Last updated 2 years ago
India is a multilingual country where a large section of the population speak and understand just their mother tongue.
Create a website and content in Indian languages. Team members who are experienced in Cardano as well as native speakers to act as guides.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano coffee - Regional languages.
Create a website and content in Indian languages. Team members who are experienced in Cardano as well as native speakers to act as guides.
Team of experienced software engineers, Plutus Pioneers, Prism Pioneers and Gimbalabs PPBL members, native speakers covering five major Indian languages. Members of a delivered Fund 6 project and funded proposers from Fund 7 with about a year's experience building on Cardano.
The overall aim is to create content in regional languages that covers the vast majority of the population in India and make that content easily accessible.
A quick perspective about languages in India:
At the time of Independence, India was formed as a union of states comprising different states and Union territories with distinct culture, language and lifestyle. To this day the diversity of languages has remained intact while culture & lifestyle has melded. That is primarily due to how different the languages are from each other. As a result language is an important attribute of the population that influences one's choice of profession, residence as well as education.
The distribution of speaker strength (as % of total population) for the top 10 languages (out of 22 specified in the constitution) is as follows.
Hindi : 43.63%
Bengali : 8.03%
Marathi : 6.86%
Telugu : 6.70%
Tamil : 5.70%
Gujarati : 4.58%
Urdu : 4.19%
Kannada : 3.61%
Odia : 3.10%
Malayalam : 2.88%
This data is sourced from the latest Census data (2011) published by the central government, which can be found here:
The census that was planned for 2021 has been delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However it can be safely assumed the figures above have not significantly changed since 2011. Even though ~12% of the population is estimated to speak English, it's unlikely that the whole 12% have sufficient fluency to learn Cardano in English.
Our solution in detail
We will build an environment where people can learn about Cardano for its merit both academically and philosophically. This requires activities in three tracks:
Track 1 : Content creation
Track 2 : Accessibility and communication channel
Track 3 : Promotion and outreach
Regional languages covered and reasons for the choice:
We will cover 5 regional languages, namely Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam.
We provide reasons for this choice, which we feel is important to know if you are reading this and you are not from India.
1. Hindi is spoken in the north of India and covers more than 40% of the total population. Hindi is well understood in the northern states even if the native language of the state is not Hindi and say for example Bengali.
2. The languages of the south are very different from Hindi and at the same time different from each other both in terms of script and grammar. As a result, it's important to cover those southern languages.
3. Covering all the languages or even the top 10 listed above, will stretch our efforts to ensure depth and quality of content and will inflate the budget requirements.
As a result, we will cover the aforesaid 5 languages spoken by 62.52% of the total population. In addition, Hindi is understood in most of the northern part of the country including states where Bengali (8.03 %), Marathi (6.86 %), Gujarati (4.58%), Urdu (4.19%) and Odia (3.1%) are spoken. As a result, with Hindi and the southern languages, the effective coverage will be greater, which in the best case scenario being ~90% of the total population.
Details of activities under each track
Track 1. Content creation:
1.1 Translate articles and documentation into regional languages.
The target audience here includes those with technology/programming background as well those outside the technology domain.
What is in scope for translation?
The content has to be diverse enough in terms of topics and difficulty to provide apt choice for each section of the audience.
We will start with the famous `Why Cardano` essay.
This is ideal for the start as it illustrates the philosophy of Cardano. A good part of the Cardano community is engaged in the ecosystem since they believe that it can change the world for the better. Further, on the technology side this masterpiece has stayed relevant. For example the foundations of the latest developments in Cardano related to sidechains and scaling can be traced back to the settlement layer sections in the essay. Given we are into the Basho phase, governance is the next key aspect and it's essential for new community members to understand Cardano holistically to participate in governance. Overall, the essay indeed articulates what makes Cardano a genuine blockchain compared to many others out there and these reasons make it important to start with.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of categories that will be subsequently covered in content creation:
Set 1:
Set 2:
Set 3:
This set is focussed on the technically aligned audience.
Wherever relevant, the content created will be marked with level of technicality or intended audience. For example, when we talk about the e-UTXO model, a developer needs to be provided in depth technical details whereas someone exploring Cardano blockchain for augmenting their business process or looking to invest in ADA may need to understand just the advantages of e-UTXO model. And so for such topics we will create a simple as well as an in depth version. We will start with topics like e-UTXO model, Proof of Stake. This lays the path for learners to understand the academic merits of Cardano and what makes it a truly decentralized, 3rd generation blockchain.
What is out of scope for content creation?
The academic whitepapers from IOG. We would not translate the research whitepapers at this stage since we think that the benefits of translating them specifically are less. It can indeed be taken up in future if needed.
We call out that through our content we will not be explicitly asking people to buy ADA. The goal is to generate awareness about Cardano for its genuine merits as a 3rd generation blockchain and we have to avoid being mistaken as a marketing scheme. However, we believe that raising awareness in itself will act bullishly for Cardano given the number of crypto users in India today.
1.2 Create audio & visual content in regional languages.
We will make videos in regional languages for relevant subjects from the translated content, latest announcements from IOG and latest events in the Cardano ecosystem. These are intended to be short videos to be uploaded on platforms like Youtube in the 5 languages we cover. The focus will be to reuse the content we prepare and convert the medium of delivery to audio/video.
Track 2 : Accessibility and communication channel
It has to be ensured that the content created is easily accessible to the public and that there is a channel for the audience and our team to interact.
For accessibility, a website will be created that will host all the translated material that is created as well as list out the audio/visual material. Internet penetration in India has grown significantly over the past few years with the rollout of 4G. People own mobile phones even in remote areas, a web based repository will reach the most number of people. The website will be developed in parallel to the content creation so that the content can be made available for consumption soon after creation.
Discord channels will be set up for each regional language for the audience to interact with each other or with the content creation/guidance team. These channels will allow them to collect continuous feedback from the community so that content can be aligned with their needs and interests.
What is in scope for the website?
What is out of scope for the website?
Track 3: Outreach and promotion
Outreach activities:
For community members who would like to implement a project with Cardano or submit a proposal in upcoming Catalyst Funds, we will share our experience and guidance. Some of our team members have been developing in Cardano and also have got multiple funded proposals as well as delivered proposals from Fund 6 and Fund 7. We can guide the regional community on how to set up Cardano nodes for testnet and mainnet, use the cardano-cli for making transactions or minting native tokens, write Plutus smart contract and test with the PAB simulator, how to interact with browser based wallets from web app using the serialization library and so forth. We will be able to act as a sounding board for ideas as well as troubleshooting challenges for the native speakers. We will also be available to facilitate events such as meetups or hackathons.
Promotion activities:
We will engage in active promotion to a reasonable extent so as to spread the word about the regional content and website. While social media channels are the default medium of promotion, it is likely that our information can get lost in the clutter on social media or that not all sections/age-groups of the society are reached. So we intend to supplement social media publicity with traditional mediums like newspapers. We will publish news in the vernacular newspapers about the website and the communication channels.
Future scope
In future, we would like to package the content we created into a ‘structured course’. For this, we will collaborate with other entities within the Cardano space like Gimbalabs which conducts structured Project Based Learning courses.
Enhancements to the website depending on user feedback and additional of value added features like regional discussion forums.
The key aspects of the feasibility we would like to highlight are:
In previous sections, we described the solution with details. Here we illustrate the roadmap for implementing the solution.
Month 1 (we expect this to be around June /July 2022)
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5 & beyond
Sustainability of this project
The tech infrastructure costs for platform and production support costs (for approx 1 year) have been factored into the budget. Once deployed, we do not expect any changes with the current scope for the website.
In terms of content creation, what has been factored into the solution and spread out in the roadmap covers the foundational content about blockchain and Cardano as well as selected articles and blogs till October 2022. The foundational material prepared till then is not expected to change. However, incremental additions to translations of articles and announcements will be needed. We expect to see regional communities grow in number by then being able to help us out with incremental additions. Future Catalyst funds or other means like ad revenue of the website are options that may be considered if needed for expanding activities.
Total = $29750
We are a team of individuals from India with experience spread across Software Engineering, Teaching, Social Entrepreneurship and Journalism & PR. This team comprises experienced Software Engineers, Plutus and Prism Pioneers, Gimbalabs PPBL member, native speakers covering five languages, members of a delivered Fund 6 project, funded proposer from Fund 7 and an ambassador in the Cardano ecosystem. Notable projects on Cardano in which our teammates are part ot the development team are:
The following section provides short profiles of team members and tracks covered by them under this proposal.
Reshma Mohan
Geetha S
Language skill: Hindi
Karthik Vishwanathan
Sarod Sasidharan
Sandeep Sharma
Vinu Anil
The details of the solution illustrates how this project will be implemented. The kind content that will be created has been enumerated. Further in the roadmap, the timeline for different deliverables have been provided. We believe that with this information the progress can be measured with tangible deliverables and the development can be tracked using the milestones in the roadmap.
The following are our success metrics
In 3 months:
Successfully launched website which allows discovery of content in regional languages
In 4 months:
More than 100 users in communication channels
In 6 months:
Observable increase in number of proposers & proposals from India in Catalyst Funds. While it is possible for that to not have a bearing on this project, given that awareness about Cardano is very less in India today, we will consider a positive correlation between the number of users accessing the regional content and increase in activity from India in Catalyst Funds, to indicate the accomplishment from this project.
Further we hope that our efforts will enthuse the community to collaborate more for building and learning Cardano. Events like hackathons and meetups are something we will try to promote throughout communication and outreach activities and those will become additional achievements.
This is a new proposal.
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Team of experienced software engineers, Plutus Pioneers, Prism Pioneers and Gimbalabs PPBL members, native speakers covering five major Indian languages. Members of a delivered Fund 6 project and funded proposers from Fund 7 with about a year's experience building on Cardano.