Last updated 3 years ago
Data about Cardano treasury and funds are distributed between multiple sources in multiple formats.
Extend Project Catalyst data to include payouts, funds, voting statistics so that transactions from the treasury can be easily identified.
This is the total amount allocated to ₳GOV: Timelines and Treasury Data .
Extend Project Catalyst data to include payouts, funds, voting statistics so that transactions from the treasury can be easily identified.
1 x Systems Engineering, 1 x Social Designer.
₳GOV Managed Project - Our projects have been funded in F4, F5, F6 and F7. For more information review our projects and experience at
Adagov is currently assembling information about Project Catalyst timelines, proposals, campaigns and funds, into a single, open and exportable database. We propose extending this to all available catalyst data which is currently distributed among a number of resources online.
You can find the currently assembled data here:
Campaigns and Funds:
The Auditability challenge aims to ensure transparency in the use of Cardano's treasury resources, which will allow the Cardano community to have more information on the development of funded proposals through a checks and balances system.
We propose aggregating and indexing all official publicly available Catalyst data to include treasury funds, funded projects, all proposals, number of wallets voting and information extracted from official funded projects documents and from the multitude of sources.
There is a large amount of data cleaning and entry to be able to execute this project successfully, but the data is available in a number of different, distributed sources.
The biggest risk is that these sources may disappear, or become closed (either technically or legally) in the time it takes to implement the project and that ongoing, these circumstances may also happen to the data sources. At this point, additional funding may be required to keep the concept operational.
We're requesting $35,000
The following is our budget breakdown:
1 x PM, 1 x Data Engineer - Ro Mathew (ex Product Management, 10 Yrs Dev, Machine Learning Lead)
1 x Freelancer - Data Entry operator from the community or ODesk/Upwork
We'll place track visits to the platform hosting data location. We will not collect any personally identifiable information and will only use this data for the purposes of Catalyst metric reporting.
A fully functioning platform that provides a unified, integrity validated source for Project Catalyst data.
Continuation of Fund 5 - Open Data and Ideas for Cooperation. This project investigated existing platforms and developed an MVP of possible operation of a platform tracking Catalyst data.
1 x Systems Engineering, 1 x Social Designer.
₳GOV Managed Project - Our projects have been funded in F4, F5, F6 and F7. For more information review our projects and experience at