Last updated 2 years ago
This is the total amount allocated to Legal & Financial Implementations.
When receiving Funds, many emerging Projects in Catalyst face legal and financial issues which block them from moving forward.
A direct access to solutions which provide financial and legal services, support and guidance to emerging Projects in the Catalyst Ecosystem
Use Case - How many funded proposals are making use of these new solutions and services
Impact - How many of these new implementations are mutualistic to funded proposals.
Scalability - How scalable are the solutions introduced in this challenge. Are provided solutions able to scale to 10x 100x 1000x ?
Adaptability - Can these solutions and services be used anywhere in the world
Currently the real Challenge for Funded proposals relies on implementing legal and financial boundaries and frameworks for their projects.
Providing funded proposals with solutions and services to operate legally in their residing country will open new possibilities and provide peace of mind to the project owners.
Many projects will broaden their horizons and increase their impact on the Ecosystem once legal and financial frameworks are explored and established.
This will in turn promote adoption and improve product ownership. There is a need to get accountants and lawyers into the Cardano & Catalyst Ecosystem.
Challenge Team for Fund 9
- André Diamond
- Miroslav Rajh