Last updated a year ago
Difficulty in auditing 300+ proposals is impacting our ability to scale. How can we provide regular project updates to voters after funding?
Extend Wada's auditing pilot program by increasing head count and the number of proposals it can audit over the next 6 months.
This is the total amount allocated to Auditing African Proposals, By Wada.
Extend Wada's auditing pilot program by increasing head count and the number of proposals it can audit over the next 6 months.
Funded Catalyst auditor (F6) with a team established and ready to grow their auditing capabilities. On-the-ground visibility of funded African projects and well as partnerships with many of them.
Main deliverable:
An extended, 3-month audit program with the aim of providing visibility and insights into funded African proposals for the Catalyst community. The audits are then to be shared with the Catalyst community through the 'Wada Showcase' website and the Wada YouTube channel.
Project Brief:
Wada Showcase (WS) will profile various funded proposals from Project Catalyst through reporting, documentation, articles, interviews and live demos. These proposals will be Africa focused, either by location or by user base. The members of the WS team will be known as ‘Wada Oracles’, individuals who are trusted by Wada and the Cardano community to vet projects, keep up to date with their progress and report back in a timely and informative manner.
The main objectives for this audit program are:
We are currently a 5-member team with over 15 funded African proposals under audit. The aim of this proposal is to extend our capacity by 3x, with the goal of 15 team members auditing more than 45 funded proposals.
Future Use Cases:
A fast-approaching goal will be to have audited every funded African proposal on Catalyst. Beyond that, three pathways for continued audit engagements are:
Tooling and Methodology:
Challenge KPIs (Impact):
The project directly addresses the challenge need by focusing on projects that currently have a low visibility and community understanding of implementation process.
Risk Management:
Auditing standards: WADA will oversee the program and create documentation around auditing standards for the initial group to follow. After the program is successfully concluded, a program audit will take place, best practices from the program will be identified and incorporated into a guidebook. We are also supported by several partners with decades of experience in auditing methodologies.
Auditors' commitment: By having an application process, we will only select those who have a demonstrated commitment to completing the program, as well as tying incentives to the completion of the audits, within the timeframe given.
Quality of content: Similarly, by our application process, but also by limiting the number of proposals under audit for each hire and applying a bi-monthly cadence to the reporting times, we can ensure a high quality of output across individuals.
Roadmap: (After successful funding)
First 30 Days:
3 months:
6 months:
9 months:
Main deliverable and outcome:
A 3-month audit program of funded Africa-based or Africa-focused Catalyst proposals. Outcomes will be shared on the Wada Showcase website and the Wada Youtube channel.
Total: $38000
(Note that there is a 200% increase in committed output, and only a 50% increase in costs. The larger the team and the better the tools, the lower the cost per audit will be.)
A developer will be on hand to assist us in building a platform for the team to use that will serve as both an education portal and an audit tracker. The audit partners we have will also provide consultation on methods of scaling audits in a cost-efficient matter.
Our audit team are made up of students being trained with a number of audit tools and frameworks, which allows us to keep costs low, while maintaining a high standard of output.
Core team & roles:
Wada Team:
Josh F - Global Lead @ Wada
Ex-KPMG consultant, security-audit trained for investment banks and global payment processors. Funded proposer and challenge setter, active Catalyst member since Fund 2, stakepool operator and Catalyst conference host.
Mercy A - Coordination lead @ Wada
Has a combined 25+ years' experience in Project Management and Engagement (West Africa, Canada) Healthcare (UK, Canada) and brings a wealth of experience and passion to this project. Mercy is responsible for WADA coordination, and building partnerships.
Afia Owusu - Project Lead + Regional Manager @ Wada
Holds an MSc degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Lancaster, UK and a BSc. (Hons) in Natural Resources Management, University of Science and Technology (UST), Kumasi, Ghana. She coordinated the Project Wildlife Clubs of African implemented by Birdlife International involving 17 African countries with the major output being information exchange between African Wildlife Clubs and their international counterparts through development of an electronic manual for the mainstreaming of environmental education for participating countries.
Wada Oracles (Pilot team):
Main Stakeholder: Wada (
Relevant Partners:
Introductory article to the project and team members: Article
Key Metrics:
What success looks like:
By the end of the program, the extended WO team will have audited all F3-F7 funded African projects to a high standard, with 150+ unique pieces of content created.
*3 months*: Auditors hired, projects identified and allocated, platform developed, with 45+ projects under audit.
*6 months*: All audits are completed and reviewed within the timeline at a 90% accuracy rating (ie. No audit submissions for the wrong projects, or duplicates)
This proposal is a continuation of the pilot program outlined in the Fund 6 proposal. link
Affiliated Proposals:
Grow Wada, Grow Cardano:
Wada Qualitative Audit:
Past Proposals:
Scale up WADA's Outreach Program:
Planting Roots in Africa:
Interested in contributing or partnering? Get in touch today by contacting
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Funded Catalyst auditor (F6) with a team established and ready to grow their auditing capabilities. On-the-ground visibility of funded African projects and well as partnerships with many of them.