Last updated 2 years ago
How can we encourage new ideas and teams to form and bring new innovations or support to the ecosystem?
This is the total amount allocated to Nurturing Ideas & Teams.
Ecosystems needs an increasingly diverse group of teams trying different ideas to explore how to innovate and support the ecosystem
An increasing number of small initiatives and ideas that provide new opportunities to the ecosystem to learn and benefit from
Tracking success for this category will mean:
For ideas on individual success metrics for the different types of proposals please refer to some of the other 6 funding categories that have been listed.
Funding Categories is an approach to doing funding categorisation that will welcome all ideas, maximise the amount of ideas submitted and reduce the effort for all stakeholders in the Catalyst process.
Funding categories also help remove the existing issues with challenge settings. They help to prevent duplicate challenge settings, remove challenges created by self interest, reduce the need for deep knowledge of the ecosystem from challenge proposal teams and also removes an easy entry point for malicious actors.
The full documentation for Catalyst Funding Categories can be found here:
7 funding categories have been documented to cover all forms of ideas and proposals. All proposals can be found here -
The budget weighting for the 7 categories has been determined using a community governance process. The voting results for this process can be found here -
Nurturing Ideas is focused on the following important areas:
Why this category is important
The ecosystem needs to have a way to easily introduce and nurture new and existing ideas that could provide impact to the ecosystem.
Having a category focussed on nurturing ideas can help to ensure that there is always exploration of new ideas, processes and approaches that could benefit the ecosystem.
Nurturing ideas & teams is a category that applies a cap to the amount of funding a proposal can request. This provides a less competitive environment for teams to find initial funding to nurture their growth and evolution.
This category can be seen as an on ramp for new ideas and teams for trying things out something and showing the community what they are capable of achieving.
The more ideas and exploration the community can nurture the faster the ecosystem can learn from and develop better solutions. The more new teams that can be formed the better the diversity and combined efforts that can be made as a community.
Types of proposals to include
All proposal ideas are welcomed! Proposals must be related to the Cardano ecosystem whether that's a new idea, community initiative, marketing, development, support or any other type of proposal. To get some ideas you can refer to the other Catalyst funding categories!
Potential success metrics for proposal types
Proposers should clearly identify what problem they are trying to solve, how they aim to solve that problem and share the types of outcomes the community should expect after the proposal is executed.
Proposal maximum budget
The maximum proposal budget that can be requested is $40,000.
Considerations for proposers