Last updated 2 years ago
There is a lack of coordinated Initiatives which identify and build tools and solutions with a focus on the Catalyst Ecosystem
Swarm Labs forms a center of gravity for devs to collaborate on building tools and solutions for the Catalyst Ecosystem
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst SwarmLabs.
Swarm Labs forms a center of gravity for devs to collaborate on building tools and solutions for the Catalyst Ecosystem
SwarmLabs is a collaborative project between Catalyst Swarm & FLUID7. Catalyst Swarm members bring profound experience and expertise on the Cardano & Catalyst Ecosystem, FLUID7 offers broad developer coordination experience, coding skills and infrastructure provision.
Project Catalyst is an immense success in exploring human collaborations, however, there is a lack of coordinated efforts for the Dev Community to focus on tools which are needed to ensure an effective growth of the Catalyst Ecosystem
With SwarmLabs, we will explore and establish a coordinated body of Catalyst Experts, Project Managers and Developers to identify the most needed tools and services for effective collaboration with a view to rapidly build tools and solutions for the Catalyst Community and Ecosystem.
Furthermore, SwarmLabs will introduce a mixed team of Catalyst veterans and developers to build a Developer Team that will support the Developer Ecosystem Challenge Team. In addition to that, the Team aims to identify and submit specific Challenge Setting Proposals in response to feedback taken throughout the Community's evolution.
As the last point, we aim to capture opinions and trends within the Developers Ecosystem and to maintain close communications and relations with the Catalyst Circle Toolmakers & Maintainers representative.
The roadmap for a specific project rollout is envisioned as followed:
(1) Identifying
Through Community Sessions and Workshops, we will Identify crucial needs for tools and tech services that have a direct use case, necessity and impact on the Catalyst Developer Ecosystem & Community.
(2) Prioritize
Once Identified, the Team will work internally with a focus to prioritise the sensed needs and set the order in which projects might be delivered first.
(3) Organizing
Package identified needs as projects with an included project plan, roles required & management strategy.
Offer the fully packaged Projects with related resources to the community. The full packages will be submitted as proposals to gather the required resources to fully implement the chosen solution.
(4) Incentivized Team Building
After Identifying and setting up a project execution plan, we will then encourage and empower devs, engineers and designers to form rewarded execution teams from the community.
As the Catalyst Swarm maintains a wide Community Network, we have direct access to devs, engineers, architects & designers.
In addition to that, Swarm’s experience in initiating Teams and workflows will help us in the Team Building process.
(5) Reflect and Improve
Reflecting on the first pilots and initiatives to improve further steps. Documenting the process and creating easy to consume media content to attract and introduce new devs into SwarmLabs and Project Catalyst
Our observations and experiences will be communicated via Challenge Setting Proposals and through direct communication with the Catalyst Circle Toolmakers & Maintainers representative.
As with the replication of the Town Halls, our Long Term vision is to explore effective mechanisms, to generate playbooks and blueprints of the SwarmLabs and to adapt and adjust our format to local context and Cardano communities.
This Proposal aims to explore and incentivize coordinated efforts for developers to build teams and solutions in an accelerated way to improve the Developer's experience within the Cardano Ecosystem by leveraging the learned experience from the Catalyst Swarm in building community teams and projects. We want to use this experience to specifically target and increase the developer's engagement within the ecosystem.
Outcomes, Milestones and Updates will be announced from the Catalyst Swarm via Social Media Channels ( Discord, Twitter etc ), the Catalyst Swarm Website and via our community Events ( Town Halls, Swarm Sessions, Community Events etc )
The Main Challenge will definitely be to find committed and skilled developers to execute once projects are identified and planned.
As the Catalyst Swarm maintains a wide community Network, we hope to benefit from our outreach capacity when on-boarding devs, engineers & designers.
June 2022
July 2022
All needed resources fit into following Budget Posts:
Catalyst Swarm - Represented by Felix Weber
Founder & Coordinator at Catalyst Swarm, Catalyst Circle version 1, Funded Proposer
FLUID7 - Represented by Jonathan Adjei
Director at Fluid7, Community Advisor, Funded Proposer, Stake Pool Operator, Catalyst Community veteran, Challenge Team Lead
Updates and News will be displayed on the Catalyst Swarm Website
All developer activities and operations will be tracked via Catalyst Swarm Github repositories
Working Sessions will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube
Success of this Proposal will be when Catalyst Tools and tech services can be identified, mapped out and executed in a coordinated effort. Built and maintained tools for the Catalyst Ecosystem and a dev experience which directly connects their activities to the Catalyst Circles activity.
This Proposal is an entirely new Proposal from Swarm & Fluid7
SwarmLabs is a collaborative project between Catalyst Swarm & FLUID7. Catalyst Swarm members bring profound experience and expertise on the Cardano & Catalyst Ecosystem, FLUID7 offers broad developer coordination experience, coding skills and infrastructure provision.