Last updated 3 years ago
Currently, there is not much done in terms of smart contracts in the NFT space in the Cardano ecosystem.
We are creating a decentralized game that runs on-chain and open-sourcing all of our on-chain and off-chain code.
This is the total amount allocated to Horrocubes.
We are creating a decentralized game that runs on-chain and open-sourcing all of our on-chain and off-chain code.
I am a software developer with more than ten years of professional experience. I am also a Plutus pioneer (second cohort).
Horrocubes is a horror-themed play-to-earn puzzle game that runs 100% on-chain.
Players will be immersed in a story taking place in the H.P Lovecraft universe. Each time a puzzle is solved, the story advances, and rewards are claimed (NFTs and tradeable tokens)!. The ultimate goal is to unlock all chapters of the story and reach its conclusion.
You can see in detail how our smart-contracts work here:
Games are a great way to engage with people, we hope that through our games we can attract more users to the Cardano blockchain by showcasing a really cool concept with a novel implementation of a Puzzle/Horror game using blockchain technology.
The only challenge we face is the lack of funding, however, we have already completed most of the development and illustration work. We are seeking extra funding to increase the quality of the game in several fronts.
We plan on releasing the game in Q2 of this year, we have already completed most of the work (smart contracts, dApp/website, story, and so on), we are now looking for funding to take the quality of the project to the next level and deliver an impeccable a high-quality experience.
$10,000 Will go into hiring freelance illustrators to create enough content for the game. We have a really good illustrator on board as of now, but because he is only one person our progress has been slow when it comes to content generation for the game.
$10,000 Will go into hiring several freelance software engineers to help complete and refine our current implementation. We do have the smart contracts for the game done, and a basic dApp that allows players to play the game, however, there is still much to do to get the product to a finished state. currently have only one developer on the team doing the Plutus programming and website/dev-ops work.
$2,500 Will go into hiring several freelance writers to help enrich our story by creating lore and additional content. Storytelling is a core part of our game.
$1,500 Will go into hiring voice actors to enact the written story.
$10,000 - Will go into a big marketing effort to spread the word about the project and ultimately Cardano.
Total of $34000
Angel Castillo - Experience developer with more than a decade in the software development industry.
Rafael P - Illustration & concept art
We are looking to hire a new permanent team member to handle marketing and social media. The rest of the workload will be handled via freelancers.
Our project is completely open-source, so it is easy to show and measure the progress of the development using tools like git, where we can inspect the activity and verify personally what the work done and the status of the development of the project overall.
You can follow the progress of our development in our GitHub repositories.
We also have a public Trello board:
We will deliver a high-quality puzzles game providing a completely decentralized experience.
This is the first proposal.
I am a software developer with more than ten years of professional experience. I am also a Plutus pioneer (second cohort).