Last updated 9 months ago
There is no place to meet and discuss the use of Web3 despite that collaborations between web tech person and Cardano person is necesarry.
The real meeting and/or seminar is quite important. We will provide the good opportunity to real and online hybrid meeting on cafe.
This is the total amount allocated to Web3 x Cardano ADA Cafe in Japan.
The real meeting and/or seminar is quite important. We will provide the good opportunity to real and online hybrid meeting on cafe.
We are already working on the Web3Cafe concept with restaurant operators in Osaka and Kyoto.
Web 3.0 is a very hot topic. One of the most important key point for Web 3.0 is the contribution of decentralized block chain technology for this issue.
However, this is a very abstract concept and would require much discussion. There is also not much talk about Cardano, as much time has not passed since the launch of smart contracts in spite of the Cardano advantage of the most decentralized eco block chain. For the detailed discussion the onsite meeting is still important even though we recognize the importance of online meeting like Zoom. The large number of the opportunity is also important since sometimes matching progress for meeting can be serious issue for starting project. In this sense, the café space for discussion with full time open style is important. Any time discussion will promote the web 3.0 development.
There was also a pandemic risk in operating cafes, but the Japanese government has determined that the risk of a pandemic has been mitigated and is in the process of decreasing its restrictions.
Crypto asset-based cafes have a history of operating while prices are booming, but closing when prices fall.
This time, we are planning to reduce the cost of the Cardano & Web 3.0 Cafe to the limit and create a model that can withstand even a price slump.
We will also make many interior design innovations to make it a fountain of new ideas about Web 3.0, and we will maintain a collection of books about Web 3.0.
In order to allow people outside of Japan to interact with us, we will make it a place where people can easily communicate with each other.
Once we raise the funds, We also promise to keep the cafe open for one year without closing unless there is a very bad reason.for any reason.Then, a seat is reserved exclusively for Cardano.
This proposal will directly address the issues as follows Project completion and progress will be shared as needed via Twitter, our website, and Eastern Hemisphere meetups.
The idea is to spread the name by the letters Cardano or ADA, to organize more business idea meetups here in the Eastern Hemisphere, and to increase the number of Catlayst proposals to 5 or more in one year.
Regarding the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law regulations and tax regulations, the We will work with our tax advisor and legal counsel.
The café will be open within two months.
Maintain it for at least one year counting from that point.
Labor cost: $30,000
Equipment and other expenses: $20,000
There are many very diverse and numerous team members. See below.
It would be difficult to write it all off, so I will introduce co-president Tuda.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law with a Bachelor of Laws degree, and an engineer with a liberal arts degree, which was rare at that time. In the early days of the IT industry, Window 95 generation engineer, 25 years in the IT industry only. Experienced more than 10 different programming languages so far. At the age of 28, he launched a Web-based business division at the company he was working for at the time, establishing the development technology that is the foundation of the company today. Later, he became a manager and achieved a V-shaped recovery with zero employees on standby during the Lehman Shock. At the age of 37, he established Acrossroad Corporation to achieve his engineering vision, which consisted of training engineers. Currently, he has established Across Holdings, which is a holding company, and has converted all businesses into business associations. He is currently working hard to launch new businesses every day in order to realize the derivative businesses set forth in his engineering vision.
Representative Director of Across Holdings Corporation Representative Director of Across Road Corporation Representative Director of AxrossInvestors LLC Representative Director of AI MAX Corporation Representative Director of Vma+ Production Committee Representative Director of Hectcorn Corporation President of blood builder®︎ Kanto Office Secretary General Visiting Professor of iU Information Management Innovation Professional University of Electronics Science and Technology
Book: SE Tricks that will accelerate your business 10 times if you understand them! My strengths are active, speedy and tough.
The philosophy of the company is to "bring the digital world to life and give birth to heroes of the metaverse" and to "create a world where the heroes of the metaverse are born.
We are developing our business with the vision of creating Meta ID, a digital people's right in the metaverse and virtual space.
Our weapons are our high PR skills and marketing including planning skills.
We have met wonderful people with a noble philosophy and groundbreaking technology that we continue to develop as a social infrastructure, which led us to establish our corporation.
We will create heroes by developing a platform that exceeds expectations and a community support system, and at the same time, we will create an opportunity for the revival of our beloved Japan.
全てを書き切ることは困難ですので共同代表の津田 徹を紹介します。
法律学部法律学科卒、当時では珍しい文系エンジニア。 IT業界の創成期、Window95世代エンジニア、IT業界オンリーの25年目 これまでに経験したプログラム言語は10種類以上。 28歳の時に当時所属していた企業でWebを主軸とした事業部を立ち上げ、現在の基盤となる開発技術を確立。その後、管理職となり、リーマンショック時には待機社員ゼロ、V字回復を果たす。 37歳の時に、エンジニア育成からなるエンジニアビジョンを達成すべく、アクロスロード株式会社を設立。 現在は、持株会社となるアクロスホールディングスを設立し、すべての事業を事業会化。エンジニアビジョンに掲げる派生事業の実現に向け、日々事業の立ち上げに奮闘中。
アクロスホールディングス株式会社 代表取締役 アクロスロード株式会社 代表取締役 AxrossInvestors合同会社 代表社員 AI MAX 株式会社 代表取締役 Vマ+制作委員会 代表取締役 Hectcorn株式会社 代表取締役社長 blood builder®︎関東事務局 事務局長 学校法人電子学園 iU 情報経営イノベーション専門職大学 客員教授
著書: 理解できればビジネスが10倍加速する!SEのトリセツ 自身の強みは、アクティブ、スピーディー、タフネス 好きな言葉は、ソフトウェアに不可能はない
メタバース・仮想空間のデジタル人民権であるMeta IDをつくるビジョンをもち、事業展開しております。
Weekly updates on the status of the project will be made available to the public.
Questions will also be accepted via the website at any time.
If possible, we will participate in the bi-weekly Eastern Hemisphere Meetups.
The criterion for success is the achievement of the KPIs mentioned above. If this is achieved, the project is considered successful.
Completion of the project is to continue the café for at least one year, running PDCA cycles to achieve the KPIs.
This is a new proposal, but will be implemented with reference to past projects and services./新規提案ですが、過去のプロジェクトやサービスを参考に実施します。
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are already working on the Web3Cafe concept with restaurant operators in Osaka and Kyoto.