Last updated 2 years ago
Education is key to adoption and use of a service. How can we educate students in Northern Ghana about Cardano Ecosystem and its benefits?
Organize community events to educate about 2,000 tertiary and high school students in northern Ghana about cardano and its benefits.
This is the total amount allocated to Mass Cardano Education for Students.
Organize community events to educate about 2,000 tertiary and high school students in northern Ghana about cardano and its benefits.
As a skilled IT professional, Lecturer and a blockchain educator over the past years I have educated over 500 young students in the area of cardano blockchain and the opportunities available through the support of Wada.
· The Cardano Blockchain and its potentials for Africa is been extensively discussed across the world and most especially by the founder, Charles Hoskinson. The fundamentals of the Cardano blockchain and its use cases will have a significant impact on the African continent if there is first of all a massive awareness creation and education across tertiary and high schools within the country to capture the hearts and minds of the youth to utilize the potentials this great ecosystem is bringing to our doorstep.
For this reason, I am seeking for funding to be able to reach out to over two thousand students in tertiary and High Schools in Northern Ghana to educate them about the opportunities Cardano is bringing to the African continent and how they can participate through project catalyst. This will be achieved through the organization of meetups and conferences where the target audience will extensively be exposed to what Cardano stands for, the things they are already doing around the globe and the benefits it has for Africa as whole.
· I believe awareness creates a good avenue for adoption and I believe when I get the necessary resources with my team we will be able to spread the awareness, education and knowledge of cardano like wildfire across the tertiary institutions and High schools in Northern Ghana and possibly beyond.
Key metrics to measure:
• Number of students who have attended our conferences
• Percentage of students that become active community advisers
• Percentage of brilliant proposals submitted by these students to solve local problems in their respective communities.
• Percentage of students that became referrers
• Percentage of students that became proposers
• Number of students that successfully created native cardano wallets and participate to vote for proposals.
•local developers learning Haskell with the long term goal of developing local dapps to solve problems within the nation or their respective communities.
•The time it might take for some institutions to approve letters for the event might also be a delay factor.
Risk Management
• We will have to send letters early and work with institutions to get the document for the event approved earlier before the event.
My team and I intend to use 1-3 months:
• Reach out and educate at least 1000 tertiary and high school students in northern Ghana through our conferences / meetups that will be organized.
• Our participants will become much more knowledgeable and aware about the opportunities cardano ecosystem is offering to them and how they can bring onboard their brilliant ideas for funding through project catalyst proposal writing.
• Train at least 200 of our participants to become active community advisors to be able to constructively review proposals on ideascale
My team and I intend to hold up to 15 community events when funded...
Sample content outline to be covered
-The evolution of money
-Over of blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
-Cardano Blockchain (History, founder etc)
-What makes Cardano unique
-Cardano use cases etc.
-The Cardano african strategy and opportunities for young people through Project catalyst etc.
Project Funding Information
Budget ($26,000)
Budget Breakdown.
Creation and printing of customized cardano educational materials $1500
Transportation, feeding, accommodation of Resource persons $7000
Honorarium for resource persons $1600
Publicity $2000
Refreshments of Participants $4000
Conference Space and gadgets rental $4000
Printing of cardano branded T-shirts $4500
Ada rewards for participants through quizzing $1400
• Jeremiah Baani --
•Mohammed Mustapha Yakubu --
• +Wada --
Through the leadership and supervision of Wada; a reputable organization in the cardano ecosystem this project will be executed successfully with the implementation plans the organization has in place for the execution of every funded Wada proposal.
When there is massive education and awareness;
• There will be mass on-boarding of students and participation through project catalyst (active community advisors, proposers etc)
• There will emerge local developers who will start learning how to program in Haskell.
• We will begin to see the creation of dapps by our local developers.
This is an entirely new project.
As a skilled IT professional, Lecturer and a blockchain educator over the past years I have educated over 500 young students in the area of cardano blockchain and the opportunities available through the support of Wada.