Last updated 3 years ago
Spiritual art is a closed community existing in physical form. Artists are reluctant for their work to be displayed next to indecent images
Marketplace for spiritual verified artists allowing them to mint the physical art to NFT producing a phygital asset, with a digital gallery.
This is the total amount allocated to Phygital Market for Spiritual Art.
Marketplace for spiritual verified artists allowing them to mint the physical art to NFT producing a phygital asset, with a digital gallery.
25 yrs in information/cyber security & software development for FTSE 100 Companies. Team includes LINUX lecturer & senior administrator, UI/UX & fullstack developers, Solidity & Haskel smart contract developers, spiritual artists from middle-east & art advisors from UAE Royalty
Creation of an exclusive Marketplace for spiritual verified artists allowing them to mint their physical art to NFT and allow them to create a phygital asset, which will be a combination of the original physical art with its counterpart NFT on the Cardano blockchain, serving as a record of ownership for that item in the real world. Spiritual artists are reluctant to display their art in open markets like CNFT and Opensea as these marketplaces allow all forms of art which can include indecent images. Currently spiritual artists are confined to displaying art in limited physical locations (private exhibitions/gatherings) and the same goes for spiritual art buyers who would not want to visit marketplaces with indecent images displayed next to spiritual images. We will be providing a virtual gallery for spiritual artists. This will be especially useful for third-world country artists (residing in the far-east, south-east Asia, Africa etc) who currently operate locally so can only reach limited audiences. The gallery and marketplace will allow them to reach a global audience which will increase adoption of Cardano.
Cardano based NFT Marketplace which allows in-house minting capability with low transaction fees compared to other networks. Digital VR gallery to showcase and sell art work providing global exposure. Automated process linking NFT's with the physical artwork to create a phygital asset, the physical is then shipped to the buyers. Creating adoption for Cardano by building this niche untapped marketplace using Cardano technology and onboarding these artists and their followers on to the Cardano blockchain.
There is an established collaboration with prominent middle-eastern artist Aslam Noor (Art Noor) and his network of renowned spiritual artists from across the world. Art Noor's work has been exhibited in solo shows across the region, as well as LED shows of his work featured on the Burj Khalifa in recent years.
Ali Zeb - AJGoldman a prominent NFT trader/investor and KING1 Cardano stakepool operator
Natasha Khan - A prominent Cardano community member and DUBAI stakepool operator
Pushkin Agha - CEO Vertex Events
Pekka Kelkka - Crypto Pioneer
Dr Tausif Malik - Founder Halal Angels
Please refer to page 32/34 of draft whitepaper for detailed description of founders and advisors.
Funding to complete development of marketplace and VR gallery.
Adoption by artists and art buyers to the Cardano blockchain. Team will be required to provide training on minting and creation and use of digital wallets for artists, as well as to end-user buyers on how to purchase ADA and create/use digital wallets to purchase and store art.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
25 yrs in information/cyber security & software development for FTSE 100 Companies. Team includes LINUX lecturer & senior administrator, UI/UX & fullstack developers, Solidity & Haskel smart contract developers, spiritual artists from middle-east & art advisors from UAE Royalty