Last updated 3 years ago was developed less than 6 months ago to facilitate free transactions within East Africa and facilitate transactions.
Tinypesa is instant & convenient for developers via our API and businesses to collect money via online mediums at no transaction cost.
This is the total amount allocated to Tinypesa.
Tinypesa is instant & convenient for developers via our API and businesses to collect money via online mediums at no transaction cost.
Our team comprises of 7 software engineers, 1 front end engineer, 4 Back-end engineers and 1 embedded systems engineer. My experience as co-founder & CEO has been as a back-end developer and product manager. The CTO & co-founder is also a full stack software engineer.
Tinypesa has been able to build a payments platform that sits atop the Telco's mobile wallet infrastructure making us able to facilitate free transactions for our users. This technology has also been able to solve the bureaucracy involved when registering for online payment for businesses and developers. Before Tinypesa was developed, it'd take businesses & developers up to several months to register for online payments business wallet and then some more time integrating the API. Tinypesa even though it's versatile and can be used for free peer to peer payments it mainly targets businesses and developers to offer them a faster and cost friendly way to integrate APIs. Tinypesa is bringing the aspect of using handles or usernames and will be the first to fully adopt social fintech in East Africa.
Tinypesa hopes to ensure that blockchain technology takes a central role in its future integrations. We would like to enhance our KYC so that it's blockchain based and built on the Cardano network. The second thing we'd like to achieve is to develop a way of issuing smart tokens and smart contracts for clients who would like to up sell their products using our value add services. We believe that by being able to reinforce or KYC with blockchain, it will create a unique contextualized KYC that can be used by businesses within Africa. Top be able to grow Africa's financial and businesses footprint, a blockchain infrastructure is necessary.
The main challenges I foresee if we do not get contributors to help us build and develop this technology then we might have to tradeoff one of the two target areas. Making a tradeoff between blockchain based identity system and Smart tokens/ contracts, will force us to prioritize on the improvements that have maximum potential impact.
Since we have already built and launched our beta version of the main financial transaction product, Tinypesa, we have estimated that building one or both KYC based blockchain technology will take approximately 12months. We have enlisted partnership to work with Cardano powered blockchain company blockery to help us workout a faster turn around so that in 6 months we can build and beta test the blockchain powered KYC for businesses.
These our our rough estimate costs to build, test and integrate new technologies to our current product offering based on our current monthly burn rate.
Annual Software engineers - $85,000
Cloud infrastructure - $30,000 - $60,000
Sales & Marketing - $50,000
Miscellaneous - $50,000
Koome - CEO He has a background in Finance & Software Engineering for over 15 years. He has worked as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Professional in the process assistant role for Amazon.
Dennis - CTO He has worked for over 7 years as a Senior Software Engineer and has been instrumental in pivoting award winning SAAS products in Africa as well as extensive familiarity in the mobile payments sector. He is a sign language interpreter too
Mwaniki - COO He is an award winning embedded systems engineer & head of Operations at Ana Confidential, Inc. Mwaniki is passionate about proper leadership and governance while ensuring that everything works to complete the ecosystem. He is a sign language interpreter too.
Chweya - Front-end
Samuel(SG) - He is a Full-stack engineer who is responsible for developing the ecommerce plugins e.g Wordpress or Shopify
Martin - Software engineer He is a Back-end engineer who is also skilled in front end development using React.
Britney - Psychology major and Online communities growth manager
Caleb - Software engineer intern
Currently we push our code to github but after it has undergone review. Github commits are good although we would like to continue with setting sprint milestones. To further measure the progress of the project we'll initiate a timeline where this community can engage with the team via a discord channel where progress will be constantly communicated by our online growth community manager
Success is when we are able to create a friendlier KYC process that is block-chain based to ensure its immutability and consistency. The moment atleast one of our more than 1600 businesses succeed in creating purchasing smart tokens and we succeed in collecting blockchain verifiable KYC details on our milestone based approach KYC system, then we'll be able to conclude that the project was successful. Of course, this will be informed by our developments hitting the milestones we've set.
This proposal is entirely new and we would like to get funding and gain collaborators for us to achieve an affordable Africa ready KYC process that will be inclusive and take into consideration the continents diverse cultures and business dynamics.
Our team comprises of 7 software engineers, 1 front end engineer, 4 Back-end engineers and 1 embedded systems engineer. My experience as co-founder & CEO has been as a back-end developer and product manager. The CTO & co-founder is also a full stack software engineer.