Last updated 3 years ago
Poor people cannot afford to access credit for home/business/land ownership/physical assets/digital assets
I want to create a community platform where community members can directly fund purchases of various forms of property acting as investors.
This is the total amount allocated to CardanoLAND.
I want to create a community platform where community members can directly fund purchases of various forms of property acting as investors.
I lack the experience to fully complete this project. I need community participation to help build out the project.
I am good developing the overall vision and goals but lack the technical expertise to build out the platform.
I would like to develop a platfrom (DAPP) that allows community members to post properties (assets) they want to buy. They are lacking the resouces to buy said property (asset) and community members can step up and help provide equity to fund the purchase.
Initially, the concept could resemble
However the difference is instead of having realtors listing properties for sale it would be community members listing properties they wanted to buy and why they wanted to buy them. The member seeking investors could include projections for fixing/improving/bettering/selling said property. Investors could take debt or equity positions and participate in any profit or loss. Donations could even be part of the mix. Rent to own maybe? All forms of ownership could be covered. Fractional? Why not?
The example in my mind, is me funding a poor person in Africa to buy their home/business/investment and help raise them out of poverty.
The second use case is for community members to create local or international investment pools.
Another possibility is the pooling of funds to invest in high value NFTs or other digital or even non digital assets. Heck, it would be cool for a group of Cardano investors to own 50 Cents former mansion! Airbnb maybe!? Dibs on the master bedroom!
Question! Do we tokenize each property? Create unique tokens for each one?
The possibilities and permutations are endless.
Ideally, the core mission is to help others achieve their dreams of home ownership.
I think innovation is the key to wider adoption. Creating decentralized pools of equity and then deploying these pools efficiently creates amazing opportunities to connect to the unbanked as a minimum starting point.
There are so many challenges it's not funny. I need you who are reading this to provide comments, support, offer advice and assistance to help develop this community project. Gonna take many people to make this happen!
Oh boy do I need help here!
All I ask is that I receive a royalty of 0.01 percent of every successful transaction completed via CardanoLAND.
The budget of $100,000 requested is a round number that would be disbursed based on contribution of efforts by the participants and community builders (pardon the pun).
It would be nice to repay Catalyst in full once the project was running and we could afford to do so. Perhaps we should have Catalyst receive an equity position? What about tokenziing the entire project and giving some tokens to Catalyst in exchange for the 100k? and still repay Catayst!?
We have a powerful community I know we can do this. WAGMI!
Help please!
Cardano community members helping other Cardano members and onboarding the poor to the ecosystem to better their lives.
New proposal
I lack the experience to fully complete this project. I need community participation to help build out the project.
I am good developing the overall vision and goals but lack the technical expertise to build out the platform.