Last updated 2 years ago
Because of politics and capacity, statistics in Africa are inaccurate. This creates erroneous policy designs resulting in economic crises.
Create a data collection system fashioned after crowdsourcing that uses Cardano for data quality ranking and rewarding contributors.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano based data collection tool.
Create a data collection system fashioned after crowdsourcing that uses Cardano for data quality ranking and rewarding contributors.
I am the co-founder of a tech company in Ethiopia that has been in the business of AI R&D for the last ten years. We had developed several AI tools used in data analysis. We have added blockchain technology for data collection tools in the health and media sector since 2019.
The proposed solution will have two features: a web portal and a mobile application.
The mobile application will be used mainly by data providers. Users will have an account on the application, which will allow them to build a profile and input data.
The application will have categories to sort out data, and it will have a matchmaking feature. It will connect customers looking for data with users who can provide it. Data quality is ranked efficiently based on feeds from categories, matchmaking, and the user's profile.
Based on the result of data quality, each user will have a reputation score. The reputation score is used to reward the data provider and set the selling price of the collected data.
The data submission process will have two features:
The target audiences for this product are 1) educated Africans as data suppliers. 2) as data consumers, organizations and individuals who are looking for access to quality statistics on Africa.
The demand for quality data is very high. Almost all African nations are struggling to create an efficient data collection and curation system. According to African Union's report, access to quality data on Africa is one of the development challenges. "Statistics remain a key element in the implementation of the development agenda and remain at the heart of the implementation of Africa’s Agenda 2063. The growing demand for legitimate, quality and timely statistics has in recent years been a priority at the national, regional and continental levels leading to the adoption by the African Union Member States in 2018, of the revised Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in Africa (SHaSA 2)".
The system will help African nations as an affordable and reliable way of collecting, curating and sharing data. It will also encourage and inspire educated Africans to collect and share quality data which is the bloodline of any impactful policy.
Blockchain technology, as a development tool, is not utilized. So far, the hype is only on cryptocurrency. In addition to many economic disadvantages, this (lack of development focused projects where blockchain is at the core) affects the acceptance and understanding of blockchain in less developed nations. This project will be an eye-opener for nations in Africa.
Because it will engage the public, the data source will be very wide while it will achieve the objective which is collecting and sharing data in a fast, cheap and in-depth approach. Because it uses AI and a blockchain-based ranking system, the collected data will be curated by quality.
Marketing and communicating this product will be easier. First, this is a product for the public that gives ownership and empowerment feelings. Users, via comments and testimonials, can promote other users and the data. Since the product will create a community, it will promote its ecosystem on its own. We have already established how critical access to quality data in the current development effort of Africa is. This project can be promoted as the next big crowdsourced project in Africa, and it has the potential to become Africa's Wikipedia.
The main challenges will be 1) the current state of Cardano's Smart Contracts and its Scalability. But we are making Cardano better every day, and we are hopeful that by the time the project is launched smart contracts via Cardano will be fast and cheap compared to ethereum. 2) creating fast and light versions that can be executed on average mobile phones. 3) language barriers will also be challenging.
Project Timeline
Main deliverables
The following team members are going to be provided by iCog Labs which has seasoned developers with the indicated role.
We will use a project management software (JIRA or Trello) in addition to github. There, we will have very specific numbers regarding sprints. Each sprints will have a specific objective which will be defined by a working software development. So we can truck the project progress via the sprints.
Next to this, we will use a think thank group (of university students) who will test the sprint results (working software) as a user. We will use this feed loop continually integrating the responses to our github commits and Jira cards.
Success will be
In short term ( 12 month after launch to 3 years)
In mid to long term (4 to 7 years)
This is a new proposal.
N.B, this is an approximate goal related to the SDG standard.
SDG goals:
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
9.5.2 Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants
I am the co-founder of a tech company in Ethiopia that has been in the business of AI R&D for the last ten years. We had developed several AI tools used in data analysis. We have added blockchain technology for data collection tools in the health and media sector since 2019.