Last updated 2 years ago
Blockchain projects are ideal for final year university projects, this requires an open source platform and Cardano should be our choice.
Build Cardano Study Clubs in the major Ugandan Universities to onboard learning devs on Cardano as a platform for blockchain based projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano For Ugandan Universities.
Build Cardano Study Clubs in the major Ugandan Universities to onboard learning devs on Cardano as a platform for blockchain based projects.
Blockchain Project management for 5 years with a tested team of community builders, blockchain local devs and blockchain advocacy in the country with a dream of bridging the technology gap in on the region.
Problem Recap
For a long time, Uganda has faced a back-lag challenge in the different folds of development for the singular purpose in question, a wide technology gap. The Ugandan education system has lately encouraged development through moves to restructure so as to step-up innovation. As known, university students must have final year projects to showcase their craftsmanship in innovation. As strong blockchain advocates in the country, we have through our community outreach noticed a lag in blockchain related innovations. In fact, for the traditional states of East Africa; That is to say Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, Uganda still lags in blockchain related innovation. Whereas the Eat African neighbors leverage top positions with Kenya topping the p2p ranks as Tanzania ranks fourth(4th) according to the crypto adoption index Uganda is still left behind.
Proposed solution
To address the above challenge, we (The Blockchain Club of Uganda) shall embark on an initiative to introduce Cardano to the studying software engineers as a credible opensource platform to build Ugandan solutions.
But as hinted earlier, it should be noted that Cardano is not yet deep rooted among the local devs as well as those still at college and university plus the general blockchain community in Uganda.
Additionally, very few resources are available to Ugandan local devs to delve into building on Cardano. We shall diagnose this with a good connection between Ugandan local devs and the pre-existing ecosystems on Cardano in the region; a case in point, Wada. This will help the local devs here to access the necessary resources to help them get acquainted with building on Cardano.
Therefore, as the very first Cardano based initiative in Uganda, we shall focus on onboarding local developers especially those still in college and university onto Cardano. The rationale of pivoting our initiative around this group is because our previous Cardano meetups in Kampala have attracted more of them than any other group
We shall do this through community outreach in form of meetups, workshops and a hackathon within the with the next six months.
Through this, local devs will get to know Cardano as a blockchain platform for change makers, innovators and visionaries with tools necessary to for creating possibility for all and bring about positive global change.
Our initiative will address the challenge at hand through the following ways;
First three(3) months
Six(6) technical events in 6 universities around Uganda. These universities shall be Makerere University, Kyambogo University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Gulu University, Busitem University and Uganda Christian University.
We shall also launch study clubs/groups in these very universities to keep holding Cardano study meetups amongst themselves.
Nest 3 Months
Host Three combined meetups in the regions of North/East, West and Central. These shall be one per month and shall attract representatives from the above 6 universities, preferably the Cardano Sturdy Club leaders.
These meetups will involve showcasing student’s acquire knowledge in Cardano and we intend to invite Cardano Established devs to join in virtually from already existing ecosystems in Africa such as Wada.
We shall the hold a Cardano Hackathon in the final month of this initiative; that is to say; the sixth month.
This will be held in Kampala City, Uganda Capita and suggested venue is Makerere University, College of Computing and Information Sciences(COCIS).
Regional Meetups
Venue Rent $200
Banners $200
Refreshments $600
Transport Costs $100
Honorarium $400
Sub total $1500
For the 6 University meetups 6*1500 = $9000
Regional Meetups 3*1500 = $4500
Venue Rent for three days 300*3 = $900
Facilitation $1000
Swag 30*12 = $360
Bandwidth equipment $140
Advertising $900
Participants’ incentives $1200
Sub Total $4500
Grand Total
= $18000
Having University Cardano Study groups set up in at least six(6) major universities will be the initial indicator of success of this project.
Of course, this will come with Cardano based activities starting to take shape in around these groups such as workshops and meetups in an autonomous manner.
Local social communities setup and having good and qualitative rather than quantitative engagements as well as attaining organic growth.
Students with a technical background starting to execute their final year projects on Cardano.
This project is entirely new to introduce Cardano to university students in dev field.
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Generating employment and income through innovation
Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth: Creating jobs for all to improve living standards, providing sustainable economic growth
Blockchain Project management for 5 years with a tested team of community builders, blockchain local devs and blockchain advocacy in the country with a dream of bridging the technology gap in on the region.