Extend ongoing project in India to a hub and spokes model where localized activities can be undertaken while aligning to the overall goal.
Loxe Inc. Team. Experienced team of software engineers and Plutus pioneers.
Catalyst Fund 6 funded Cardano Builders' Hub India to lay the groundwork for building together builders in India, raise awareness and act as an incubator. The work for that project has started where we have connected with developers aspiring to develop with Plutus.
Initial channels of communication have been set up. We have come to realize that given the regional diversity in India, quite unique compared to other countries would also require a localised approach for building a sustainable Cardano developer community.
- Extend the builders’ hub to function as a hub and spokes model
- Raise awareness and promote adoption of Cardano in the Indian subcontinent which has a population of more than 1.5 billion. This will offer significant windfall gains as once the IT sector starts building indigenous solutions on Cardano catering to the needs of the economy, Cardano will be viewed distinctly compared to other blockchain solutions.
- Bring together experts from in the traditional industry into an informal group where they can discover about Web3.0 and what Cardano offers.
- Act as an incubator for innovation.
- Set up local chapters to the builders’ hub in 3 cities selected in due course.
- Each local chapter to be coordinated by a regional rep in order to collect requirements & feedback and assist in dissemination of information for the local community.
- Set up a regional project working group to work on ideas from the local chapters and assist them in development or guide them in bringing their ideas to Catalyst Fund 9.
Our solution aligned to setting up local Cardano hubs for regular catch ups (virtual or real world). It promotes awareness about Cardano. It will contribute to number of Indian focused Catalyst submissions and Indian focused dapps/services actually built in future.
Effective coordination with the local chapters is essential for success. In this hub and spokes model that we are employing, losing attention on any of the hubs can derail that line of activity.
August 2022
- Set up local chapters to the builders’ hub in 3 cities
- Publicize the programme through the ongoing Builder’s hub initiative
September 2022
- Assign reps for local chapters. Agree on a plan for coordinating activities and collecting feedback.
- Run guidance sessions.
October 2022 and beyond
- Self sustaining local chapters
- Ideas and proposals to Catalyst fund from local teams
- Incentives for local reps one in each chapter for first 2 months: 3 x 2 x $1000 = $6000
- Supporting team expenses 3 devs + 1 project manager part time for 2 months: 4 x 2 x $1500 = $12000
- Marketing expenses for all 3 chapters ($2000) = $2000
Total = $20000
Matthias Sieber
- Professional Software Engineer for over 20 years
- worked on Liqwid through MLabs internship
- Conflict Resolution Specialist (Mediator, Facilitator, Peacekeeper, Educator)
- BA in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding
- Master of Dispute Resolution
- Community-elected Moderator on Cardano Stack Exchange
- Plutus and Prism Pioneer (1st cohorts)
- Project Catalyst Community Advisor and Veteran Community Advisor
- Catalyst Circle member representing the Cardano Foundation
- Cardano Ambassador
- Built successful marketplaces, startups, SMBs, and mission-driven teams
- Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member
Eli Selkin, L.C.S.W., M.S
- Professional Software Engineer for over 10 years
- Plutus Pioneer
- Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member
- MS in Computer Science, specializing in Machine Learning
- ML architect
- B.A. in Psychology
- Masters of Social Work
- Licensed clinical social worker
Victor Corcino
- Energy Industry Engineer for 6 years
- Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member
- Member of the 1st Catalyst Circle as Community Advisors representative
- Catalyst Veteran Community Advisor and Proposal Mentor
- Co-creator of AIM Community Tools (CA/vCA Tools, Voter Tool)
- BSc Chemical Engineering and MSc Chemical Engineering and Software Development
- Specialization in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- PhD candidate, researching the field of Machine Learning applied to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ganesh N
- Professional Software Engineer for over 8 years
- Plutus Pioneer (1st cohort)
- Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member
- BTech in Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Has lead development of large scale applications
- Experience in the financial services industry
Internally, we will use the Agile methodology to manage and keep track of our progress on this project’s development.
Externally, for audit purposes, we will track the progress according to the delivery of the milestones presented in the roadmap included in the feasibility section of this proposal.
Success measure are
- A self sustaining local chapters for builders to learn about Cardano ecosystem, share ideas and collaborate.
- More candidates from the subcontinent signing up for upcoming iterations of Plutus and Prism Pioneer Programs.
- Contribution of high quality catalyst proposals for future funding rounds for Cardano across the world like it is the case for traditional web technologies.
- Number of active local chapters
- Number of local chapters building dApps on Cardano
- Number of local chapters submitting proposals in Fund 9 and Fund 10
This is a continuation of a Fund 7 funded project : https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/382247
SDG Rating
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG subgoals:
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.5.1 Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated
4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill