Last updated 2 years ago
Cardano cross-mobile wallet oriented to savings and financial health through DeFi for African emerging countries.
Develop user-friendly financial intelligence mobile wallet to drive Cardano adoption through savings & open decentralized finance.
This is the total amount allocated to Thrift Mobile.
Develop user-friendly financial intelligence mobile wallet to drive Cardano adoption through savings & open decentralized finance.
Our Team has a combined experience of 35 years in blockchain, finance, machine learning, business analytics, African business & big data.
Africa Wallet + Savings
Develop an easy-to-use multi-device mobile wallet to drive the adoption of Cardano through financial savings and defi services laying the foundation for interaction with decentralized savings systems and open finance. We will implement a smart financial savings assistant to help, motivate and propose suggestions and alternatives to encourage savings through Cardano, informing about the financial health of your accounts by analyzing income and expenses.
Saving is synonymous with foresight. Its importance lies in the possibility of having money for emergencies or unforeseen expenses that may arise in the future, it represents a surplus in the future. There will be good and bad times, that is why saving is vital to have a healthy economy throughout life.
savings = income - expenses.
Use Cases
1. Funds management. Receipt, hold and withdrawal Ada, metadata, native tokens and NFTs.
2. Staking rewards.
3. Provide personal analysis to drive savings and financial health.
3.1 Manage savings and spending goals. Request goals awards as NFT.
3.2 Stable currency integration.
Future plans(not covered in this proposal):
- Integrate the Dapp Connector for interacting with the Crowd-Staking mechanism.
- Design and implementation of a financial health qualification system, which helps to better understand the personalized situation of each user.
- Wallet Inheritance. Property rights transfer mechanism. Account recovery.
- Atala Prism Identities. The development and integration timings of identity management with Atala Prism depends on the completion of the stable version of the Typescript framework, which is currently in a non-stable beta version.
Develop user-friendly financial mobile wallet to drive Cardano adoption through savings & open decentralized finance for Africa countries.
All the proposed objectives are technically possible, so there are no problems blocking the development side.
The mobile wallet is the MVP and core of Thrift Finance, we want to offer an intuitive mobile wallet experience to interact with Cardano ecosystem services.
This is important because allow us to offer profitable, secure and easy access to services from the Cardano ecosystem to Africa countries, which is out main target.
Initially, we will analyze and explore existing tools and libraries, then choose the ones that best suit our needs, for the mobile wallet side.
The wallet development will be led by a full stack developer with experience in previous wallets[0], in tune with the management of Thrift Finance manager, who will provide public progress reports.
This developer will be in charge of implementing frontend views, crypto libraries, types, data persistence, language management, among others, see bellow tentative timeline.
By achieving the proposed objectives, we will be able to offer a light wallet with full capabilities to everyone from the smartphones.
- Create/restore accounts.
- Send payments.
- Hold assets, native tokens, NFTs.
- Get rewards while staking.
Tentative timeline
Phase 0 / 3 months - Start Mobile Wallet development:
A. Start developing the light wallet as a mobile app.
1. Use React-Native + Typescript.
2. Design UI/UX.
3. Redux for state management in the views.
4. Multi-platform support. Android, iOS.
5. Data persistence, cache, and configuration.
6. Multi-lingual support.
B. Start landing page.
1. Reactjs.
2. Server configuration and web deployment. IPFS.
3. Setup domain/web certificate with Let's Encrypt & certbot.
Phase 1 / 2 months - Basic Wallet features and Alonzo support:
A. Continue developing the mobile wallet.
1. Basic account features (Byron-Shelley-Alonzo).
1.1 Creation, restoration, modification and deletion accounts.
1.2 Send, receive and show transactions.
1.3 Native tokens support. Send, receive and show tokens.
Phase 2 / 1 months- MVP Working Product:
A. Continue developing the mobile wallet.
1. First saving analytics.
2. Wallet tutorials, 'How to install', 'How to use'.
C. Community:
1. Open public channels.
Detailed estimated costs by hour
*The following costs are based in hours, as a way to normalize the value.
Project: Thrift Mobile
Frontend components:
- UX/UI Design. Figma prototypes. 30h.
- Landing page. 22h.
- React native app integration using Typescript. Cross platform (Android & iOS ). 180h.
Yoroi serialization lib:
- Transaction builds with scripts using Cardano-serialization-lib. 140h.
- General testing. 40h.
Project Management:
- Explore new tools from Cardano ecosystem that match Thrift Finance needs. 8h.
- Maintain an update a public board about the progress of the proposal. 16h.
- Community interaction and reports, catalyst progress updates. 24h.
- Manage and lead development in wallet tasks. 40h.
Training. 12h.
Total hours: 512h
Total engineering: 35840 USD
Licenses & 1 year subscriptions: 900 USD
Hardware devices 400$
Infrastructure costs and maintenance for 1 year: 3200 USD
-> Total: 40340 USD
Thrift labs has become one of the 9 selected projects along 40 candidates to join the first batch of IO Incubator program.
You can see the complete list of selected projects here: (old
The idea was launched in June 2021 with the intention of offering DeFi services from mobile devices, facilitating access in developing areas, such in Africa countries.
Project Manager & Growth Hacker: Odosu Josiah is an active member of the Cardano community, Plutus Pioneer, Founder of, founder of two businesses on ground in Nigeria focused in bridging IT and e-commerce gaps for local businesses with previous experience in the banking sector (GTBank).
Wallet Developer: Jaime Caso Onzain is the founder of C64 Wallet, Cardano ambassador, Cardano stake pool operator (BOOST), full-stack developer, Emurgo Academy alumni, tester for Mina protocol and wallet integration developer.
Financial Analyst: Loveth Chukwu is a Finance Executive. MBA Fintech. She is the co-founder, Morgate Financial Services, a firm that provides accounting, audit and consulting services to business owners in Nigeria. She is the convener, Morgate Tax boot Camp; an organization that brings together business owners to get awareness and knowledge about accounting, tax and investments annually.
UI/UX Designer: Odiabo Emmanuel. Mobile App Design, Web, UI UX, Figma, UI Design, Prototyping.
Hiring: we are looking for new Haskell and Plutus developers, and at the same time we are agreeing developments with expert Haskell/Plutus labs already involved in Cardano.
- Complete data encryption and persistence.
- Creation/updating/deleting accounts.
- End2End 'Send' simple transaction(Just ada).
- Show transaction details(confirmed and pending).
- End2End 'Send' transaction with metadata.
- End2End 'Send' transaction with native tokens.
- End2End 'Delegate' transaction and get rewards.
- Number of downloads, Android/iOS.
Tracking of project progress and KPIs will be publicly reported every two weeks to Catalyst organizers and the rest of the community through our social media channels.
The proposal is considered completed when all KPIs have been satisfactorily completed, before the time frame of 6 months and the wallet is available for download in the detailed mobile platforms.
No previous fund in for the current proposal.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Our Team has a combined experience of 35 years in blockchain, finance, machine learning, business analytics, African business & big data.