Last updated 2 years ago
How can we encourage old and new stakepool operators on the Testnet to run their pools for the benefit of Cardano in the next six months?
This is the total amount allocated to Incentivize the Testnet.
Cardano Testnet gives SPOs, Dexs and smart contract developers the opportunity to actively test core Cardano functionality before Mainnet
A healthier, livelier, more participatory and better used Testnet that is evolving and improving while ensuring vibrant SPO interest
Number of SPOs active on Testnet
Number of SPOs benefiting from running a pool on Testnet
Number of SPOs enjoying some kind of benefits from running pools on Testnet
Number of Developers utilizing Testnet prior to Mainnet launch
Better diversification of SPOs on Testnet in terms of geography, system configuration (bare metal, centralized servers, renewable energy), etc...
More benefits for SPOs active on Testnet
The Cardano testnet offers full Cardano functionality, including stake pool operation, transaction metadata, native tokens, and more. The testnet is open to any stake pool operator, developer, or commercial partner who wishes to join us in building the future.
Yet, something is missing.
All those testnet stakepool operators (SPOs) who help run the playground for the big projects hitting mainnet are doing it - without really being incentivized.
Making the testnet incentivized is critically important to allow important projects to better simulate real world conditions on the testnet with more active testnet stakepools and more active testnet transactions and load.
The ability to pay stakepool operators for their time devoted to the Testnet will accelerate development of projects for mainnet and allow for better simulations of real world environment on mainnet.
We need to explore new ways of incentivizing testnet players and the testnet environment to grow the Cardano ecosystem. We should be willing to experiment and try different models in parallel and compare and contrast them.
The Testnet is a support mechanism for Mainnet. Cardano needs a sustainable Testnet.