Last updated 2 years ago
We need to build sustainable Cardano Community Hubs around viable local projects, deforestation is a worldwide problem.
To incorporate Cardano into this sustainable forestry project & build a Cardano Hub to facilitate reforestation & responsible logging
This is the total amount allocated to Sustainable forestry Hub Cambodia.
To incorporate Cardano into this sustainable forestry project & build a Cardano Hub to facilitate reforestation & responsible logging
The team is essential for the success of any project, the Floresta project is no exception. Indeed, a strong, multidisciplinary, and very experienced team is the foundation of our initiative, gathering renowned experts, business men, as well as forestry and financial specialists.
The proposed intervention of the Cardano Community Hub initiative is expected to impact on the social and environmental conditions of the people of Cambodia, in the short and long run.
This may be effective, as it comes as novelty in project initiative and contributes to the number of proposals and projects emanating from East Asia under project catalyst.
The intended audience for project “Community Hub - Sustainable forestry in Cambodia” is majorly the government that gives approval for land operations. Other stakeholders in the project are established and are expected to make gains from the Floresta Tree Note (FTN), which provide profitable functional solutions in the following: financial, social, environmental, and CO2 offset.
The functional solutions by implication allows stakeholders to achieve profitability by doing good.
In coordination with and we will strive to introduce benefits of a Cardano Community Hub into the forest Ecosystem of this project.
Create a Cardano Community Hub within the local communities to support the larger project.
Leading by example in the Asia regions we will encourage the growth in the number of Cardano Community Hubs.
The challenge before Cardano Community Hub in Cambodia should continue as part of global remedy issues inherent in unsustainable practices.
Therefore, functional areas of solutions as encapsulated in financial, environmental, social and CO2 offset, is further broken down into forecast of initial investment per project leg, which consist of the following: equipment 49%, infrastructure 8%, planting 25%, vehicles 5%, land preparation 12%, and manpower 1%.
The impacts of the subsets above will help in enhancing the position of stakeholders in Cambodia in terms of improving their engagement and living standards.
Some of the key performance indicators to be expected here will include: increased demand for Teak wood resulting in financial sustainability, CO2 emission mitigation, increase in profitability and financial stability, and the restoration of the natural ecosystem (an expected outcome of COP26.
Addressing specific KPIs with regard to focused initiative in Cambodia, the following may be considered vital: increasing participation of Asian residents in Cardano Community and catalyst teams, increasing the number of stake pool and stake pool operators East Asia, and capturing feedbacks on the success or challenges of deploying Cardano solutions across East Asia.
Expected challenges in view of the project may include but not exhaustive due to possible dynamics in most developing countries: possible attacks from unfavorable legislations from government, driving adoption and awareness of Cardano by local community, creating customized ideas and projects for Cambodia, that is different from others, how to achieve connections and collaborations between the Cardano block-chain in the next six month.
In order to defray risks mentioned above, the catalyst team should be able to show through the Floresta Tree Note (NFTs), the capacity mitigate risks that may arise.
This project is ideal to seed the growth of Cardano Community Hubs in Asia, specifically:
You can follow the following link to see a breakdown of the requested budget:
Moran Hadad - President & Founder
Vladimir Seguin - Monaco Director
Guy Yogev - Field Operations Director
Annie-Gouba-Guibal - Executive Director
Professor Oded Shoseyov - Lead Scientific Advisor
Rhadames Killy - Lead Legal Advisor
Christian Balende - Strategic Advisor
Uria Casuto - On-Site Agronomist
Yotam Gross - Field Manager Cambodia
To see more information:
A broad spectrum of people across Asia and connected to Asia, coming together and forming teams to grow the Cardano ecosystem.
The number of Cardano Community Hubs financed by viable and profitable projects and business activities.
The overarching aim of the Cardano Community Hub innovation around the world would be see the achievement of a sustainable practice of CO2 mitigation and reforestation coupled with sustainable logging.
Success for Community Hub - Sustainable forestry in Cambodia will be seen in the financial innovation of Floresta Tree Note “Making money for doing good”.
This is a continuation of our funded F7: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs Cardano Worldwide Community Hubs: although it is not dependent on it.
The objective is to attract and onboard people to create Cardano Community Hubs in Asia.
For updates and additional information:
1 No Poverty
6 Clean Water & Sanitation
8 Decent work and economic growth
15 Life on Land
17 Partnership for Goals
The team is essential for the success of any project, the Floresta project is no exception. Indeed, a strong, multidisciplinary, and very experienced team is the foundation of our initiative, gathering renowned experts, business men, as well as forestry and financial specialists.