
The rest of the money will be for mini servers and robots for the community in order to test the API.
The public date launch will be at the end of the year. Betatesters will have a demo months before the end date.
We are not newbies in the Business
We understand AI/ML development and we have over 10 years experience with AI and Interactive Robotics. We are first in the world to demonstrate a robot recognizing itself in the mirror and having two robots share image recognition data in the cloud across two different cities. We can build a baseline SDK that can be expanded for any kind of application.
We are Pioneers in "Robotic" Cloud Computing
In 2011, we performed in "real time" at different locations in front of hundreds of witnesses on's ability to learn and share information in a "centralized" cloud computing system. We want to expand this initiative to cover information sharing in a decentralized network. Imagine thousands of robots share and learn in a decentralized network? That is our goal!
You can see the video here ( Spanish Version ): Accolades
> In 2011, Thecorpora was also named by Intel to be one of the most promising companies in 10 years to come.
> Top 1% crowdfunded product in Indiegogo in 2017 raising over 380% of original sales target.
> One is one of 3 projects unveiled at IBM Partner Conference in 2017.
> Featured by Arrow (Fortune 500) on how we win the trust of backers during the crowdfunding exercise.
We have sold thousands of robots to Partners & Customers from 49 Countries in 6 Continents. Some customers include IBM, ASUS, INTEL, DISNEY, Sopra Steria among others.
Gitlab Repositories:
Our Community ( Forum ):
Youtube Channel the second phase Open Source dAPP for our SDK is finalized, we can send it to all our community so that they can validate and provide feedback for them. It is a ready set of users for the new API/SDK that link to the Blockchain. We will update every week our repositories in gitlab and our Forum Community where we have more than 1.500,- active users
In 2017 we launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo with great success since in just over 1 month we raised more than $ 200,000. Our intention is that throughout 2022-2023 we will launch another new campaign with the fully finished SDK in the two largest crowdfunding companies in the world, Kickstarter and Indiegogo, which will give greater visibility to the Cardano projects and attract new users and developers to the ecosystem that is constantly expanding and evolving.
Deployment of 2 fully communicated server/unit networks able to send and receive messages and certify them using the Cardano blockchain. Metadata of this messages should be stored in the database hold by the server with the given format.
Following the open source standards, all code generated during this project will be licensed under the LGPLv3 license.
This proposal is a continuation of our previous project funded in CATALYST:
FUNDED PROPOSAL (F5) Artificial Intelligence API
in which we created a proof-of-concept piece of software to upload encrypted messages/images to the Cardano blockchain and send a messages with the transaction id (txid) to a listening client. Now we want to improve both the storage and classification of the messages, and the scope (multiple units) of the project.
Our first proposal covers the 1st phase of the project, this proposal covers the 2nd phase of the project and seeks to create a proof-of-concept piece of software to upload encrypted messages/images to the Cardano blockchain.
Now we want to propose the creation of servers for a given network of operating units (robots) that will be in charge of coordinate message sending/receiving operations that may be certified via the Cardano Blockchain.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Founded in 2008, Our Company has accumulated more than 10 years of experience in building, develops and promotes interactive robots. It is a company, specialized in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, creator of the open-source personal and "Social robot".