Last updated a year ago
Currently there is no way for users to run Cardano smart contracts from a mobile device
We want to allow users to use Milkomeda smart contracts from their mobile device
This is the total amount allocated to Milkomeda Mobile.
We want to allow users to use Milkomeda smart contracts from their mobile device
dcSpark is one of the core contributors to the Milkomeda project and we also have experience writing wallets such as Flint Wallet. Additionally, we have experience writing new dApp connection standards as we are co-authors of the Cardano dApp connector specification
We plan to create a way for users to use Milkomeda dApps from their mobile device. Since Milkomeda uses ADA as its base currency for the Cardano deployment, that means you will be able to connect your Cardano wallet to your mobile device and then use the mobile device to interact with Cardano dApps deployed onto Milkomeda
Mobile devices are one of the top user markets and Cardano currently has no good solution for them if they want to use Cardano dApps. With this proposal, we aim to allow users to be able to smoothly use Milkomeda dApps for Cardano from their mobile device giving Cardano access to a new user base which will boost adoption and attract more users to the platform
Google and Apple historically are very much against mobile wallets being able to connect to dApps and have previously banned mobile apps that provide such functionality. They provide no clear guidance on what is allowed and what isn't allowed and have arbitrarily changed their mind in the past. We will do our best to work along restrictions imposed by these platforms, but there is a risk that they don't like our solution.
We plan to have a POC of mobile integration with Milkomeda in late Q1 2022 and start working on the dApp connector for mobile in early Q2 2022 with a release in Q3 2022
The budget will be used on the R&D effort for developers to both come up with how to use Milkomeda dApps from a mobile device and then program the implementation
The Flint Wallet team has a long history of contributions to the core Cardano protocol, to wallet infrastructure and has contributed standards to Cardano such as the dApp connector standard.
Step 1: Being able to access your Milkomeda wallet on Mobile
Step 2: Define the standard we will use to connect to dApps
Step 3: Implement the standard
Progress will be measured according to these three steps in accordance to the timeline we mentioned in the feasibility section
Success looks like many mobile users accessing Cardano dApps through their mobile devices
Continuation of
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
dcSpark is one of the core contributors to the Milkomeda project and we also have experience writing wallets such as Flint Wallet. Additionally, we have experience writing new dApp connection standards as we are co-authors of the Cardano dApp connector specification