Last updated 2 years ago
Edu&tech barrier for adoption
B&M businesses sale dropped
Reward programs are old & non-engaging
Less funds in public schools
Data exploit
Easy to use app
Promote businesses by offering rewards
Use blockchain & socialmedia
Support low funded schools
Users own their data
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Rewards Program.
Easy to use app
Promote businesses by offering rewards
Use blockchain & socialmedia
Support low funded schools
Users own their data
I have been in the startup space since 2012 and graduated from a Silicon Valley Accelerator Program. Been in the blockchain space since 2016 and I became an enthusiast after transferring my first crypto. I have experience in leadership or management role and project management.
Most traditional mom and pop shops are non-technical. We will have a very easy onboarding on the app so our users can find their businesses in our app directory.
Users on the hand get their rewards by either visiting/purchasing from a business partner or engaging in social media promotions.
The token will have several use cases:
We are more than just a peer to peer transaction. We are going to promote blockchain for mass adoption.
Clarity has a worldwide use case that people can integrate in their daily lives. Imagine yelp but with rewards.
We have minted our Cardano Native token $CLAN to help fund the project.
We will be promoting Cardano by increasing Cardano Wallet users and holders.
We will also be supporting the Cardano ecosystem by partnering and collaborating with other Cardano projects.
We have partnered with MLabs for tech development and DripDropz for our token distribution.
The main challenge is funding. We are a bootstrapped company and we can only go as far as our funds. But we will find ways and we will get this done.
One challenge I can also see is if a country decides to ban cryptocurrency or a regulation limits us from functioning.
However, the beauty of blockchain is that, it is a currency that can be used anywhere in the world. So we can always focus on countries that are open.
Clanity is a bootstrapped company and self-funded since the beginning. But since we launched, we have been progressing slowly but surely.
April 1 was when we decided to launch. From then, we have formed a team of 4 core team members, 3 advisors, plus 1 currently onboarding to join the team.
We have incorporated the company in Seychelles.
Created a referral program giving away free $CLAN tokens every signup and referral. You can visit it at
We are launching our KYC for the token sale to help fund the project since we have used up our savings for the project.
We have created and actively selling NFTs that come with utility.
Currently, we are building our MVP and we are hoping to finish it in a month to test and prove the concept. There has been a delay due to our dev being in Ukraine. Albeit safe, his area can be unstable sometimes. We hope and pray this war ends soon.
Also, we were able to partner with MLABS for tech dev support, DripDropz for the token sake and rewards distribution and payment gateway to accept buying $CLAN with Visa and Mastercard to scale adoption.
Lastly, we were accepted in the Alpha Startup Program by Collision Conference in Toronto this June. They are one of the largest tech conferences in North America and we are very excited to promote Clanity.
This is where the money is going..
We need to complete the MVP.
-MVP development/completion -$5,000
We never had the budget to aggressively market but with $5k we can get more outreach and exposure.
-Marketing, Articles, PR, Social Media - $5,000
We want $CLAN to be easily accessible to everyone who visits the website. This partnership will also allow $CLAN to be available in other exchanges using the same platform. Thus increasing awareness of Cardano projects in the space.
-Balance of Payment Gateway for fiat-crypto is $15,000 (Total is 40,000 Euros that we partially paid.)
Jade Tao
Jade Tao has over 9 years of experience in start-up and founded 2 companies previously. She has in-depth experience in project management, leadership and investing. She graduated from a Silicon Valley accelerator program in 2013. Jade has played a pivotal role during COVID-19 crisis and was acknowledged for her leadership contribution from a distinguished hospital in California. She is a blockchain enthusiast, investor and a Member of the Blockchain Council.
Jasmin Jayme
Jasmin Jayme has extensive marketing and management leadership experience since 2012. She is an SEO and Conversion Analyst. Jasmin also has startup experience in the online games and travel industry. She is not only a content writer and an email marketer, she is also an avid gamer and crypto enthusiast.
Sergey Bushnyak
Blockchain Developer and Back-End Web Developer
Sergey Bushnyak has worked with the Cardano blockchain and the Plutus testnet. He has great experience with Haskell and has been a software engineer since 2012. Sergey loves cryptography, mathematics and physics which is evident in all his work.
Gerardo Estrada
Front-End Web Developer
Gerardo Estrada is a multimeadia artist that has been building websites for over 15yrs. He is an investor passionate about startups and an active crypto enthusiast. When he is not designing, Gerardo spends his time creating music and exploring new softwares.
Anders Johnsson
Blockchain Technology Advisor
Anders Johnsson is a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years international experience in startup businesses in the US, Sweden, UK, Australia, and ten years in China. He has a demonstrated history and is skilled in Project Management, V.C. funding, Investing, Startups, International expansion, Strategic planning, and Global Management. He is fluent in Swedish, English, and Mandarin Chinese. He is a founding partner of 24/7 BlockLabs and a co-founder of Maxamera, a provider of mobile applications and blockchain developments of custom-made decentralized applications. He is a co-founder of Diakrit ( an industry pioneer in creating digital visualization tools, V.R. and A.I. for the real estate sector. As co-founder and majority shareholder of Diakrit, Anders Johnsson was part of the original team between 2001-2010, building the Company from 0 to 400+ employees and operations in 11 countries. Diakrit was successfully acquired by News Corp in 2016.
Jaian Cuttari
Blockchain Financial Advisor
Jaian is the CEO of Veltrust, an international advisory and investment firm and founder of BDAMcoin. Jaian has also cofounded several companies and has served as advisor and executive on various boards alongside industry and government leaders. Apart from managing over $150 million in digital assets, he has a passion for commercial diplomacy centered around world trade and growing emerging markets, after traveling to many parts of the world and being well versed in cultures and having extensive insight about a wide range of industries. Jaian brings his global perspective in assisting governments and companies in utilizing industry-leading technologies to create a meaningful impact for communities worldwide.
Cal Evans
Legal Advisor
Cal is a Market Leading Cryptocurrency Compliance and Strategy Expert, ICO Advisor, U.K. Lawyer, and U.S. Litigation Specialist. He is a top-five Cryptocurrency Compliance expert, one of the very few international tech lawyers with expertise in ICO compliance and strategy. Cal formerly advised the U.K. government with the Department of Business Innovation and Skills, helping to draft the 2011 Agency Workers Regulations. Having experience working in top firms of Silicon Valley, in 2016, Cal started Gresham International, a compliance and strategy firm specializing in the cryptocurrency space.
We will measure this by the number of users and business partners we can onboard on the app.
We have a marketing strategy that will entice people to signup through reimbursements, promotions and free tokens or NFTs.
Success of the project will be seeing this in every store, in every country all over the world and turning it over to DAO so it can run on its own. We will keep on going to achieve this.
This is a new proposal of a previously submitted Fund6 proposal. Unfortunately, our project was unfunded. I believe, we have made huge progress from the last proposal.
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG subgoals:
11.3 By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries
11.5 By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
11.5.1 Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population
11.5.2 Direct economic loss in relation to global GDP, damage to critical infrastructure and number of disruptions to basic services, attributed to disasters
4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
4.a.1 Proportion of schools offering basic services, by type of service
8.2.1 Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
11.3.1 Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate
I have been in the startup space since 2012 and graduated from a Silicon Valley Accelerator Program. Been in the blockchain space since 2016 and I became an enthusiast after transferring my first crypto. I have experience in leadership or management role and project management.