Last updated 3 years ago
Social media influencers and content creators suffers from cancel culture by centralized platforms, when they remove creator revenue.
If the audience rewards the creator using his feed activity as a reference, it supports the creator's freedom of expression.
This is the total amount allocated to Reward creators for feed activity.
If the audience rewards the creator using his feed activity as a reference, it supports the creator's freedom of expression.
I am JavaScript developer for the last 8 years, working mainly with Vue and NodeJS. I started studying Haskell and PureScript last year, now I'm in Plutus Pioneer Program.
I have made a similar project in other blockchain before:
We can use RSS/Atom with smart contract to distribute the ADA when new content is available. To be sure this not being exploited, we can give the power to get back ADA to the audience. We can charge a small fee to keep our infrastructure, but as the code is opensource, anyone can host a server to cut costs.
Creators and influencers will be motivated to create more content on website, podcast, docs, blogs, social media, and more without being canceled by platforms and corporations. The audience will be happy that some of the money isn't being used by someone other than their favorite creator.
Of course, this mean that if some creator audience does not agree with the creator speech, a boycott can be made, but in this case, it's the audience doing it, not the platform by some obscure criteria.
RSS/Atom are already descentralized. Blockchain is descentralized. To run the contract and fetch updates from the feed We'll need to have some kind of processing and hosting service, if we have a service then we have infrastructure costs and a point of centralization. We have some tools to handle this like IPFS, handshake and more. But this is beyond the MVP scope, right now I think the blockchain descentralization is enough to attract the creators.
We still need to define legal aspects. As we'll have a centralized part in this beginning, we'll need to be protected. Regarding the centralized part, we can use the MVP to strict the rules and fine tune the system around it to accepted levels of governance. For example: If someone wants to receive sponsorship for something illegal, it is our right as a company to choose to deny access to their contract, and remove it from our platform. This one would fork the project, build his own rules and infrastructure, put his contract there and be visible again (actually he never lost his visibility, everything required to do the transaction is in the blockchain, the centralized part just facilitates that).
This a very small project, depending on service requirements I hope to finish that in less than 3 months.
This is a MVP, so I'll focus on API's and the most simple frontend possible. The money will basically be used to pay me and I've added a bonus to look for someone with legal knowledge to protect us.
- U$ 12,000 - Haskell/PureScript developer (400 hours)
- U$ 5,000 - Legal adviser or lawyer (one time payment to build a terms of use that protect us)
- U$ 1,000 - Initial infrastructure costs
Myself: Fullstack developer, I'll work both on frontend and backend, techstack to be decided.
Legal Adviser: I need someone with legal knowledge to build a terms of use that protect us for legal problems. I have someone in mind, but I'll see if he is available.
To measure the impact of the project on the challenge, we chose these project metrics:
- Number of contracts built on the platform
- Number transactions of the contracts built on the platform
We'll also have some metrics to indicate progress of the project:
- Ratio of issues closed by issues opened
- Number of commits
This is the MVP:
- As a creator, I can fill the fields, then an API build and submit the smart contracts
- As a creator, I'll grab audience ADA according new content on my feed by a fixed rate
- As audience, I can send some ADA to creator script address
- Test coverage, mainly for API, at least 40% of coverage.
- CI/CD will be there.
This is how transactions would appear on blockchain for a given creator "Contract":
- Creator: deposit (fees, feedURL) to Contract
- Audience: deposit (sponsorship, fees) to Contract
- Creator: grab (sponsorship, feesResidual) from Contract, sending (feedURL)
- Platform: grab (fees) from Contract
This is beyond MVP, but can be made if everything goes well (under the 3 months target):
- As a creator, I can see my contracts
- As a creator, I can see my contract executions
- As a creator, I can disable my contract
- As a creator, I can send a link to my audience to transfer ADA straight to my contract
- As audience, I can at anytime reclaim previous given ADA (excepting fees)
- As audience, I can select how much and how many I'll pay for each new content and send ADA
- Referall program (see the last item of reach creators and audience plan)
This is out of scope, but shows where we could go in future:
- As a supporter, I want to define how much ADA I want to process creators contracts
- As a creator, I want to define how much ADA I'll pay to process my contract
- More integrations beyond simple feeds, we can fetch content from other services, like Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, GitHub and more
- Even more descentralization, we can use blockchain + NFT as feed input, having an even more distributed network.
- Research to get insights from creators and their audience
How we will reach creators and audiences:
- Use the system entry screen also as Landing Page for creators;
- Creation of an official twitter account for the project to post project news, releases and to divulgation;
- Divulgation of the creators LP on social media, through my account and official account;
- Divulgation through some key content creators that I know which are gonna be interested in the project because of their historical problems with platforms;
- Divulgation on the creator audience page (ex: "Have your own sponsorship page and earn ADA")
- Referall program to encourage creators -> creators divulgation, for example, we can have part of the transaction fees, from the first contract creation of a lead, that has come from a creator audience page ad banner, going it's referral. This is not in the MVP, but we can prioritize that if we have time to - depending on how interactions with public are going.
- For audiences, it will be up to creators to work on divulgation during the MVP. In the future we can, with creators, define how we would help divulgate through the platform.
It's the evolution of this idea:
I am JavaScript developer for the last 8 years, working mainly with Vue and NodeJS. I started studying Haskell and PureScript last year, now I'm in Plutus Pioneer Program.
I have made a similar project in other blockchain before: