Cardano's Smart Contract is built on Haskell. But there is no book or document about Haskell for developers in Japan
We will translate the book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good into Japanese and share it with current Developer communities in Japan.
This is the total amount allocated to Haskell Book Japanese Translation.
We will translate the book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good into Japanese and share it with current Developer communities in Japan.
Our team has a Haskell developer with 5 years of Haskell experience and a Japanese interpreter with 10 years of experience (Japanese Language Proficiency Test level N1)
For today's Blockchain platforms, especially Cardano, developers are one of the most important forces helping to develop decentralized applications on Cardano.
Japan is one of the countries with a very large number of developers. But English is one of the huge barriers for developers in Japan. According to the EF English Proficiency Index, the English proficiency index of Japanese is only 35th out of 72 countries
Developers in Japan have very limited access to Blockchain and Smart Contract documents. This prevents Cardano's number of developers from growing in Japan. Besides, Cardano's Smart Contract is also built on one of the rarest programming languages in Japan, Haskell.
Therefore, we will translate the book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good into Japanese and share it with developer communities in Japan interested in blockchain. Because, Learn You a Haskell for Great Good is one of the books full of Haskell knowledge from basic to advanced (recommendation from IOHK when you want to start learning Plutus Pioneer Program)
Creating multilingual Haskell documents, especially Japanese, is one of the first necessary steps to help developers in Japan easily access to building projects on Cardano.
Haskell is an uncommon programming language in Japan and there is very little documentation on Haskell in Japan.
Therefore, this proposal will help to develop "Number of developers actively building on top of Cardano"
After completing the translation of the book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good. We will be bringing this document along with other Haskell documents that we have translated previously to the developer communities interested in blockchain in Japan. We will share about Cardano's Blockchain technology and the superiority of programming with Haskell on Cardano
Haskell is a functional programming language. Therefore, it is quite difficult for existing developers (who are using imperative programming language) to quickly access Haskell.
To solve this problem, besides translating books, we also create detailed video tutorials on Youtube to help developers who have difficulty reading books.
The first month: We will translate the entire book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good into Japanese (370 pages)
The second month: We will share this book with 10 developer communities in Japan. Goal: 200 downloads
The third month: We will share this book to 20 developer communities in Japan. Target: 500 downloads + 10 developers participating in the Pioneer Developer Program + 5 proposals from developers in Japan submitted to Catalyst
Translation cost: 25$ per page
Total pages: 370
Total: $9,250
Mr. Curtis D'Alves: Haskell Developer
Ms.Ha: Japanese interpreter, translator and blockchain project reviewer.
+ 10 years of experience in translating and interpreting Japanese.
+ N1 Japanese language ability, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
+2 years of learning Cardano, evaluating blockchain projects.
We will complete the translation into a pdf file and upload it to google drive for developers to download. It's not difficult to keep track of downloads on google drive.
The number of developers participating in the Plutus Pioneer course can be measured by registration forms.
The number of proposals submitted on Catalyst can be checked by "Has someone referred you to become a proposer?"
This is a brand new project
Our team has a Haskell developer with 5 years of Haskell experience and a Japanese interpreter with 10 years of experience (Japanese Language Proficiency Test level N1)