Last updated 3 years ago
Fund 7 had a unmanageable sea of CA reviews rendering vCAs filtering work a heavy burden
vCAs need an interactive and personalized spam filter for this reviews. The similarity tool is not enough.
This is the total amount allocated to Bayes Spam filter for vCAs.
vCAs need an interactive and personalized spam filter for this reviews. The similarity tool is not enough.
PhD in theoretical physics, and author of the cardano transaction editor.
Each vCA can upload the CSV file of reviews and interactively and in a composing manner can flag reviews. That is his initial work gets probabilistically multiplied over the remaining of his work. That is as they flag reviews early with high attention span they train the spam filter. As their initial flagging constructs a model of what spam and bot reviews look like the filter will just automatically flag them away.
vCAs will have more focus time to work on quality reviews
A 2 category spam filter might not be enough for the complexity of reviews. Yet at least it must be good enough to get spam reviews away. Or do you still receive a lot of spam in your email inbox?
Spam filters are well understood. The hard work is to make them an live tool for the vCA review process
Myself and I need to recruit some Backend developers
Service will be online
We get quality reviews and don't worry about poor reviews flooding our system.
New proposal
PhD in theoretical physics, and author of the cardano transaction editor.