Last updated 2 years ago
No one is currently using Theatre in Education to engage and inspire the young generation to understand Cardano Blockchain Technology.
Using Theatre in Education as an alternative medium to promote and create awareness of Cardano Blockchain Technology to Second Cycle Schools
This is the total amount allocated to Theatre For Change.
Using Theatre in Education as an alternative medium to promote and create awareness of Cardano Blockchain Technology to Second Cycle Schools
Former Project Coordinator in Alternative learning methodology using interactive theatre. Community Drama Group, Secondary School Arts Students + Wada Ghana Team
Live theatre is a powerful way to attract students’ attention and keep them engaged and make them adopt Cardano Blockchain Technology easily.Theatre in education will also be an effective way to exchange knowledge, create intentions and correct the myth around Cardano Blockchain Technology.
The proposed solution will make good use of the four learning styles (Visual Spatial, Aural - Auditory Musical, Verbal Linguistics, and Physical Kinesthetic) to address what words can’t express to the second cycle students about Cardano's main applications, future plans for the world, NFT, and SPO.
The Second Cycle Schools comprise of students between the ages of 15-21 years.
Each live theatre performance in the schools will be based on real life scenarios in the Ecosystem. The live performances will be video recorded then uploaded to social media platforms to act as an online educational material.
The project will have a great impact on students and will make the disseminating of information easier for people to understand, process and retain, especially complex topics about Blockchain that involve human emotions and interpersonal relationships.
Indeed, Cardano has a strong YouTube community, but obviously YouTube is not everything and it's not received well in many perspectives which is absolutely true!
In the context of these projects, we are using Interactive Theatre Performances as a medium to convey the message of Cardano Blockchain Technology and its effectiveness.
This methodology in implementing the project falls under the “Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!” Challenge setting objectives which goes beyond the normal traditional way of media.
Even though the Theatre in Education will provide a ‘cognitive playground’ in which students can experiment and learn what Cardano Blockchain Technology is, there may be different choices and points of view from each student, as well as a language barrier. Therefore, we shall convey our message in the language in which the target audience understands best.
1 month post funding
2 months post funding
3 months post funding
End of 3 months
Total budget for 3 months for 6 Interactive Performances in 6 Secondary Cycle Schools
Production Team (1 Video Editor + 1 Graphics Designer) 3 months = $2,300
Production Team (1 Videographer + 1 Sound Engineer) 3 months = $ 2,300
Script Writer for 3 months = $600*3 = $1,800
Local Theatre Groups for 3 months $3,500
Team + Coordination Cost for 3 months =$3,800
Marketing, Partnerships, and Promotions: $1,300
Total Budget: $15000
Daniel David Lezu was a stage performer. He used Interactive theatre to educate his community on topical issues.
Samuel N. Lamptey is the projects coordinator for a local Community based theatre group that are having a major positive impact in their society.
Lindsey holds Bachelors degree in Radio and Communications.
Nii Kwartelai holds Master's degree in Arts from University of Ghana
Wada Ghana Team: major in Cardano Outreach programs and Education.
At the end of the Project, we are expecting to have completed 6 Theatre performances in 6 different Second Cycle Schools for over 1000 Students.
Key metrics
Success for "Theatre for Change" Project for 3 Months:
This proposal is a continuation of Wada project 'Planting roots in Africa' which was funded in Catalyst Fund 6.
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Former Project Coordinator in Alternative learning methodology using interactive theatre. Community Drama Group, Secondary School Arts Students + Wada Ghana Team