Last updated 2 years ago
On-chain storage doesn't have the capacity to house game worlds. Tile maps would offer a solution for vast worlds created from mapped pixels
An open-source standard for creating worlds with on chain tilemaps. The first tilemap added will be CC0 and usable for all of Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to On-Chain Tilemaps for Game Worlds.
An open-source standard for creating worlds with on chain tilemaps. The first tilemap added will be CC0 and usable for all of Cardano.
Team members with experience in;
We want to create a scalable standard for uploading and reading tilemaps on the blockchain. Starting with uploading a games color palette as mapped single pixels and scaling up from there to 16x16 sprites. These 16x16 sprites would then be mapped/assigned a value to represent themselves in the game world using as little storage as possible. They will need to be layerable and have room for a few other key values like whether a game asset can pass through the tile, if the tile will move the asset up or down layers, if the tile transports the asset to a different part of the game world, etc.
An On-chain tilemap standard would;
The biggest challenge is to get the tile maps on chain without the use of ipfs. We will mitigate this by starting at the single pixel level and scaling up from there. This will also keep the standard flexible for projects using sprites smaller than our target 16x16 pixel size.
*Example tilemap attached below
**Example basic world built with the tilemap attached below
Deryck Lance- Founder of Quasar Risk Advisors, insurtech engineering.
Dominick Garey-Owner Nehemiah Construction. Current Plutus Pioneer Student.
Derrick Oatway - Founder of, Currently employed at APM - Atlantic Project Managers. Pixel artist. Graphic designer.
We will be collaborating through miro, trello, github and the Hardforq cafe discord channel to help identify team member needs and the needs and talking points we gather from the game developers in the first stage.
Success would be an on chain world that native assets can explore, with a standard for building and scaling these worlds. And of course, success is developers adopting these standards and using Cardano as a platform for indie game development. Bringing these developers in to help with the design phase will be a key component in their trust and adoption.
This is an entirely new proposal. Adagotchi will be continuing to look for and build open source tools for all things blockchain gaming. We want to help build the tools to bring the thousands of talented indie game developers into Cardano. Mass adopt the talent, to mass adopt the people.
Team members with experience in;