Last updated 2 years ago
The Cardano ecosystem has few NFT games, not keeping up the Metaverse trend and will lose its competitiveness with other crypto ecosystems.
We want to create a Highly Entertaining PlaytoEarn Game focusing on NFT integration into Metaverse to attract Gamers, Investors to Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to IRONSKY NFT GAME Play2Earn |4Launch.
We want to create a Highly Entertaining PlaytoEarn Game focusing on NFT integration into Metaverse to attract Gamers, Investors to Cardano.
Over 15 years of experience in game mobile development. In-depth technical team& creative game designers, passionate about game& blockchain. Besides, we gather innovative startups on new technology platforms, with an experienced digital marketing team in deep understand of users.
========== IRONSKY GAME STORY ==========
The game is a fantasy that spans real life to hundreds of years in the future. The main character is a boy who grew up in the war and joins the air force to protect his homeland. Most of his life is spent in spaceships. He rarely returns to earth, except for visits to do his duty.
From then, the man starts his journey exploring the galaxy, the vast universe. Beside him are friends who are his support in this journey. In this endless journey, he has encountered many interesting things in space.
From having to fight to protect yourself and the loot to doing your own journey quests.
From receiving many strange signals, sounds, languages, light waves, magnetic fields in the universe, to completely new sensations in every moment he contemplates.
Overview about game phases:
Phase 1: AURORA
(First light version)
This is the first part of the game, the character is built together with basic components such as the earth space, the sky, and air battles.
Player's Tasks:
- Build character with basic skin items such as outfits, hats and power.
- Build weapons, spaceships
- Battle screen
- Small missions to challenge
- Collect awarded items and NFTs for completing missions
- Collect special items to proceed to phase 2 of the game
Phase 2: LUNA
(First step version)
After completing the tasks in phase 1, the character will be lost in another space (namely the moon). The tasks are similar to phase 1 but different in the scenery, status, items, methods of completion, monsters in the form of meteors, and fuel stations
Player's Tasks:
- Build new skills for the character to adapt to the new game environment
- Build weapons, spaceships
- Battle screen
- New special missions
- Collect awarded items and NFTs for completing missions
- Collect special items to proceed to phase 3 of the game
Phase 3: SOLAR
(Origin version)
After having skills in phase 2, the character will enter the solar system era, the scene is switched to 8 planets in the solar system. Gamers have to go through missions on each planet. The Sun, The Mercury, The Venus, The Earth (removed), The Mars, The Jupiter, The Saturn, The Uranus, Neptune - and "The Ninth Planet ".
Player's Tasks:
- Mission objective is to conquer 9 planets in the Solar System by completing each specific task designed in this phase
- Collect awarded items and NFTs of phase 3
- Adding the appearance of space monsters
- Defining conditions to go to the next phase
Phase 4: STARS
The game context takes place in a galaxy of stars with millions of dead planets. It is the stars that have never been known to humans and it seems that since it is also unknown, the character's earth exists. In the context of this game, the more players discover in the game, the more chances they have to receive valuable NFT items.
There is not much combat at this level, instead, the character needs to complete missions to discover many dead star planets. The character must have a special spacecraft to be able to explore the infinity of stars with millions of light-years.
Player's Tasks:
The player's task in this game scene is:
- Build your spaceship capable of entering the galactic space by upgrading existing spacecraft over time or buying in-game materials to craft.
- Discover as many stars as possible to further improve your chances of moving on to the next exciting new game scene.
- Collect valuable NFT items
- There are special quests that make it easy to level up, it's uncommon and can be lucky for gamers.
Phase 5: GALAXY
In an endless journey like never-ending, players now have to constantly extend their survival time in space to be able to explore more levels and items that can be encountered.
Now the space monsters appear more and more powerful than before. In addition, special events that only appear once in the game are set up, players must reach a certain level to be able to participate in this event.
The special thing is that only NFTs will also appear in the event, which is very desirable for every gamer.
In this game the player must try to maintain the playing time as long as possible it will help to achieve a significant level in their game.
A perspective in the universe is opened, in this part players can experience virtual reality in the game.
This section is specifically designed to support VR devices participating in the game's space exploration.
Players must be skillful to cross the screen as well as explore many landscape angles and strange items.
Above all in this part, players can design their own space like a miniature universe with friends to join the guild.
Overview about game mechanics:
- The game allows players in the following forms:
Play to Earn
(allows the purchase and exchange of items accessible as a special part of the game).
Playing Free
(You can still experience the game at a basic level and hunt for items).
Play to Earn goto Travel
(It's a perfect scenario where players hold the game's ADA and $ISKY, NFT coins as a reward for paying for their unusual travel).
- Characters must complete the tasks in each phase to move to the next phases of the game.
- Each phase’s task will be different and the game space, graphics, and scenery are different.
Like searching through the game space for special NFT items, quests to fight enemies, or space monsters.
- Strange objects or meteorites always exist in the game that keeps gamers cautious all the time.
- Gamer will collect points, items through gameplay which can be converted into game Tokens, and ADA through staking, farming or trading.
- Mechanism of hybridization of special meteorites collected. Create high-value NFT items in the game. Players can stake these items for rewards or use them to upgrade their spacecraft to a more special version.
- There is also a marketplace for players to store items, buy, sell, exchange, or upgrade items (such as Spaceships, clothes, weapons, powers, other accessories ..).
Conclusion: So the economy is built in the game to be beneficial to the parties involved.
This is our long-term vision and the continued evolving of the game helps players to experience the most enjoyable game experience.
KEY METRICS - KPIs to achieved in this fund of ours is
Distributing about 10%-20% of game tokens through the following programs:
Continue to create and maintain communication channels and promote the community interest in IRONSKY game.
Finished building a marketplace for the exchange of buying and selling game items.
Continue to create NFT items and combo packs for players.
Make the first official release of the game.
The number of ADA participating in the game as well as the number of wallets registered for the game.
Attracting the gaming community in the crypto world to be more interested in the Cardano ecosystem.
Possible risks with our proposal are:
- Funds may arrive late or less than expected, affecting resources for the project.
- Some stages are not ready for support from the Cardano blockchain for the game in the future.
- Negative influence from the cryptocurrency market.
We fully anticipate the above risks as well as the solutions available to them.
In the long term, the cryptocurrency market is having a strong sustainable trend. Blockchain technology is being applied more and more popularly and especially positively in the gaming industry.
In addition, funding from the Catalyst may be delayed. We may be funding a seed round for the initial operating budget of the project.
Currently, we gather experienced engineers to research and realize products on the Cardano blockchain. Those things make us determined and confident to carry out this project successfully.
========== ROADMAP ==========
Until now, continue to complete the task in Funded 7, trial game play doing.>Q2/2022
Short-Term Success After 3-6 Months:
- Complete technical infrastructure of the game.
- Completed construction of tokennomics and partial distribution.
- Released the first game for players on PC.
- Continue to collaborate and develop the team for the project.
- Add value to the Cardano ecosystem, creating a Big Buzz in the blockchain gaming industry.
- Create value for ADA coin holders by exchanging NFT and game tokens during the gameplay as well as staking them.
-Release a part of Tokens and publish sale as ICO, IDO.
Mid-Term Success After 6-12 Months:
- Release Beta version of the game with basic features
- Evolve to Stage 3 of the game.
- Continue to grow the game community and attract gamers to the Cardano ecosystem.
- Complete game items development.
- Hire more game graphic designers and programmers.
- Complete the building of server farms.
Long-Term Success After 12-24 Months:
- Full expansion of game phases.
- Complete the full ecosystem of the game.
- Have a big global game community.
- Launch full version of the game (*)
- The economy in the game operates stably and follows the design.
- The whole project can be self-financed and operated.
========== FUND 8 Detail Fund Allocation ==========
~ 80h x ($40/h) = 3,200
~ 80h x ($40/h) = 3,200
~ 160h x ($40/h) = 6,400
~ 80h x ($35/h) = 2,800
~ 160h x ($45/h) = 7,200
~ 160h x ($45/h) = 7,200
~ 160h x ($45/h) = 7,200
~100 x ($65/h) = 6,500
~ 65 x ($30/h) = 1,950
~ 4servers x 350$x6months = 8,400
Total budget: $54,050
*More info this link of ours:
========== CORE TEAM ==========
We are a team with many years of experience in game making and deep technology knowledge.
Get support from the crypto game community and advice from Catalyst's project evaluation advisory community. We are a multidisciplinary team of more than 10 professionals with a vast skillset from tech, UX/UI, product design, marketing, business, and community leading.
Game Design_Team:
HoaNguyen: (Inbox: n.b.h in Skype)
- Expert software developer for the entertainment industry for many years.
- Worked in several top game and software companies in Japan.
- Possessing 17 years of experience in startup project management and software product management.
- Contributed to the successful launch of game social networks such as Mobage.
TrongNguyen: (Inbox: trongnk in Skype)
- IT specialist who worked for many big IT tech firms in Japan such as GNT, ISFNet, and IBM Japan.
- Experienced in software product management, digital content
- Founder of Peafone studio mobile games with more than 15 years of mobile game and app development for Android and IOS.
- Mentor for a startup in mobile content and blockchain
LuanNguyen: (Inbox: khoanguyen945 in Skype)
An expert cloud engineer with more than 15 years of experience building and maintaining enterprise systems in AWS. He is working as a core team system with many big firms at the Nikkei Exchange Japan now.
Game Art_Team
Henri (Hao)
- Skype id: henri_chung1007
- fb:
- instagram:
With 5 years of experience in the field of computer graphics, he focuses on the following areas: animation, illustration 2d, motion graphics, character design.
Usually work on software such as clip studio paint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Moho animation.
LongVu: *(Inbox: violentlonx in Skype)
- Co-Founder Peafone Studio, Experienced UX Designer for many successful game and mobile apps with more than 15 years of experience.
ThangLe, ThiPhung, HoaNguyen
Inbox: (thanglq01 n.b.hoa, phungvanthi1206) in Skype
- Dev team engaged for a long time in more than 20 mobile game projects with members who are Full-stack developers for a large-scale system.
- Experienced working with various languages and technologies such as C++, Java, Node.js, React, React Native, Flutter, Unity, MySql, MongoDB for iOS and Android app development.
ThangTran (Inbox: trannamthang in Skype)
- Developer expert in React Native, Node.js, Haskell, and Plutus. Leader of ADABoys Lab team (as an image of MLAB in the future).
Inner Support_Team:
/* Support Technical and Foundation as ADA Technotes Asia Pool
/* ADAboys LAB (Blockchain coding base on Plutus, Haskell, Node.js ..)
With 10 members working and researching, learning about Cardano blockchain.
/* DucTiger Team support for (SPO - stake pool operator, CA community)
DucTiger is the founder of 2Min Review - a tool to quickly evaluate Catalyst proposals. He is a very reputable stake pool operator who inspires and motivates the Vietnamese Cardano community.
He is an active person and can expand his exposure to the Cardano community that knows about the game.
/* Peafone Studio mobile game
Game development team with more than 15 members with strong teamwork. Accomplished many projects for mobile app and game development so far.
TuanNguyen: (Inbox: nguyenthanhtuan303 in Skype)
Experienced digital marketing specialist working in both Japan and Vietnam mobile contents market.
We have been in cooperation with other activist groups such as:
/* CoinF:
/* Kiwi GameFi:
/* Beng Beng Gaming:
To strengthen the game development community in Vietnam
Besides that, we are building international communities through our KOLs.
Strategic Advisor
- A startup founder, dev team maker, and software product manager.
- Contributed to large-scale video system development in Japan and Vietnam.
- Catalyst Project community advisor
Co-Founder ADAboys LAB.
Founder of Technotes.Asia | Specializing in digital transformation for advanced technology and tech startups.
Founder of Peafone Studio game ( | Develop game content on mobile and applications on smartphones.
Founder of [ATA] Pool (
Proposer funded in F7 (IronSky game proposal, cPay proposal, 2MinApp proposal)
Nirupom Das:
- An expert in IT infrastructure with more than 10 years of experience designing and building the IT infrastructure for many big firms in insurance and telecommunication areas.
- He is working for global techs in both Japan and Bangladesh
Master of Science in Computer Science - AI & Machine Learning at JAIST. He is An expert Network and Security Engineer working for global techs in USA, Japan and Vietnam manage the project with tools like ClickUp, Microsoft Project Management.
Furthermore, we apply SCRUM(*) to the project development process, which is the strong point of the technologists in our team.
We also provide information on the homepage and follow the schedule of the established roadmap. Along with that are the KPIs for each development phase of the project.
- The number of tokens to be issued.
- The number of NFTs generated.
- The number of members in our gaming community.
- The number of ADA wallets registered in the game.
- The number of players and game downloads.
- The number of people participating in the Airdrop.
- The number of ADA wallets participating in ISPO to get tokens $ISKY.
(*)With the SCRUM process:
Scrum is a basic “framework” for approaching complex work. Based on this framework, the team can apply different processes and techniques to our game making.
I believe that SCRUM helps to eliminate the complicated stages and focus only on the necessary steps to meet the needs of the customer.
The three core elements that we closely follow to form an empirical process management model include transparency, inspection and adaptation.
In addition, we also apply the Japanese HO-REN-SO(*) process for key members at the project management level. Will always ensure the smoothness from the status of work to the city in the team.
(*) HO-REN-SO is an important Japanese working rule that stands for:
With a carefully calculated and detailed plan from human resources to capital and techniques, we are sure that we are ready for all stages ahead. We are designing the server system and coding a platform for the game work.
========== Our way to a Successful Business Model ==========
We have been working in the game development area for more than 15 years.
To keep this game thriving for the long term, we have designed an economy model inside the game as well as optimized the Tokenomic allocation.
Furthermore, Token and NFT issuance will create a chance for funds to directly take part in keeping
We have invested in time and human resources for a long time to gain the preliminary success of this game.
This fundraising round will help to accelerate the game release to receive more feedback from the community,
extend the market (increase the number of users), and improve the game experience and graphic design.
The issuance of special NFT will create a supplemental finance source for game development and system maintenance.
NFT and token will create a chance for investors/gamers to make their contribution to keeping this game continue to evolve.
Our ultimate goal is to create a big flash in other cryptocurrency communities and to attract more gamers and investors toward Cardano currency.
In the longer term, we also plan to target gamers who both love playing the game and traveling by integrating ADAPay into the game and other travel platforms.
We want to integrate with existing travel and hotel booking platforms, Airbnb to allow gamers to pay in the form of PlaytoEarn-GotoTravel.
Last but not the least, we are calling for investment with 850K USD for 10% of this game value.
In summary, with this game, our goals are as below:
We plan to issue 1B tokens and distribute them to the following categories
And will release according to each stage of the game's development. Tokens will be issued according to the project implementation time. From 1 month to the next 62 months.
Specifically, see this link of ours:
We graph the token release process overtime to ensure the balance of resources in the game.
Especially create reasonable harmony with the stakeholders involved in the development of the project with their interests.
Enrich the Cardano ecosystem with entertainment value and financial benefits for ADA, NFT and game token holders.
Get more play-to-earn game players on other crypto platforms to join the Cardano to play IRONSKY games, attracting new investors and gamers.
This is our proposal in the Gamers On-Chained section
(Link proposal
It has been ranked TOP #1 in the rating by assessment of Community Advisors.
and TOP #2 with ~97% voted YES for IRONSKY GAME proposal.
We are encouraged by the great faith the community places in us.
We are really happy about that. We are very grateful to the Catalyst community, especially those who voted for our proposal to create a diverse ecosystem for Cardano together.
We raised capital at the beginning of the project in FUND 7.
Those are the parts:
In this FUND 8 we have to accelerate to get the first version of the game out so we need Catalyst Funding resources to use for:
Those are the prerequisites for the project to create a milestone for the Cardano ecosystem as the initial goal we set out.
It will really attract investors, ADA holders, the community as well as gamers to experience when the IRON SKY game is released.
========= CONCLUSION ==========
Collaboration Let's join us to make it happen
We also want to collaborate with partners in the Catalyst community that share the same goal of growing the Cardano ecosystem.
Our strengths are having a team of experienced game developers who have been developing video and mobile games for a long period and have an in-depth understanding of game technology.
Our core team has all the necessary skills for game development on Internet platforms, The team works in many countries and has a global vision.
With available high-skilled human resources, our project cost is much cheaper compared to outsourcing with swift project implementation.
With extensive experience in game development, we want to enrich the Cardano ecosystem and make it more valuable in the cryptocurrency market.
Let's join us to make it happen, and don't forget to perform ISPO(Initial Stake Pool Offering) with our game so you get both $ADA and $ISKY Game Token in the pools that the community will vote later.
Please Vote for IRONSKY vote for Cardano ecosystem!
=== Thank you for your support, vote and let's break out the Cardano!===
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Goal 9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
#IronSky #NFT #Cadarno_games #Play2Earn
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Over 15 years of experience in game mobile development. In-depth technical team& creative game designers, passionate about game& blockchain. Besides, we gather innovative startups on new technology platforms, with an experienced digital marketing team in deep understand of users.