Last updated 3 years ago
Many NFT Card games require large amounts of cards that are inaccessible to many cardano new comers and smaller Ada holders.
Road To Royals Card game is a cheap and accessible card that requires a minimum of 1 card to play, with larger decks also being accessible.
This is the total amount allocated to Road To Royals Card game.
Road To Royals Card game is a cheap and accessible card that requires a minimum of 1 card to play, with larger decks also being accessible.
I have developed a board game with extensive testing for balancing the cards within the board game. This NFT game uses the systems from this board game. I have paid work in game testing and I am also studying a master degree in business psychology.
Road To Royals is an upcoming physical board game that I have developed. I am now moving into the NFT market and and NFT game market. I plan to release a series of games, however this proposal is aimed at the first game, a collectible card game.
The Road To Royals NFT collectible card game uses the battle system of the Road to Royals board game to enhance the playability and collectability of the Card game. This system is easy to use and a quick game, but also has a depth to it that creates a unique interaction, making each game unique to players. The card game is played through the interaction of a dice, each card is created with randomly generated stats and attacks, making each card a unique asset, with stronger and more unique cards being highly collectible.
The style of this card game means that a game can consist of as many or as few cards as you like, meaning players can start playing this game with just 1 card. This makes the game more accessible to new cardano community members and smaller cardano hodlers.
The Game intends to be aimed at an audience of board game, card game, fantasy and social gamers. Further games intend to be less social but also utilize lateral use of NFTs through each game, in a kind of multiverse, that will hopefully be playable through all cardano multiverses.
Road to Royals Collectible Card game will address the Gamers on-chain challenge by making the NFT game easily accessible by creating a low cost entry to play.
There are currently 2 main Challenges
Q2 2022 Release the first 2 sets of NFTs
Q3 2022 Release the Application alongside the 2nd two sets of NFTs
Q4 2022 continue to develop New NFT collectible Card sets and develop new goals and milestones according to the progress of the game
Q1 2022 Start development of next game project with links to the NFTs from the Road to Royals Collectible card game, and continued development and support.
$20,000 USD Developer costs as per consultation.
$2,000 towards marketing and community budget
I am currently the sole team member of the project, although I am working with contactors that develop the artwork and am in talks with a contractor developer as well as a developer that may potentially join the team.
I have developed a board game over the previous year, getting ready to launch this year. I have been a long time part of the Cardano community since 2017. My skillset is in business as I am about to graduate a master degree in business psychology.
If you are a developer I would love to speak with you, I am also open to interested parties in becoming a community manager as the community begins to grow.
This is an entirely new proposal.
I have developed a board game with extensive testing for balancing the cards within the board game. This NFT game uses the systems from this board game. I have paid work in game testing and I am also studying a master degree in business psychology.