Last updated 2 years ago
Lack of user-owned, metaverse based social media with wallet to wallet social interactions on Cardano.
User-owned, decentralized metaverse with wallets as profiles. Wallet-profiles can follow each other & interact with NFTs(like/share/comment)
This is the total amount allocated to Artverse - Social Media Metaverse.
User-owned, decentralized metaverse with wallets as profiles. Wallet-profiles can follow each other & interact with NFTs(like/share/comment)
Satwik Gade: Brand Identity and design. Media communications
Harsha Gullapalli: UI/UX Designer & Project Management
Sam Jeffrey: Full Stack Developer (Cardapper) & Plutus programmer
Srinivas Vijayakumar: Web Developer, Generative Artist
'ARTVERSE' is a social media platform where the user profile is their Cardano wallet(s) along with the NFTs in it/them. This platform will be user-owned and governed as a DAO. Revenue generated on the platform will be re-distributed amongst users through game-fi. This ensures that the platform exists to benefit the creator economy and not just the project administration. The DAO ensures that all decisions are being taken through community consensus and not through private lobbying.
PHASE ZERO: Create a 2d version of the social media where Cardano wallets can follow each other and like, share and comment on the contents of each other’s wallets along with all web2 engagement capabilities like creating posts, sharing pictures, commenting on them and liking them.
PHASE ONE: Metaverse building and integrating the social media features into the metaverse. Game-Fi system is put in place.
PHASE TWO: Onboarding early users, genesis NFT holders for beta-testing the features and game-fi.
Key components of Phase Zero of development are:
1. Ability to follow other wallets. This includes getting notifications when an NFT transaction occurs in the wallet you follow.
2. Reacting and commenting on other's NFTs. You can like, share and comment on NFTs directly in the wallet.
3. Being able to view NFTs from all Cardano wallets and marketplaces in one space.
4. Best of web2 social media features will be implemented in Phase Zero.
USP of Phase Zero:
1. Social identity cannot be stolen or impersonated.
2. Prevents the numerous giveaway scams prevalent on web2 social media.
3. NFT tribe identity is not profile picture dependent alone. Possibilities of forging multiple tribe identities opens up
Making the project mobile compatible will be a challenge as the Cardano mobile development SDKs are still in a very nascent stage.
Finding a solution to the multi-wallet feature. The user should be able to connect all their wallets to a single profile and manage and interact with all their assets in a single place. This is a feature that has not yet been explored in any other project and our Cardapper is in the process of devising a solution.
Once the Phase 1 of development is done, making XR easily available to all users will be a problem that we foresee because technology accessibility in terms of bandwidths and hardware adoption like Occulus etc. The available technology itself has not reached its best form with the Occulus being not nifty enough for mass adoption. We trust that these technologies will improve rapidly with time as we work on Phase zero and one.
Please note that we are seeking funding for only Phase zero of the project.
Timeline for Phase zero: Mainnet by end of Q2/ early Q3
UI/UX Design:
Lo-Fi wireframes- 2 weeks
Hi-Fi wireframes- 4 weeks
Work done so far:
Fullstack Web and mobile dapp- 12 weeks
Work done so far:
Note that these are not consecutive and some work will be done parallel.
UI/UX design & Branding:
Lo-Fi Wireframe: 60hrs @ $25/hr = $1500
Hi-Fi Wireframe: 120hrs @ $25/hr = $3000
Fullstack mobile Dapp development: 360hrs @ $35/hr = $12,600
Web Dapp Development: $10,000 flat fee
Server cost: $700
Total budget for phase Zero of development = $27,800
Satwik Gade is a branding expert and graphic designer with 10+ years of experience. He currently works with India's most popular news paper company, The Hindu.
Harsha Gullapalli is UI/UX and product designer with 4+ years experience in the field.
Sam Jeffrey is a full stack developer with 2 years experience. He is the founder of Fetachain and has worked with Gimbalabs and market place. He is also a graduate from the Plutus pioneer program.
Srinivas Vijayakumar is a web developer with 3+ years experience creating apps and websites.
Kenneth Hopkins is a DAO architect. He is a community builder and manager.
Note: Feedback will be both qualitative in terms of commenting on the user experience and quantitive in form of rating the experience on a scale of 5.
Link to discord:
SDG Goals
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG Subgoals
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
16.7.2 Proportion of population who believe decision-making is inclusive and responsive, by sex, age, disability and population group
Satwik Gade: Brand Identity and design. Media communications
Harsha Gullapalli: UI/UX Designer & Project Management
Sam Jeffrey: Full Stack Developer (Cardapper) & Plutus programmer
Srinivas Vijayakumar: Web Developer, Generative Artist