Last updated 3 years ago
This is the total amount allocated to Guarenteed Income Distribution.
Until cryptocurrency has immediate validity to more people, widespread adoption will be difficult, regardless of what marketing is employed.
People have better access to fundamental resources which gives more weight to Cardano in the real world.
Number of proposals addressing scarcity-related issues
Number of Catalyst projects proposing guaranteed-income / UBI solutions
Number of guaranteed-income / UBI-related initiatives in the broader crypto space, and political spaces
Utilize the UNâs Sustainable Development Goals for addressing poverty (
Poverty exists for no reason. We, as a global community, have the wealth to give every human being a good quality of life, and financial security. Poverty is a distribution problem to be solved, that cardano can solve.
Proposers might consider tracking data on the health, finances, and housing status of individuals participating in a given program to assess project viability.