Last updated 2 years ago
How can Cardano Catalyst create maximum positive impact through blockchain-powered Social Enterprise?
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Social Enterprises.
Powering existing and starting Social Enterprises with blockchain and introducing new types of social innovations can supercharge progress.
New Social Enterprises being brought to life and existing ones renewing their business models through Cardano adoption.
How might we create maximum positive impact through blockchain-powered business?
The world is a better place than it used to be, thanks to technology. Allowing all the world's people to benefit from blockchain technology does not only make business sense. It makes human sense.
A social enterprise is a business with specific social or environmental objectives as its primary purpose of existence. Social enterprises seek to maximize both impact and profits, and the profits are largely channeled back to serve the purpose of the organization. Design thinking, truly understanding the target group's needs and ability to scale the solutions after a few iterations of "trial and error" are crucial for any social enterprise.
In this challenge, proposals can be submitted by existing social enterprises seeking to expand their business, new social enterprises seeking start-up funding, and social enterprises looking to make innovative changes to their business model through Cardano adoption.
Social enterprise scope will need to be clearly articulated and verifiable during the auditing process.
In your proposal, please include information about your social enterprise with a clear focus on its community outreach significance and scope, for example:
Proposals should include the long-term vision, strategy and roadmap for business development. Short-term deliverables attainable in the next 6-9 months should also be included. Applications can be accompanied by audiovisual material to assist the illustration of complex solutions.
Alignment with Fund9 strategic goals
All Challenge Setting proposals have to meet one or more of these attributes:
Challenge Team Profiles
Stef Montanari Single Stake Pool Operator, eResearch Analyst and published Research Scientist;
Tomi Astikainen was a social entrepreneurship pioneer as he introduced the concept to Finland back in 2009. He has been successfully coordinating work in several challenge teams;
Collaborators are welcome, please reach out to @rabbitholepools if you wish to have your relevant experience listed here.