Last updated 2 years ago
The young Ethiopian community is missing out on the early introduction of Cardano Blockchain System and its opportunities.
Seminars and workshops held on university campuses will open the chance for blockchain to be adopted as part of the university curriculum
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano University Seminar.
Seminars and workshops held on university campuses will open the chance for blockchain to be adopted as part of the university curriculum
The academic curriculum in Ethiopia is changing rapidly, intending to adapt to the world's best trends in the education space. Recently universities have added workshops on campuses as part of the curriculum. Most of the workshops focus on tech-related topics. However, Blockchain hasn't been a topic that has got enough coverage.
A partnership with universities will open a new era for Ethiopia and Cardano as we could observe a chance for Blockchain included as part of the academic calendar.
Hosting workshops will bring more people from different backgrounds with various solutions to the space.
Universities in Ethiopia accept thousands of students every year. Universities all over the country are huge communities and host a significant amount of the youth population. Such seminars and workshops create a great deal of traction among the demographic group, and it comes easy for students to learn more about Cardano at a younger age.
The workshops and seminars aim to provide an Introductory knowledge about blockchain and a guide on how project catalyst works, forming partnerships among attendees hoping to solve real-life problems we see in our environment. This creates significant growth in Ethiopia as the educated group gets early awareness about the importance of blockchain and what they can do with Cardano blockchain.
The major challenge for this project could be the academic timeline of the universities. After the incident we have faced in the country, the academic calendar has often been changing, and different universities have their own timelines. This is a challenging factor that needs extensive planning.
The first phase of this project is to select 6 universities that have agreed to host the seminars with us. These universities are in different parts of the country so planning will take some time.
The budget is allocated to each university. Meaning organizing each seminar will have a logistics cost, and each university will have $1500 allocated to host the seminars. Here is the list of the cost break down:
My team has more than enough experience to hold such seminars in universities as they have the qualities listed below:
The seminar is planned to be hosted every month in different universities, so the major measurement will be the project's timeline, which will be for six months pilot program. The progress will be tracked accordingly to the timeline set for the project.
The other aspect of measuring the progress will be the number of students joining the local Cardano community and the global community. This is highly dependent on the value we deliver on the seminar, which has to be enough awareness that will keep the students engaged.
This proposal is an entirely new project.
Education is an important aspect of everyone's life as we all go through it at some point in our lives. The quality of education has always been a focal point, and constant effort has been poured to have a better quality of education in most third-world countries. Since blockchain has become part of our lives, everyone should have access to quality education regarding blockchain and other related topics within.