Last updated 3 years ago
Every day in Bangladesh 3.5 million children aged 5 to 17 work to produce clothes. With our idea, we want to change the working conditions.
We will be raising money with all the revenue we get from packages (explained later). And we use that to improve working conditions.
This is the total amount allocated to NFC Play to earn cloths battle game.
We will be raising money with all the revenue we get from packages (explained later). And we use that to improve working conditions.
We have never started an NFT business. We've been in crypto for 1.5 years now and ever since we saw Cardano's vision, we were inspired. Because one of us knows more about making games and the other knows more about the business behind it, we hope this will be a success.
We don't really have a group to identify with. If you understand the game, you can play it. Even if you are 14 or 70. So there is also a free version for everyone. You can try it out with simple clothes.
100% of the revenue goes to solving our problem. With this collected money, we go to local institutions. We will work together with these institutions and deposit the collected money every month. We want to ensure that the children who work there have better working conditions. For example, safety, that they also have breaks, and that they are paid fairly*. We also want these children to have lessons every day (at least 1 hour), so that they develop further for later in life. We want to expand it. So don't focus on 1 city but global scale.
* This depends on which country and how much the GDP is.
Our coin will be pre-launched to Cardano stakeholders. The first 10 million coins will be distributed. After this, the tokens will only be available on swapping platforms like SundaeSwap. This can maybe change in the future if we get listed on an exchange. This is why we can't really control the KPI. Maybe Catalyst can help us if this is necessary.
Problems like not being transparent to our community will not be a problem. We will try to share as much information as possible. This is why we will set up a foundation for our problem. So all of the case sale revenue will be donated monthly. You can see this on the website of the foundation. Here it is possible to donate yourself if you want to help but don't want to play the game.
Hackers/privacy are our main concern. We have seen in the past that if a coin is hacked it immediately shows a bad image to the public. That's why we don't want this to happen and our number 1 concern is privacy and data protection. For example, if there is a roadmap milestone coming up and there is a risk with security or data at all, we won't rush it. We will finish it 100% safely just like Cardano.
The moment after we get funded we can start getting the team members together. The developers will get started on the website and the wallet. The PR team will start making promotion videos and ads to spread the hype. The Design team will get started on the first designs and create the season #1 NFTs.
Pre-launch and Testnet
This is the moment where the developer team is almost ready to do the only thing now is testing. Testing for bugs in the software, Testing for the capacities, and if everything works. This will also be the moment that we let some white cap hackers try to hack the software and make us aware of any backdoors so we can patch them. Now we will try out if the NFT system works and if the wallet and trade system is smooth. After all of these things are tested we can start to distribute the first 10 Million tokens to all Cardano staking wallets. This will get people to have an interest in the project if they didn't yet know about it. And it's a good way to start a token launch
Swap and Website launch
The moment we all have been waiting for the NFC token to be available to swap on places like SundaeSwap also the website will be launched. Now people can play the game against each other and hopefully, this will all be without any problems. Now the NFC marketplace and recycle system will be active for people to try. This will instantly result in deflationary NFTs. This will also be the moment where you can buy your first NFC cases with your NFC tokens. This will be the only way to get the NFTs at this point
Staking and Scaling
Here we are now everything is launched and now you can gain passive income using your NFC NFTs. This will be done with the staking system this will also be the next project for the developers after the launch. Now they can focus on updates, bug fixing, and some new Game Modes/Games. Now the first revenue from the case sales will be collected. This is the moment we have all been waiting for and that's helping children. Now we will have a partnership with the local groups who will help us set up. The first donations will be donated so they can go to work. Now finally these children will have a safe and human-worthy workspace. Where they can help provide for their families while getting schooled and normal pay. From this point onwards we will only try to grow. We will keep bringing out updates to keep the community active and have new seasons every quarter. Also, we will try to grow the locations of workspaces for the children so most of them will get a fair shot in the future.
Total Fund: $10,000
Website/data servers:
This money will be spent to maintain the network of the server so that when there is a lot of traffic on it, the website can handle it. This will also help with providing information on the home website. Because of this better explanation, our target group can understand it easier and faster. This results in more adoption.
Our NFCs (The NFTs) are all unique, there will be multiple of some common/uncommon items. But they all need to have textures and renders. Because we would like to have about 2000 unique pieces every season and we can't do this ourselves, we would need a small team of designers.
Developers: We ourselves can't code with Plutus, so we would like a small team of developers to develop the website, NFCs, and a browser wallet. (safely and smoothly). So we what do we need from our developers:
* Recycle System: It works like this. You need two garments of the same rarity. These must be two identical pieces. Like two pants or two shirts. It doesn't have to be exactly the same. These two items have a clothing score. Suppose there are two common items, the maximum score would be 40. This is a 100% upgrade. But any score less than 40 will decrease by 2.5%. When upgraded, the two original pieces will disappear to 1. This can be an up or downgrade. This will be decided by chance. Whenever it's a downgrade, you will get one common piece back. If it's an upgrade, you will get back 1 item of the next rarity. This makes the NFCs deflationary which also will bring more adoption.
We need a small PR team that can help us get attention from our target audience. We're also young and that's why we don't want to say things that can hurt the Cardano/Catalyst brand.
We have 3 groups:
What we need from our developers is that they should be able to code with Plutus and know how to make things like a browser wallet, how to make transactions using Cardano smart contracts, and know how to do work with NFTs
What we need from our PR team is that they can communicate well with the community. They also need to build a community and keep people informed about the development on social media and other platforms.
What we need from our Design team is that they can work with 3D programs such as Blender and how to make textures.
We have a detailed roadmap. This allows us to include our community in the development with every small step. This can provide clarity. All the code we can share can you find on Github. On our information site, we will add a progress bar where you can see all the progress we made with every step there will be a small description of what the update included. This is how our community can keep easy track of the progress.
We want an active community that brings adoption to the Cardano network. Also, we would like to scale the platform to maybe work together with a metaverse. There are currently 160 million children engaged in child labor worldwide. Most of these are not in great condition. We want to change this as much as we can. We know it's not a realistic goal to give all these children a fair chance. We will try to make as much of a change as we can. And seeing these children grow up with fair chances and see them become for example a doctor. Will be the greatest success of all.
As we know, there has been no variation being presented. But we don't know all the projects so we can only say we have thought of this ourselves and came up with all the features, game, problem, and foundation.
We have never started an NFT business. We've been in crypto for 1.5 years now and ever since we saw Cardano's vision, we were inspired. Because one of us knows more about making games and the other knows more about the business behind it, we hope this will be a success.