Last updated 2 years ago
Many people don't understand the difference between environmentally problematic (PoW) and PoS chains like Cardano. False facts are spread.
We will create a short educational series to be shown in regional (german) TV, Youtube, TikTok & other social media, containing calculations
This is the total amount allocated to Short educational series.
We will create a short educational series to be shown in regional (german) TV, Youtube, TikTok & other social media, containing calculations
Filmmaker who won national and international awards (DJVP, FiSH, Camgaroo, SXX,..). Furthermore, in our Team will be a Cardano pioneer developer to support with technical knowledge.. We are connected to the Cardano Community Berlin & real world applications of NFTs in street art.
An educational series with environmental calculations, complying with free journalism standarts is going to be produced, covering different aspects of blockchains and highlighting the advantages of decentralization and Proof of Stake for society and environment, while also discussing the anonymity critically (and providing solutions like dID-projects (e.g. Atala Prism)).
We will create a short series, talk to local SPOs, calculate the energy and CO2 consumption in a scientific lecture / journalistic way.
Possibly local media is not willing to work with us together, but we got connections to "deutsche Welle", "AlexTV" and multiple local radio stations, thus we are confident to find a place besides youtube & own social media to share our content.
First weeks:
1-2 months after funding:
3-4 months after funding:
1000 USD: concept, location, pre-production
6000 USD: filming & crew & cast ->2500 for actors and voice artists, 1000 for equipment 1500 for unexpected costs, catering and other crew members
3000 USD: professional post production, social media management & licensing (music / graphics).
1) A young film maker with numerous awards received for own short films, 7+ years experience in the industry, connection to local media stations.
2) An SPO (pool: HUM), who is a scientist & plutus-pioneer who will provide the necessary background & information on different chains
As soon as the series is created, audability can be measured by number of views in classical social media but most importantly: by number of cooperations of classical TV / film media stations.
To broadcast the series in multiple TV programs, to get daily views on social media and grow a community.
To show a positive trend in surveys of people who watched the series if they started to use Cardano / if they moved a part of their blockchain activity after reading about it.
Highest goal: To bring it permanently to streaming services as e.g. Netflix
This is a completely new proposal.
It complies with: 4: education and free journalism principles.
Filmmaker who won national and international awards (DJVP, FiSH, Camgaroo, SXX,..). Furthermore, in our Team will be a Cardano pioneer developer to support with technical knowledge.. We are connected to the Cardano Community Berlin & real world applications of NFTs in street art.