Last updated 2 years ago
The Cardano learning curve is very steep. Many want to learn but are severely limited by time, resources, and willpower.
Cardano L-EARN is a Learn to Earn platform designed to supercharge developer education with learning incentives.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano L-EARN (for Developers).
Cardano L-EARN is a Learn to Earn platform designed to supercharge developer education with learning incentives.
Running learn-to-earn programs in.
7 Years organizing and teaching crypto communities with Bitcoin Bay
4 Years experience organizing hackathons (Https://
Founding Proposer of Cardano Hub Buenos Aires (F6)
Cardano L-EARN is a Learn to Earn platform designed to supercharge developer education with learning incentives.
We provide structured lessons which anyone with access to a computer and internet can follow. Lessons include theory and step by step how-to's, in English and Spanish.
Check our github for the latest lessons and lesson structure available - Our telegram community is at
Each lesson includes a test and ADA incentive. Pass the test and you receive the ADA! The test is to verify knowledge and practical ability described in the lesson.
Students must verify unique identity via BrightID or video call before withdrawing earnings.
Cardano L-EARN involves a team of lesson planners and creators, test administrators, and community managers
Education is peer-to-peer, which means you will be able to teach and test lessons you have already passed. This aspect is volunteer based for now.
We are regularly updating lessons to reflect the evolving state of Cardano Developement so instructions will always be accurate and up to date..
Everything created by Cardano L-EARN is open source.
Are you excited to Learn and Earn ADA with Cardano L-EARN? Let us know and help us make it happen!
Our main strategy is to provide an incentivization structure for developers to learn Cardano Develoment. An ADA reward is earned for every lesson completed.
Guiding questions
Potential directions
Why is it important?
Learn to Earn is a very powerful way to train and teach developers. The most important skills can be rewarded the most.
Risk Mitigation
These are our milestones. You can compare them with our KPIs provided below.
1-3 Months
- Add 5 Cardano lessons & tests
- Intro to Cardano & Beginner Developer Lessons
- 300+ Lessons completed
- 150 community members
- 5+ contributors
3-6 Months
- Add 10 Cardano lessons & tests
- Intermediate Developer Lessons
- 1500+ Lessons Completed
- 600 community members
- 10+ contributors
6-12 Months
- Add 20 Cardano lessons & tests
- Advanced Developer Lessons
- 3000+ Lessons Completed
- 2000 community members
- 15+ contributors
- Connect 50+ newly trained devs with Cardano Projects
Growth beyond 12 months may require securing additional sponsorship
Lesson Development (20 lessons in 12 months)
Total - $6000
Teaching and Testing
Total - $6200
Community Development
Total - $2400
Learning rewards
Total - $15300
Total - $29900
Team Members -
Our team includes
The following is the list of our team members and their roles, experience and profiles
Antoine De Vuyst - L-EARN Coordinator,
Experience - Founded BDU L-EARN
Linkedin -
Github -
Co-Founder of Cardano Hub Buenos Aires
Milangeli Romero - Test Administrator, Community Manager
Experience - Running BDU L-EARN, developing content, test administration, blocking sybil attackers,
Telegram - @Msrl8
Jose Ramirez - Lesson Creator, Test Administrator
Experience - Creating Lessons for BDU L-EARN
Telegram - @jose1406
Lucas Machiavelli - Lesson Creator,
LinkedIn -
Co-Founder of Cardano Hub Buenos Aires
Ivanna - Community Manager
Experience - Community manager of Cardano Hub Buenos Aires
We will measure progress and provide auditability by providing monthly KPI reports, with data on the following KPIs
We will also hire Cardano developers, as well as students to audit lessons for accuracy and functionality. Details of audits will be provided in the KPI reports.
Qualitative Success
We would like to provide a safe and inclusive environment to learn about Cardano Development, while supercharging Cardano developer learning by leveraging the power of ADA.
Quantitave Success
We measure quantitative success by defining monthly KPI goals. These goals have already been defined in the milestones section
This is a new proposal.
However it has the backing and support of Cardano Hub Buenos Aires, a community which was funded by Catalyst.
Running learn-to-earn programs in.
7 Years organizing and teaching crypto communities with Bitcoin Bay
4 Years experience organizing hackathons (Https://
Founding Proposer of Cardano Hub Buenos Aires (F6)