Last updated 2 years ago
The Cardano ecosystem is lacking any well-known bounty boards where people can find good work and start earning without waiting for Catalyst
Leveraging the Done Collectively DAO manageability platform, we will add bounty-aggregation features, serving bounty hunters and DAO members
This is the total amount allocated to Done Collectively: Bounty Aggreg8r .
Leveraging the Done Collectively DAO manageability platform, we will add bounty-aggregation features, serving bounty hunters and DAO members
25+ years software development, Catalyst Community members, active ongoing collaborator: ADAO, Gimabalabs, DEMU, Web3:4Life, more
Audience: any decentralized organization, and people who want to be gainfully employed as web3 workers. People who want to be getting organized as a result of the conversations they're having together.
About the Done Collectively Platform: DAOs on Cardano (and EVM?) want to have a place they can go to be organized together. Organizing into groups, getting those groups commissioned (with tokens or spendable coin), forming project plans, writing project Bounties, and engaging with communities are all on-mission. The present version of the application also facilitates transparency around mission, vision, values and other cultural and execution-oriented details.
James at Gimbalabs said, "Navigating all of my multiple DAOs and feeling organized about the experience? … aw, f*** yeah!". Dan Mercurius said "it's like a more clear / coherent version of what I tried to do with Zenhub". George Lovegrove said "make[s] it nice and easy for people to move their way inwards toward full time contribution". Tom (TCT) of ADAO said, "It is the platform that is going to make Cardano THE blockchain for DAOs. [it] will allow ADAO to onboard new members and contributors efficiently and effectively."
Please see our intro paper and find project updates at:
Done Collectively will already have places for DAOs to write up tasks and bounties for them. DAOs will be able to "send out the bat-signal" and bring in new contributors they need to get their missions done. This project will aggregate bounties from many DAOS and make them accessible to bounty hunters.
People seeking bounty work will be able to filter that list of bounties based on skills-match and possibly other factors, getting good project matching and saving themselves time trawling through old stuff they don't want to see. These sound like "table-stakes" features, yet most bounty boards we've been able to find don't have anything of that sort. Same way with being able to click through to see more context about the teams and projects who are sponsoring the work.
The internet of DAOs and the internet of jobs is likely to be the future of work. It enables self-actualization for web3 workers and people who have wanted to shift that direction. Most existing bounties on bounty boards found across all chains are highly technical, and lacking much in the way of context. It's hard to tell how to start collaborating with the sponsoring teams.
We seek to change all that, enabling bounty hunters to easily find the project, the context and the team. We want to enable a quick start for getting into the delivery of value to projects.
—---- More about upcoming integrations with Done Collectively —---
On our roadmap are such projects as:
use github-like semantics (or github itself?) to administer the co-evolution of those details, with strong traceability built in, and bridging to Gitbook is contemplated as well. We're ready to build in Discord integrations, so that Groups, Projects, Bounties, or just about anything else in the platform can come with side-chat in our communities (with backup/snapshots of those chats imported into the DC platform as a bonus).
Perhaps our most exciting product plan is the integration of token-based signaling directly into the governance workflows in the application, enabling hundreds and thousands of DAOs to start moving more quickly together while integrating feedback from community and contributors, and including tokenomic results to create financial ecologies for any of our DAOs who would want that.
A great bounty-board for the Cardano developer community will facilitate collaborations, enabling new community members to quickly find their way to projects needing their help, and support our development projects with bounties for other contributing roles.
This project aligns with Support structures and Incentivization structures as mentioned in the challenge brief's "potential directions"
One of the main challenges for a great bounty board is for it to be actually useful for the people who show up looking to add value to a project and earn money for it. We are positioned to improve on the typical web3 bounty board in at least one major way in the short term, by connecting those bounty hunters directly into the working groups and projects, and review their missions, their clearly expressed goals, plans and success criteria. This will already be a major advancement over today's typical bounty board, and give a person enough good information to start engaging meaningfully in live sessions with project teams.
Having good filtering to serve bounty hunters is another relevant challenge. That's primarily because of dependencies on effective skill-and-certification frameworks. As we're currently planning work to enable DAOs to express their skill needs, we'll soon be in a good position to add great filtering capabilities to serve bounty hunters.
--- more generally...
Scope risk would normally be a critical consideration for a project such as Done Collectively (our platform mitigates that very effectively; see also technical risk below). We've been able to scope all of our Catalyst proposals to be narrow, building directly on product functions already present, so that when our moment is right, we can dig in with laser focus and do just this one thing.
Staffing is probably our greatest general risk. We're relying on existing partnerships and relationships (Gimbalabs, ADAO, Web3:4Life) to assist with the project in any areas of graphic design, market research, technical collaboration or anything else that comes up. If many of our proposals are funded, we may distribute some of the efforts over a longer time interval, with highest-value work queued first. With that funding, we'll also be positioned to hire trusted developers and other contributors from our existing networks.
Technical risk is naturally a key consideration for such a project as this. That said, our application framework has been under continuous development for some years, in the context of developing a software-requirements-management product and a relationship-management SaaS product for churches. New features are typically quick to create and work very reliably.
Our approach on the design and implementation of our platform has always been to enable the highest quality and production-grade results even from projects executed on prototype-like timelines. Our current product, still in late-alpha after just a few weeks of part-time development effort, is being urgently requested from teams who see its workflows, even as those workflows are still in active design & evolution. This speaks to the effectiveness of the platform, and also our collaborative process of finding shared meaning and reflecting it in useful application workflows.
Our platform includes facets of deployment-management, system-operations, lightweight virtual private networking, decentralized system operations, and SaaS infrastructure. These details mitigate operational risk, helping to ensure we have good support for production-time practicalities.
In general, the Done Collectively platform is well underway. Building out additional components such as proposed in this project will leverage everything already in the platform, and we'll build this increment according to this ROADMAP:
Month 1:
Month 2
Future: iterate filtering capabilities based on self-sovereign identity, verifiable credentials, web of trust.
Using a standard rate of $100/hr for skilled contributors.
$19600 - Software development
90h = $9000 - UI development
50h = $5000 - server infrastructure
16h = $1600 - refinements after feedback sessions
40h = $4000 - instrumentation for tracking whether bounties are paid to people who found them through the aggregated bounty board
$4800 - Market fit/validation studies
6 sessions conducted by guild members with Cardano communities
…services provided by Web3:4Life Guild
Total: $24,400
Randall Harmon - software developer, application architect, Swarm Veteran, Gimbalabs core contributor, facilitator. Will manage the project, implement most of the UI, and provide guidance and any needed technical mentorship to other contributors.
Web3:4Life Guild is a small team of designers, facilitators and practitioners of cultural-development and organizational planning and development practices, with roots in regenerative design, ancient-wisdom practices, sales and business-development. We're using their services for market-fit & validation work on this proposal.
Completion of bounty-board functionality
Number of bounties posted to the public boards in the platform
Amount of ADA and DAO-tokens distributed to people who found the bounties on the aggregated bounty board
The key success criteria for Done Collectively is that we're delivering the things most important for decentralized organizations to get things done together. That includes many or all of: getting and being organized, reflecting to each other transparently what plans we figured out together, creating good incentives for that work to be done, mustering resources to ensure those incentives have meaningful backing, and showing clear credibility signals to support both trustability and due caution to would-be DAO members.
Having an effective bounty board for Cardano DAOs is our most important criterion for this project.
Enabling developers and other contributors to quickly find work and
This is a new proposal.
25+ years software development, Catalyst Community members, active ongoing collaborator: ADAO, Gimabalabs, DEMU, Web3:4Life, more