Last updated 2 years ago
The Card Games market is worth billions. How can we increase the number of Card Game Apps on Cardano to enable accessing this market?
Provide a reusable framework to be used for bootstrapping new Card Games.
This is the total amount allocated to CAGA, a Card Game App Framework.
Provide a reusable framework to be used for bootstrapping new Card Games.
We're the same team behind Cardano After Dark, a poker game on Cardano. We have experience with UI/UX, Plutus, Project-management, SW Development, and Cardano Architecture. We are also concerned about Open Source and reusability
Our solution consists of providing a reusable application comprising
The reusable application is made of two layers: a reusable platform (CAGA framework) and a concrete application (Cardano After Dark).
The framework shall be reused by other developers to quickly startup their Card-Game projects.
The CAGA Framework should be used by other projects interested in building card game applications in two directions:
The main risk is the absence of a clear solution for a state channel, that is needed to have fast response time and no fees during the phases in which the users are interacting with each other.
a way to de-risk is consider different solutions for scalability, incl. hydra, redis, & c.
A secondary risk is related to expenses for legal and learning. Given the project budget is small, a fluctuation of any of the previous two might affect the project budget
a way to de-risk is to gradually release the project funds, after legal and learning expenses are paid.
November 2022: Project available for download, together with documentation
the main items of expenditure are
A grand total should be around 55,000 $
The application framework should be available in November
The framework should have proper documentation, including: how to build, how to run, how to customize.
There should be a sample application built with the framework. Such application should be easy to customize
The framework is used by one or more projects for bootstrapping their Gaming application
The framework should get contributions from other teams who are interested in increasing the overall quality of the component.
Yes, this proposal is a continuation of F7: Cardano After Dark; with more oomph, experience, and desire to share the knowledge and components that we developed.
With this follow-up proposal, we are going to address further problems, such as:
We're the same team behind Cardano After Dark, a poker game on Cardano. We have experience with UI/UX, Plutus, Project-management, SW Development, and Cardano Architecture. We are also concerned about Open Source and reusability