Last updated 2 years ago
How can humanitarian crises leverage Cardano so new use-case applications can support safety situations & help millions around the world?
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Supports 4 Humanitarian Aid.
CS4HA disrupts legacy systems with new Dapp use cases that can reach millions of new Cardano users who need access to vital human resources
Variety of DApps ready 2 trial in decentralised humanitarian ways:
In the past weeks the situation in Ukraine has brought to light many humanitarian issues that the world has long been faced with.
However Ukraine is not the only humanitarian crisis in the world and this in itself is worthwhile addressing with design thinking and innovation for distributed systems and decentralised structures.
During times of humanitarian crises, critical civilian infrastructure is of the highest importance to protect, however in all too many instance this is also the first aspect of war to become fractured or altogether broken.
People are unable to transfer value when ATM machines run out of cash, or banks close. Vital wireless networks go down, preventing point of sale digital transactions to take place in stores that remain open.
Needless to say, older generations or people that do not live in parts of the world we could consider modern societies (and sometimes even in modern societies as we've seen most recently) are often not equipped to address these issues with the available technology they have themselves.
Innovation is needed to improve all aspects of these important human processes, provide personal safety, and to safeguard against the inhumanity that is sometimes forced against innocent bystanders caught up in political conflict zones.
A variety of DApps could be produced that leverages Cardano to improve the resilience of humanitarian aid and support systems. These could include:
Each one of these categories of application use-cases has the potential to reach and impact millions of users and their lives