Last updated 2 years ago
10% of the worlds population speaks English. Would gather open source video content about Cardano then translate / DUB different languages
We would develop infrastructure to translate DUB open source Cardano content into many different languages so more people can learn about it
This is the total amount allocated to DUB popular ADA Video for the World.
We would develop infrastructure to translate DUB open source Cardano content into many different languages so more people can learn about it
Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT creator, Stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania Champion, Cardano Stonerz club OG, Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun ambassador, active Cardano community member, Catalyst Community Advisor, 2500 club member. I am dedicated to my work .
would develop infrastructure to translate DUB open source Cardano content into many different languages so more people can learn about it. An example would be Charles Hoskinson whiteboard videos, or other IOHK media.
This material is already made available to English speakers lets dub it for other languages.
This addresses the challenge by bringing already popular, successful content to a much broader audience. This is really needed to spread awareness about the Cardano blockchain worldwide. This proposal bridges cultures and countries together in common spirit.
I work with a group of very determined Cardano trailblazers! nothing can stop us from achieving our goals. Together we are strong! The more funding we have the more work we can do!
Another challenge to this initiative would be to not create interesting high quality content. I think that is one of the most important aspects of this campaign. It cannot be boring, has to be really fun and engaging.
The Time line would go as follows.
Immediately start talent acquisition, find voice actors, video editors, WEEK 1
outline all open source Cardano Video Content. WEEK 2
Identify key moments and content.
translate video x DUB Video x translate different languages. WEEK 3
Distribute translated videos into respective ecosystems where native speakers can be exposed.
WEEK 4-12
$6000 - to hire voice actors and translators
$1500 - to produce videos edit down to short points.
$1500 - organization and planning
$1000 - misc. production fees, art budget, logos, marketing, ect.
Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT creator, stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania Champion, Cardano Stonerz club OG, Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun Ambassador, active Cardano community member, catalyst community advisor, 2500 club member
Also have many talented artist friends in the Cardano community who I would rely on for help and creative input.
The project will document number of posts, likes, comments, video views, to track engagement and will make all data available to the public with full transparency.
Success for this project would have major impact on the reach of Cardano's message by making more materials open to the world. The more views on the videos the better.
This is a brand new proposal from an experienced Cardano user and Community member.
Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT creator, Stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania Champion, Cardano Stonerz club OG, Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun ambassador, active Cardano community member, Catalyst Community Advisor, 2500 club member. I am dedicated to my work .