Social and marketing project that educates on SPO’s, NFT and Cardano through collaboration with delegators, NGO’s and rare local culture.
Single SPO Operator, Social Media Manager, IT Manager, GitHub admin, Event & Art Management, Public Relation practitioner, Marketing Communication Manager, Eastern Town Hall member, Indonesian Community enabler, Challenge Team member, Community Advisor.
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | What is it all about?
Single SPO’s everywhere have been struggling. A common theme pops up all around the community, the challenge of marketing a SPO and it’s benefit. Simply put, they are failing to attract more delegators to their pool. Making operating one economically not viable.
In the developing world, a large number and a wide range of their population demography are not familiar with web 3.0 let alone blockchain. Many are oblivious to the potential benefits of blockchain, staking and what even is a SPO. This includes also Cardano as a blockchain, but one fact is certain, everyone knows NFT, it is basically mainstream.
Leveraging the topic of NFT, we seek to create a series of marketing and public relation events that we envision can act as an engagement action plan template that is native to Cardano’s SPO and CNFT community which are ; impactful, thoughtful and collaborative. Those action plans range from :
Through our solution we are addressing various key metric of this Challenge setting. Those key metrics are as following :
- Through our various workshops that educates on SPO, Cardano and NFT we will introduce our social circle to the many capabilities of Cardano from it's enabling technology to its enabling governance in the form of Project Catalyst
- Through our engagement action plan template we will inspire individuals to at the very least explore Project Catalyst first and eventually propose a proposal with the assistance of our partners from the Eastern Town Hall and Eastern Catalyst School
- By introducing CNFT's through our workshops and engagement plan, our participants and partners would need to setup a wallet to be able to receive these NFT's
- By introducing SPO's through our workshops, the NGO's and benefactors can potentially setup their own SPO, or delegate to single SPO's in Indonesia, or delegate to the Eastern Town Hall SPO or to request a SPO as a service from the single SPO's in Indonesia
- By introducing NGO's, artist and their social circle, we will exposed them to the financial possibilities of using CNFT Cardano technology. An additional benefit of this engagement action plan template is that we are supporting the preservation of culture by embodying them through blockchain. This effort is the first step towards providing reoccurring financial benefits by preserving culture through blockchain. A previously funded proposal will solidify this attempt into an action that can be done by every cultural preservationist around the globe
- This NFT which is embedded heavily in cultural values seeks to bridge the gap between jpeg NFT's and NFT that resonates with the traditional art world
This engagement action plan template is very heavy in coordination. Project Management skills and experience plays a huge role in the success of this proposal. This is due to the multiple layers of action plans that need to be done simultaneously. In its own, each action plan is very much doable, in its entirety, it is very much a delegated oriented workflow. Rigorous overview of all parties involved is essential to meet :
- the timeline targeted by this proposal
- proper budget allocation as intended
- quality of the final artwork
- effectiveness in delivering the mission and technology of Cardano
- concise reporting to the Cardano community
Project Management will be lead by Yan, experience in marketing communication, event planning & management, public relation of 3 to 4 star hotels, grand opening and re-opening of various restaurant and co-founded an art oriented brand activation management. Coupled with a single SPO founder (SPO Kawan) and their team, who are experienced in creating explanatory videos on Cardano, creating an engaging Discord channel and knowledgeable in the technology side of NFTs will act as the initial core team.
This initial core team will then branch out and delegate various position that have been identified through our detail budget and action plan.
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | Roadmap
To achieve our stated action plan above, a series of sub-action plans need to be exacted. In the case of the action plan ; Communal CNFT Project involving SPO delegators, NGO’s, artists, and rare culture in the form of traditional dance and musicians. , we will prepare the following :
- Week 1 – Coordination Phase :
- Convey the timeline needed to shoot and video edit the 3-5 minute video together with the traditional dancers and traditional musicians
- Convey the timeline and deadline to edit the selected frame to the SPO delegators, NGO’s and artist
- Prepare and rent all the equipment needed to create the video
- Prepare all contact details and emails of SPO delegators, NGO’s and artists
- Week 2 & 3 – Execution Phase :
- Execute the 3-5 minute video and create the equal number of frames to that of the SPO delegators, NGO’s and artist that are involved
- Distribute the the frames of the 3-5 minute to the participants of this Communal CNFT Project by email
- Week 4 & 5 – Editing Phase :
- Receive all edited frames and combine them with background music
- Iterate video till final product
In the case of the action plan ; Donation to a high-profile NGO (Floating Hospital RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan) in return to have a series of SPO workshops with the NGO’s itself, their benefactors and media. , we will prepare the following :
- Week 1 – Coordination Phase :
- Prepare the press release of the donation to the NGO and the media by the SPO’s involved
- Distribute the press release and convey the invitation and timeline needed to the NGO’s and media on the time, date and method of the online press conference and online workshops
- Week 2 & 3 – Preparation Phase :
- Prepare the content/presentation for the online press conference of the donation to the NGO with benefactors and media invitee
- Prepare the content/presentation for the online workshops after the press conference of the donation to the NGO with benefactors and media invitee
- Week 6 – Execution Phase :
- Conduct the online press conference of the donation for the NGO with benefactors and media invitee
- Conduct the online workshops for the NGO’s, benefactors and media
In the case of the action plan ; SPO, NFT and Cardano workshops for the contracted artist, traditional dancers and traditional musicians community. , we will prepare the following :
- Week 1 – Coordination Phase :
- Convey the timeline needed for the online workshops for the contracted artist, traditional dancers and traditional musicians representative
- Week 2 & 3 – Preparation Phase :
- Prepare the content/presentation for online workshops for the contracted artist, traditional dancers and traditional musicians representative
- Week 7 & 8 – Execution Phase :
- Conduct the online workshops for the contracted artist, traditional dancers and traditional musicians representative
In the case of the action plan ; A series of “SPO’s for beginners” videos as content during the SPO workshops. , we will prepare the following :
- Week 1 – Coordination Phase :
- Convey the timeline needed to create or edit the video series “SPO’s for beginners” to the internal team
- Week 2 & 3 – Execution Phase :
- Prepare the content/presentation for the video series “SPO’s for beginners”
- Execute the video series “SPO’s for beginners”
Incapsulate all the progress, and milestones in various social media channel formats under the brand DC-NFT. Social media intended are as the following ; Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Discord and YouTube.
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | Roadmap Details and Links
Here are the contents of the video series “SPO’s for beginners” :
- What is a SPO?
- What are the benefits of a SPO?
- How to setup a SPO
- How to operate a SPO
- How to grow a SPO
Here are the contents of the press conference presentation :
- Where does the donation come from?
- What is a SPO?
- Who are the actors in a SPO ecosystem?
- How to get involved a SPO
- How to grow a SPO
Here are our social media channels calendar :
- Instagram :
- 3X post per week
- 1X Instastory per day
- Twitter :
- 3X original content post per week
- 3X SPO and NFT related content per week
- 1X Twitter space (after NFT launch) per month
- YouTube :
- Upload “SPO’s for beginners” video series
- Upload press conference documentation
- Upload existing tutorial videos from other partnering communities, such as ; SPO’s, Eastern Town Hall and Cardano Indonesia
- Discord :
- Daily community engagement
- Telegram :
- Daily community engagement
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | Budget Breakdown
Our 3 (three) month budget covers the following actions :
- Workshops operations : $825
- 6 (six) workshops in total
- 1 (one) hour session for press conference workshop
- 2 (two) hour sessions for regular workshops
- $50 per hour for main presenter
- $25 per hour for moderating the room, answering chat and keeping track of statistics
- Workshops materials creation : $2,525
- Creation of presentation for press conference
- Creation of 5 (five) videos on “SPO’s for beginners”
- Creation of 2 (two) videos on NFT and Cardano
- Compensating the video editor to edit the videos
- NFT video creation : $1,975
- Compensating the artists as the talent
- Compensating the videographer team and renting related supporting tools
- Compensating the video editor to edit the videos
- Minting and airdropping : $500
- Minting The SPO Delegators Communal CNFT
- Air-dropping the singular NFT’s
- Marketing of the Donation to a high-profile NGO (Floating Hospital RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan) press conference
- Marketing of The SPO Delegators Communal CNFT
- Compensating the public relation and moderator specialist
- Website creation and maintenance : $2,250
- Creating a basic website to serve as a landing page and to host the main information about The SPO Delegators Communal CNFT Project and all it’s caveats
- Managing the Instagram channel
- Managing the Twitter channel
- Managing the Telegram and Discord channel
- Managing the YouTube channel
- Project Management : $2,500
- Managing the project costs, KPI’s and timeline
- Reporting to Project Catalyst committee
- Coordinating hosts, co-hosts for various workshops
- Coordinating with various partners
- Project documentation and housekeeping
Our core team members consist of the following :
- Yan Tirta - (Yan Tirta LinkedIn) - Marketing Communication, Public Relation, Event Manager, Social Media Manager, Cardano Indonesia Enabler, Eastern Catalyst School member, Challenge Team member, Community Advisor, Entrepreneur
- SPO Kawan Team - (KawanCardano - Stake your ADA with KAWAN) - Single SPO, Social Media Manager, Cardano SPA, Ardana Stake Pool Alliance, IT Manager, Videographer
- Ziemotion Studio - (Ziemotion Studio) - Animator, VO, Videographer, Motion Graphic Production House
- Ayu Kusumaningtyas - (Service Excellence PR Consultancy Agency) - Public Relation Practitioner, Media Relations, Moderator, Public Speaker, Marketing Communication, Founder of Service Excellence
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | Public Documentation and Domain
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT projects approach to the general public will follow the models of various NFT drops. These types of information need to be transparent and consistently conveyed to the general public. Therefore in it’s prelude we will include a basic website, Discord, Telegram, Instagram account (in English, Japanese, Viet Nam and Indonesian). The website itself will be consisting of two main parts :
- GitBook : All the content and the resources used for all action plans related to SPO Delegators Communal CNFT Project will be published in a public Git repository with an Open Source license and presented through GitBook (GitBook), a platform for publishing documentation. This will be one of our tools to report on our KPI’s and program progress.
- Landing page : All content of the landing page will include ; a brief explanation of our mission, SPO and parties involved, a brief history of our partners CSR programs, a subscription form for interested buyers in the Typeform format and various other communication s link. This website also serves as legitimate source of information on all action plans and educational materials that can be accessed publicly. Provided also is a visual index to help users navigate through all the resources published in the GitBook.
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | Success Metrics
These are our metrics for success of this project :
- Minted 1 (one) 3-5 minute SPO Delegators Communal CNFT
- Minted and air-dropped all individual NFT’s that make up SPO Delegators Communal CNFT
- Conduct 1 (one) online press conference with the high-profile NGO (Floating Hospital RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan)
- Conduct 3 (three) online workshops on SPO for the NGO’s, benefactors and media
- Receive 10-15 media publications from this press conference
- Conduct 3 (three) online workshops on SPO, NFT and Cardano for the contracted artist, traditional dancers and traditional musicians community
- Created 5 (five) videos on “SPO’s for beginners”
- Created 2 (two) videos on NFT and Cardano
- 50 daily interactions in Telegram and Discord channel
- 5K followers in Instagram and Twitter channel
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | Milestones
These are our following targeted milestones :
- Mint SPO Delegators Communal CNFT video
- Mint all single frame artwork by participants
- Airdrop all single frame artworks by participants
- List SPO Delegators Communal CNFT on
- Conduct the online press conference of the donation to the NGO with benefactors and media invitee
- Conduct the online workshops to the NGO’s, benefactors and media
- Conduct the online workshops to the contracted artist, traditional dancers and traditional musicians representative
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT | Success Outlook
The final output of this proposal will shine light on Cardano as a power for good and CNFT as a NFT that is impactful, thoughtful and collaborative. This YouTube video link, act as a source of inspiration and the potential expected outcome of this DC-NFT Project : (Skrillex and Diplo Music Video - "Where Are Ü Now")
This proposal is an entirely new proposal.