Last updated 2 years ago
In LatinAmerica, too much Cardano general info, but too little in-depth technical knowledge. We need to guide Latindevs to the substance👬🎓
Create high-level technical educational material in Spanish, of proven effectiveness in other geographies, by ed-industry professionals.
This is the total amount allocated to PLUTUS FOR DEVS IN SPANISH.
Create high-level technical educational material in Spanish, of proven effectiveness in other geographies, by ed-industry professionals.
Sebastian Pabon. Relevant Education: Haskell-Plutus EBU course, Plutus Pioneers Program, Atala Prism Pioneers. CT Grow Latin America Grow Cardano (F7). Designated instructor by EBU for the Haskell-Plutus course in Spanish (Term III 21/22). CA, VCA. F8 CT Misc-SSI. Swarmnist.
This proposal relates to the Hackathon and Internship Program Proposal ( in the "Grow Africa Grow Cardano" campaign. In fact, both proposals are part of our global education strategy that seeks to contribute to leveling the social and economic playing field and unlocking the right to first-class knowledge in developing countries. In the short term future, we will implement in Latin America a similar educational metodology that will encourage social and economic equality in Latin America while promoting Cardano as one of the leaders in the fight for social and economic equality in this region of the planet, making this proposal the seed that will start it all in that part of the world.
Main features of the project:
-Take the Haskell-Plutus course currently taught in English since last year to students from African, Asian and Latin American countries (see Course Description - English version pdf) and create a course in Spanish for Latin American and Spanish-speaking students in the world. The current course, taught in English over 13 weeks, is based on the educational material provided directly by IOG, under the educational partnership established between IOG and EBU. The proposal will improve the assimilation process of Haskell and Plutus by smoothing the friction generated by the language barrier, generating a more intimate learning process between one of the key resources of the Cardano ecosystem (Plutus) and the student located in the shifting sands of the social and economic inequality of his own country of origin.
The European Business University of Luxembourg (EBU) ( is a respected educational institution in the mission of provide world-class education to students who cannot afford it, especially in regions of the world where social and economic inequality is a major obstacle in the process of growth of the human spirit. Contributing to build fairer, innovative and growing communities is EBU's business, which is why IOG has considered us as a strategic partner to disseminate the technical knowledge of one of its core resources to young countries that are still on the way to find their own destiny. Besides IOG, other respected organisations have given us their vote of confidence, among them: Women in Businnes - Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI), African Youth Abroad Empowerment (AYAE), African Coding Network - UMUZI, Ernst & Young (EY) Colombia, International Graduate Center (IGC) Bremen, among other important organisations (the complete list here:
-Upload the Haskell - Plutus course in Spanish to the EBU online platform ( and teach a certificate course during 14-weeks, starting in june 2022 (Term III - Academic Year 21/22).
-At the end of the course, after fulfilling the academic and practical requirements proof of satisfactory learning, the students will receive a certificate of the course.
-This educational resource will be the basis for teaching Haskell-Plutus to later cohorts of the course in Spanish and for the implementation of related educational strategies in Latin America in the near future (one of them is described in the proposal "Hackathon and Internship Program" Proposal The course will be subject to updates and improvements as the Cardano ecosystem evolves.
-On the final week of the course, students are required to complete a final project challenge. Here, they are given a real-world problem statement and are required to work in groups to develop smart contracts to solve the problem to pass the course (visit our repository to see samples of these projects).
-EBU plans to have EBU Hubs where our developers will be linked to corporations/ businesses in the Region and outside, who require smart contracts to improve their operations. The students will get to intern in these corporations as they build on these solutions. This not only creates future potential employment opportunities for them but also is an avenue for them to work on real business problems (basically, the same methodology formulated in the proposal "Hackathon and Internship Program" Proposal applied to Latin America. As you can see, the EBU's global education strategy has overall coherence and is aligned with Cardano's objectives)
-By sharing our proposal with the Latin American Catalyst community (members of the Catalyst TH LATAM), we have noticed a special interest in our Spanish course from companies in the Region that, seeking to deepen their link with the Cardano ecosystem, want to involve their staff in learning Plutus and for that purpose, are looking for a reliable educational resource in Spanish, supported by IOG.
-The potential job opportunities that emerge from this will create a demand for the skill, encouraging more people to take on Cardano development.
-Our developers will be helping in building the Cardano blockchain in Latin America, encouraging more development and adoption of the Cardano blockchain in this Region.
Miro board of the proposal in
Probably, Latin America will be the next Africa: same social and economic complexity, and therefore same innovative and creative potential.
The proposed solution answers the following guiding questions of the F8 "Developers Ecosystem" Campaign:
"Why is it important?" is one of the main question of the Campaign. "Creating an awesome experience that incentives developers, will lead to increased developer adoption, productivity, and creativity" is the answer. Our proposed solution is in tune with the answer.
The proposed solution contributes to the following KPIs of the F8 "Developers Ecosystem" Campaign:
The truth is: the silver bullet can come from any place. For Cardano, as an innovative organisation that seeks to improve existing social and economic systems, the best strategy is to cover as much ground as possible, especially in places that experience the greatest social and economic pressure from those systems, because it is precisely from there, from the necessity, that the most powerful ideas emerge. Latin America is one of those places.
Cardano ecosystem has to be easy to learn and use for Latin American newcomers and budding talents. To that end, Cardano needs educational resources to provide quality education on Plutus, improve the assimilation process of Haskell and Plutus by smoothing the friction generated by the language barrier and generate a more intimate learning process between one of the key resources of the Cardano ecosystem (Plutus) and the students. Our solution will create an educational resource that help Latin American developers more easily write and deploy smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain and accordingly, increase the adoption of the Cardano blockchain in Latin America.
The higher the quality of educational resources, the faster developers can be engaged and create applications with a high level of quality and security.
The European Business University of Luxembourg (EBU) is a non-profit organisation that designs and develops educational products and services that put in the hands of students tools connected to real-world problems, with professors and human talent of the highest academic and professional level that transpire what is happening in the world.
In its educational work in developing countries, the University has prioritised access to education over economic costs. Its intensive scholarship programme, in which students pay only a minimal tuition fee ($20 EUR is the current rate) for certificate courses in the areas of business and technology, has enabled it to position itself as a reliable educational provider in countries in Africa, East Asia and Latin America (see graph below "EBU Scholarship Demographics - By Country").
In Latin America our Spanish language courses in business areas are well known, and now, with IOG as our partner, we are ready to bring Cardano's technical knowledge to Latin America, just as we have done in countries such as Kenya and Nigeria.
Milestone 1: create the course. Total duration: 2 months.
Output 1: month 1. First seven weeks of the course uploaded to the EBU platform. (Total weeks of the course: 14 weeks)
Output 2: month 2. Last seven weeks of the course uploaded to the EBU platform. (Total weeks of the course: 14 weeks)
Milestone 2: teaching the course - start. Total duration: 14 weeks starting June 6, 2022.
Output 1: June 6, 2022. Course in spanish completely uploaded to the EBU platform
Output 2: start of class. June 6, 2022
Milestone 3: teaching the course - end. Total duration: 14 weeks starting June 6, 2022.
Output 1: 30 september 2022. Course in spanish completely taught through the EBU platform.
Total Budget $2200, broken down:
Project sustainability
Once the course is created (Sillabus 14 weeks total), the proposal will begin teaching the course in its first cohort for 14 weeks. During this teaching process, the proposal will not require further funding from Catalyst.
Sebastian Pabon. Engineering background. Experience: 20 years working with communities in Latin America. Social entrepreneur, educator, developer. Relevant Education for the project: Haskell-Plutus EBU course, Plutus Pioneers Program, Atala Prism Pioneers Program. CT Grow Latin America Grow Cardano (F7). Designated instructor by EBU for the Haskell-Plutus course in Spanish (II sem-2022). CA, VCA. F8 CT Misc-SSI. TH-ist, Swarmnist.
KPI 1: number of weeks of the course uploaded to the EBU platform at the end of each month.
Number of weeks expected to be uploaded to the plaform each month = 7 weeks/month
Total months = 2
KPI 2: total number of weeks uploaded to the EBU platform by June 6, 2022 (Term III - Academic Year 21/22).
Total weeks expected to be uploaded to the plaform by June 6, 2022 = 14 weeks
KPI 3: Total number of weeks taught by September 30, 2022 (starting June 6, 2022).
Total weeks expected to be teach through the platform = 14 weeks total
KPI 4: % of students obtaining the course certificate (completing the course) in the first cohort.
% expected = min. 75% total cohort
Stage 1: full 14-week Haskell - Plutus course in Spanish uploaded to the EBU platform.
Stage 2: Teaching the entire course for 14 consecutive weeks.
Stage 3: minimum 75% of students in the cohort obtaining the course certificate in the first cohort.
Entirely new proposal.
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG subgoals:
4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
4.b By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
10.1 By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average
10.5 Improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthen the implementation of such regulations
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Sebastian Pabon. Relevant Education: Haskell-Plutus EBU course, Plutus Pioneers Program, Atala Prism Pioneers. CT Grow Latin America Grow Cardano (F7). Designated instructor by EBU for the Haskell-Plutus course in Spanish (Term III 21/22). CA, VCA. F8 CT Misc-SSI. Swarmnist.