Last updated 2 years ago
Real play-to-entertain gamers HATE crypto games. And only play-to-earn gamers can't make NFT games develop sustainability in the long term
The only way to attract 2.5 billion gamers is to make higher quality and fun games to really enjoy and entertain, not only for only earning.
This is the total amount allocated to METAVERS OF PLAY-TO-ENTERTAIN GAMER.
The only way to attract 2.5 billion gamers is to make higher quality and fun games to really enjoy and entertain, not only for only earning.
Our core members are all entrepreneurs with more than 10 years in the marketing, gaming industry. We also have a development team of 20 developers, and marketing agency with 10 core members to cover this project on the first phases
For reading easier and clearer with media file & images, especially for assessment please get into this link:
Player problems
Unlike most people who think that gamers are eager for playing NFT games. The fact that real gamers in the mainstream gaming industry that play-to-entertain is hating crypto games. Whether more than 60% of them want the in-game assets to have real-world value but they still hate NFT games because of:
And many other reasons that you can see in the attached links below. Some are unreasonable and biased because of their lacking knowledge about NFT.
They are not from our subjective assessment but from some solid cases from some game publishers and distributors. You can check these links for more case study:
Business model problem
One big unavoidable problem is most current NFT games are unstable because of their target consumer - play-to-earn gamers. It can help a game company get high value faster than the traditional model, but can also kill it in just a snap because of FOMO. Moreover, even play-to-earn gamers hate this because there is a lot of late gamers who lost their money because of the up/down trends of the games. You can find posts & comments about this in many social communities.
To play-to-entertain gamers, games should be more fun and worth playing, experiencing. This obviously tells that most of the current NFT games are failed at first sight.
Big picture of Miverse?
Miverse is an inspired multiverse gaming metaverse that focuses to maximize the gamer's experiencing & asset benefit.
We're not chasing the tails of other big corps on developing the metaverse. Instead of developing horizontally, Miverse will lead the community to dive deeply into the game quality/ quantity and activities surrounding Miverse stories.
Please check the detailed Miverse concept here:
Key components to solve problems
We've already documented detailly some main components and will keep adding more content in the link below. In the scope of this proposal, we will only summarize some relatively important things. For more detail on our future work, please check the link to the product documents here*
Multiverse metaverse with Independent Star systems
In Miverse, Instead of jostling for a piece of land on a crowded planet, now players can move to other planets to find other cheaper ones. Or, if this star system doesn't have any left? Don't worry, we can move to other star systems to get one.
Each star system in Miverse is the homeland of a creature. The solar system is owned by humans for sure. And each star system has its own star council to control and protect it. It's one of the distinct activities in the MMO game that will attract and connect both play-to-entertain players and investors to develop the metaverse and games.
A new business model of launching staking pools & SPOs
The new star system is not just for the game only, it's also for expanding our investor community with a new business model of launching staking pools and SPOs.
Creating a new star system also means creating a new staking pool. For successfully initiating that star system, there must be enough coin to stake in that pool, and providers will earn rewards and benefit from that star system when it starts to develop, including transaction fee inside that star system, "tax" from selling assets on planets in it, a discount when buying assets... and if they want, they can create a new coin for that star system.
Games for play-to-entertain
But it's not the only interesting part. Wherever you're traveling, it can be the solar system or can be an android's star system, or other creatures. You will always see the enjoyment of gamers in battle maps on your way.
The way this metaverse will be formed will inspire both play-to-entertain gamers to the crypto world and also motivate game developers to develop Miverse with us.
You can enjoy whichever game genre you want including MMO, RPG, MOBA, Chess, Turn-based… and each star system in the Miverse, you will get different experiences. Moreover, you can use the same NFT assets for playing in many different game genres
Community developing
This is a big idea, and we cannot do it on our own to satisfy consumers fast and stable. So we will develop a DAO governance voting base on our token in the future for encouraging developers and creators to develop Miverse with us.
These activities will connect investors and players close to developers and creators to create things that they want in Miverse better.
IMPACTS (To Miverse and Cardano ecosystem)
In the scope of this proposal, it's our 1st phase of business strategy. We will develop a strategic chess game to kick off the project from a small step.
Some direct solutions to solve the problems are:
For detailed info on the game, please check this link:
In the limited space of this proposal, we will only describe the game concept.
Quick overview
The battlefield and items
The hook of a game is one of the most important things to attract its players, in this game there are:
As we described, in the scope of this proposal, we will attract both types of players including play-to-earn players and play-to-entertain players in the mainstream industry. As we mentioned above, we won't act like other NFT games by selling the NFT assets in the early phase. So we won't attract investors soon in this phase. So Miverse and Cardano can get a number of adopters as we expect in our KPIs section.
Phase 1: Release the MVP successfully
Phase 2: Release the metaverse successfully
Phase 3: Successfully leading community to develop the Miverse
Align with Challenge KPIs
For measuring the community awareness
With the mission of this project, we know that there are a lot of challenges to overcome. We know our weaknesses and threat from the market very well, but it's also the opportunity to make a dream come true. There are 3 big challenges that this project has to face including:
1. Target on play-to-entertain gamers:
Even big companies in the mainstream gaming industry are avoiding transporting their product and business model to the crypto-based models, but we're diving into it. We use "small company" and "lean" as our advantage to win this battle. We will design products that follow customer-centered strategies, then step by step to convince them with passion and inspiration. When we can be the first company to convince our consumers, that time we can leave those big companies behind.
2. Metaverse is a big deal with a small company:
That's the reason why we don't make our way like other big and experienced companies on developing metaverse, they make it like a small society with multi-complex functions. We will only make it for gaming entertainment and we do it step by step, from small to bigger things. What if we have a chance to expand like them? We will, but let's do it after the first 5 years.
3. Investors in this market are loving 5 years ideas than 10 years - our idea will not attract them:
Like Cardano ecosystem - Great thing takes time. We're very clear about our vision, so who those believe will believe, and we will try a million ways to go ahead to show that we appreciate them.
4. This project starts with prosing 3 proposals, what if we successfully be funded all of them or failed to leave only one?
This is our first time raising funding in Cardano and we are well aware of this. Currently, the team of this project is mixing of professionals in a game studio and a marketing agency. About the comic production, we will work with freelancers. And all of those development components were planned to develop independently in case of failure in raising funds. So, whether one or three proposals will be funded, we can make them successful.
Moreover, the mixed plan of three proposals will help to boost the performance of the project and the Cardano ecosystem. So, we hope that we can be successfully be funded with all 3 proposals at a time.
5. How can we survive without Catalyst project funds?
For developing this project, we need million or maybe billion of dollars. So we cannot depend on only the Catalyst project. So, we're not just developing raised funding plans from investors but also designing the monetary model that can help Miverse survive and develop further in the future as we described above. Moreover, we will start to raise private funds at the end of this phase. Hence, we hope that Catalyst project can help us at first step, hardest step of every dream.
In addition, you can check our tokenomic file here. This file will be updated regularly depending on our executive plan.
This proposal shows our first move of this project and its purpose is not just seeking some first consumers but also showing that our vision will be right when we acquire a number of play-to-entertain gamers in the mainstream gaming industry. So, there is a lot of challenges we have to pass through in this scope including:
1. Target on play-to-entertain gamers:
Yes! The same with the challenge of the whole project but everything is harder at the beginning. For solving this, instead of burning a lot of money in paid ads to acquire new users, we will use 2 ways for making it better:
2. Required budget can be insufficiency in case we failed the above plan:
As we mentioned, it's hard to be successful at the first step, especially we won't sell NFT as usual projects. So we have to have some plans to cover this:
Notice: Currently, we're almost finished with the tokenomic and detailed business plan, we will finish them after fund 8 is finished.
For a more detailed and cleared roadmap & budget breakdown, please check the link below. On this limited web page, we will just summarize the group activities for a shorter presentation. Moreover, the content in the roadmap in this proposal is showing the interface, feature for easy understanding for users. It will be different from our attached file because it's including only technical activities. For more detail about feature & function releases, please check our attached Clickup's roadmap below in the auditability session.
The roadmap in this proposal is also used for our 2 other proposals. But we will only detail the gaming development here. Please check the detail about graphics and marketing in our other ones.
QIV, 2021
QI, 2022
QII, 2022
QIII, 2022
QIV, 2022
QI, 2023
Phase 1: entering *(*In 3~9 months)
Unlike other NFT games, instead of maximizing the NFT selling at the first phase. We will do it the way the non-crypto games is doing: release the game and let player free to mine the NFT by themselves.
Phase 2: forming *(*In 9~12 months)
We're now having a number of play-to-entertain gamers, it's time to develop games that they love to play like in the mainstream industry to let them spread to there. And it's also the base environment for developers to join us to develop Miverse in the future.
Phase 3: scaling *(In 12~24 months)*After the 2nd phase, Miverse now has a metaverse and an infrastructure that can let developer develop their idea in it. So that this phase we attract developers and creators to join Miverse to develop the ecosystem with DAO voting.
Phase 4: networking With the development of Cardano and other blockchain platforms. Multichain in this time is not a big deal anymore. In addition, the development of the developer community in Miverse can help everyone on other metaverses to use their asset in Miverse. The only problem now is the other ones will accept it?
In this proposal, we will only breakdown the budget of game and technical development for the scope of this proposal only - the quarter III, 2022. The budget of marketing & graphic development, or comic development is in other proposals.
In this proposal and this phase, we will set the man-month salary to be $3.000 for the budget because we will use senior developers for catching the timeline on time. This is very important for impressing users and players for making the next phases easier to be funded by investors and trust from user communities.
Moreover, the game studio that cooperates with us in this phase will commit to helping the project build its own in-house team. At that time, the cost will be reduced a lot but still getting the timeline on time. Everyone that has experience in building an in-house team is knowing that it's hard and wastes a lot of money to initiate at the first year.
For assessment, please check the detailed budget breakdown in our attached file above. We will only present the summary here:
Implementation Backend
Implementation Portal
Game Design Document
Basic Design
Detailed Design
Some tasks we will pay by ourselves for reducing the total budget for asking fund.
We’re in 3 different companies with specialized skills need for this project: game, blockchain, marketing. We have our own professional teams to help our clients succeed and we’re good at doing our small business. But we all want to make a big future piece in the blockchain industry that can inspire and mean to people. We are:
Dat Pham - Entrepreneur - Currently, CEO of 5+ years social media marketing agency.
“I’m a game lover and also my life is passionate with fiction stories, space, and science. Now, with the motivation from the Catalyst community, I decided to “write” the story that will inspire everyone to space and a new metaverse. With my 10+ years of launching and operating new businesses and the support of my current marketing agency. I believe that we can make this idea to the moon.
Andy Nguyen - CEO of Unicorn Studio - Having more than 8 years of developing games for the Korean market for big companies like KakaoTalk, OllehStore, OzStore, TStore, and Facebook Instant Game. Many years of experience in making mobile applications, windows os, mac os, websites and graduated with a master's degree in data science. I am just starting to research and develop blockchain but feel that this is a very early market and there are many opportunities ahead so I decided to devote all my heart to the blockchain. The combination of my many years of game-making experience and my experience in researching and implementing a few blockchain projects will definitely help in the completion of this project. I also hope that in the process of working on the project, I will be able to create valuable research papers for the blockchain academic community.
Christian Ho - Founder of Unicorn Studio - Having more than 11 years of developing games, 5 years of PM, and 6 years of tech lead for many game projects as you can check the info in the attached file below. A year ago, when I met Mr. Dat, he is just a young entrepreneur without any experience in the gaming industry. Even he had a lot of experience in launching various kinds of business but a gaming business is not an easy one at all. However, his entrepreneurship and the ambition vision of Miverse motivated me to join it. I believe that in our ability and experience, we are sure that we can help Miverse pass its first phases and keep moving further in the future. For the bigger picture, we are eager to learn and make it.
Unicorn studio is our current key partner for the development of the early phases of this project. With a professional team of 20+ members in gaming and blockchain development, Unicorn studio will help us kill the roadmap on time and make the best quality game. Moreover, Founder Christian Ho and CEO Andy Nguyen of Unicorn studio are also key members of Miverse and will help to build an independent in-house development team for our long-term sustainable development after the success of the first phase.
For more info about the team members and their ability to develop this project, please check this portfolio.
For track & trace, we will public some methods & files in the link here. Including:
This fund will help us release some first core activities and things to attract users and investors as you can see in our roadmap. If we have done these tasks successfully, our product will be soon released in the next quarter on time or even sooner as we planned. Moreover, our users and investors community will be crowded and it will help us easier to launch the game officially in the next phases. More than that, the big idea of the project will come true in the future as we described in the impact session.
About the number, in the first 3 months, we will have
This proposal is for a new project, linked with this project there are 2 proposals:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Our core members are all entrepreneurs with more than 10 years in the marketing, gaming industry. We also have a development team of 20 developers, and marketing agency with 10 core members to cover this project on the first phases