Co-operate with IOHK to add Vietnamese language to the website.
Our team with relevant experiences in translating projects, DevOps, blockchain tech-savvies, SPO, Eastern Townhall moderators/co-hosts.
Problem statement:
- Strategic and technical information from the IOHK.IO website is important to the Cardano Community. It helps the community understand what the IOHK team has been working on and future directions. However, the language barrier has been limiting the understanding of the information of the Vietnamese community.
Most Vietnamese will read the newsletter through google's automatic translation tool. Through practice, we find that these translations are not accurate, especially technical articles.
The solution to the problem:
We cooperate with IOHK to add the Vietnamese language for website (blog sections, news....). Whenever there is new content, we will translate it into Vietnamese and share it with IOHK to post on the website.
After being cross-checked and approved, the translated articles will be shared on major media channels in Vietnam (popular channels on telegram, Facebook, website) to attract new interested people from communities.
We are Cardanian enthusiastic who have studied Cardano and the ecosystem ( . With this experience, We believe that our translation will help the Vietnamese Community clearly understand the content as well as the message IOHK wants to convey. thereby helping to build trust in Cardano
Vietnam is a country with great development potential in East Asia in terms of Information Technology and Cryptocurrency adoption - click here for the detailed report . Therefore, having accurate directional information from IOHK will help the Vietnamese community develop sustainably, in an inclusive and supportive way
Quality of translation: All translation document will be cross-checked and consult IOHK when there is a need for clarification.
Not update news on time: set an agreement with IOHK for early disclosure news to the executive team before releasing it on the website.
After the proposal is funded:
In the 1st month:
- Establishing a translation team (advisory board, reviewer, and translator, they will check the quality of the translations )
- Connect with IOHK and sign a cooperation agreement.
- Coordinate with IOHK to evaluate the quality of sample translation.
In 2nd month:
- Complete the translation into Vietnamese for these functions of the website (Technology, Research, about, contact, and footer).
- Translate all blog posts in 2022 (by the end of March 2022).
- Share translated articles on the website
- Run Marketing program to announce Vietnamese language option of website on local telegram/Facebook communities
In 4th month:
- Complete the translations in the blog section of 2021
- Continue to translate the upcoming posts in the blog section to the end of December 2022
- Continue to run marketing program to announce Vietnamese language option of website on local telegram/Facebook communities
In 5th month:
- Sign an agreement to provide translation services for articles in 2023 (from September 2022)
- Submit an additional proposal for the translation and promotion of all articles in 2023.
We counted the pages of 20 random articles between 2019 and 2022 and found that each article corresponds to average 3.74 A4 pages. Statistics are available here.
In 2021, there were 90 articles on the blogs session of site, we estimate that there will be about 100 articles in 2022, so the total number of articles on both years is 190. and the estimated total number of pages is 190x 3.74= 710.6 pages
Based on the above information, the budget breakdown table will be as follows:
- Translation Wage: 710.6 translation pages * $19 per page=$13,501
- Project manager salary: 24 weeks x 3 hours/week*$50/hour=$3,600
- Marketing and Community salary: 24 weeks x 3 hours/week*$40/hour=$2,880
- Contingency costs for more translations. 10% *710.6 translation pages *$19 per page=$1,350
Total request budget: $21,331
Note: Our goal is to complete the translation of 710 pages of content from English to Vietnamese and coordinate with IOHK to verify and post it on the website.
Tien Nguyen Anh :
Nguyen Van Hieu :
Quoc Nguyen :
- Over 10 years of experience in finance and fintech.
- Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) - England
- Co-founder of Trensform Joint Stock Company, a venture capital/ venture builder focused on tech start-ups. Trensform’s first project: - A p2p lending platform focused on Education.
- Ambassador of Genius Yield - A Decentralized Exchange and Yield Optimizer on Cardano.
- Cardano Stake Pool Operator (ADAUP).
- Cardano Community Advisor
- Telegram:
- Linked-in:
Quang Pham :
- Majored in Architectural Design, with working experience in the field of architectural and graphic design. Is the coreteam member participating in the evaluation of projects on the Cardano platform.
- Linked:
- Telegram: @Quangar
Mie Tran :
- Eastern Townhall co-host
- Viet Nam Eastern Townhall moderator & Interpreter
- Cardano Viet Nam Catalyst project Telegram co-host
- Youtube link for Eastern Townhall meeting attended as moderator and translator.
- Linked:
Huong Phan Dac :
- Member of Cardano Gem Hunter, a team with a lot of experience in blockchain, especially Cardano, specializing in technical research and evaluation of projects in the Cardano ecosystem
- Bachelor of Finance,
- Co-founder at Berryland VietNam Co., Ltd
- Working in the Cardano/Crypto space since 2021
- Cardano Community Advisor
- Twitter:
- Telegram: Telegram: Contact @PhanHuongDL
- Email:
- Linkedin: (99+) Huong Phan Dac | LinkedIn
Dat Dinh Tien :
- Is the coreteam member participating in the evaluation of projects on the Cardano platform.
- Twitter:
- LinkedIn:
In the 1st month:
- Announce advisory board, reviewers, and translators on website (
- Completed 02 evaluations of the sample translation
In 2nd month:
- Complete the website (Technology, Research, about, contact, and footer) translation into Vietnamese.
- Translate 12 articles in 2022 (by the end of March 2022)
- Share 12 translated articles on the website
- Post announcement about 12 translated articles on 05 local popular telegram/Facebook communities (Cardano ADA Việt Nam.....)
In 4th month:
- Complete the translations of 90 articles of 2021
- Translate the 88 articles in 2022
- Post announcement about translated articles on 05 local popular telegram/Facebook communities (Cardano ADA Việt Nam.....)
In 5th month:
- Sign an agreement to provide translation services for articles in 2023 (from September 2022)
- Submit an additional proposal for the translation and promotion of all articles in 2023.
- Increase traffic share to website from 3,36% to 5% in 03 recent months
- Users can access the page to read the information in Vietnamese.
- By the end of 2022, there will be 710 A4 pages of content translated into Vietnamese.
- Increase Traffic share rate in the last 3 months from 3.36% to 5% (This means that 5% of website visitors globally are Vietnamese). Statistical data will be retrieved from
- Providing strategic information in native languages will raise the awareness levels of regular people in the Vietnam community about blockchain, thereby promoting participation from the community. many people will become proposers, CA, vCA, SPO, referer, Voter when they have access to this valuable information.
This is a new proposal